Painting “Sunflowers” ​​using nitcography technique

Nitography is such an exciting technique that when you see any picture, you want to quickly decorate it not with felt-tip pens, paints and pencils, but with threads. Plant objects (all kinds of flowers, trees) look great in this technique; images of animals, landscape paintings and even portraits of people come out funny. Each painting begins with you starting to think about what colors you will choose, where the main subject of the work will be placed, what shade will be best for the background. Today we will introduce you to a master class on making the painting “Sunflowers” ​​using the technique of thread printing.
Prepare the following materials for work:
- a piece of chipboard of any size (in the photo it is a rectangular piece 30x40 cm);
- a tube of PVA glue and a glue brush;
- scissors;
- a simple pencil;
- long wooden skewer;
- knitting threads of the same thickness (all possible shades of blue, yellow and green, plus black thread).

Painting Sunflowers technique nitkografiya

Step 1. First, decide what kind of picture you want to make, how many sunflowers will be depicted in the picture. It could be a huge field or three large flowers (as in the photo).Draw with a simple pencil the design you want to make. If you don’t know how to draw, then find a suitable picture on the Internet, print it on a printer and glue it to the base of the work.
Step 2. Now you need to draw the borders of the images using threads. Green should be used to indicate the outlines of stems and leaves, yellow should be used to indicate flower petals, and black should be used to fill in the centers of sunflowers. To do this, apply glue in those places where the lines were drawn with a pencil. In order for the threads to lie evenly on the base, you need to align them with a wooden stick.

Painting Sunflowers technique nitkografiya

Step 3. Once the borders of the drawings are firmly glued, you can begin to fill the images with colored threads. For sunflower petals, it is better to take all shades of yellow, lemon, and orange. To fill the internal space, it is important to cut the threads to size. Pre-measure the thread and cut it to the desired length. Or glue the end of the thread and trim it at the edge of the border.

Painting Sunflowers technique nitkografiya

To paint leaves and stems, take dark green, light green, mint and light green threads. When gluing them, alternate shades to make the picture more colorful and bright. To ensure that the threads are glued evenly and there are no unfilled spaces left, it is important to periodically adjust them with a wooden stick and tighten them with your fingers, pressing them to the base.

Painting Sunflowers technique nitkografiya

Step 4. To form the background color, take a light green thread and a blue one. Draw a horizon line and sketch out the sky and earth. Try to be more careful at this stage so that the background turns out smooth and beautiful.

Painting Sunflowers technique nitkografiya

This is such a beautiful, bright and bewitching picture obtained using the nitcography technique.All you have to do is wait until all the threads are tightly glued together and trim evenly all those that hang outside the boundaries of the chipboard. Place the picture in a beautiful frame and hang it on the most visible part of the wall. Friends and acquaintances who see such beauty will appreciate your talent and envy your perseverance.
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