DIY napkin rings

When we prepare for the arrival of guests, we always want to give them a warm welcome. We really want to surprise the people close to us not only with delicious food, but also with original table settings. The hostesses take out the most beautiful dishes, prepare their signature dishes and try their best to give the evening a festive atmosphere. Sound familiar? Then, if you, like me, like to surprise guests, then this master class may be useful to you. Today I will show you how you can add brightness and sophistication to your table. We will make napkin rings - a small attribute of the festive table that will significantly decorate your evening and make the table truly elegant.

Napkin rings

Ready to get started?
Let's prepare the necessary tools and items:
- cardboard tube
- satin fabric
- glue
- lace
- pencil
- ruler
- scissors
- threads
- needle
- beads
- ribbons for decoration

necessary tools and items

First you need to decide on the width of the ring. It all depends on your desire, the width can be from 3 to 6-7 cm. I will do 5 cm. We measure 5 cm with a ruler and cut off the ring. It will be more convenient to cut it with a knife, but I cut it with scissors.


We measure a piece of satin with a length equal to the circumference of the ring + 5 mm for allowance, and a width twice the width of the ring.

Measuring a piece of atlas

Using Moment Crystal glue I glue one edge of the satin to the inside of the ring. This is a little awkward to do, but be patient and glue the fabric evenly. Instead of Moment glue, you can use a silicone gun. This, as they say, depends on whoever is comfortable.

glue the fabric evenly

Then I carefully glue the second edge of the fabric to the inside of the ring. If the seam is not very neat, you can glue tape on top. But this is optional. I do not do this. This is how the ring turned out.

stick the tape

We measure out the lace. Its width is 5 cm, this is exactly what I need, the length is equal to the circumference of the ring + 5 mm for the allowance.

Measuring lace

I apply glue pointwise along the edges of the ring from the front side and carefully glue the lace.

I carefully glue the lace

Now we need to close the lace seam. To do this, we make a bow from ribbons. I have a chocolate-colored satin, so I’ll take chocolate and cream ribbon. We measure out a piece of chocolate-colored ribbon equal to 10 cm in length. Bend the ribbon in half, measure the middle and glue the ends of the ribbon to the fold of the ribbon.

glue the ends of the tape

We do the same with the cream-colored ribbon, but measure it 2 cm shorter so that the bow is smaller.


Glue the white bow onto the brown one and sew the bead on with thread. Here is the finished bow.

ready bow

Glue the bow along the seam of the lace onto the ring. The ring is ready, side view.

Glue the bow along

There can be a lot of serving options. Here are 2 of them.

Serving options

Serving options

And there can also be many options for making the rings themselves. It all depends on what exactly you find in the bins at home. Here, for example, are rings made according to the same principle as described in the master class, but using different lace and contrasting bows. The width of the rings is 4 and 3 cm.

Ring width

These rings are also covered with lace, but with a different texture. Under the lace, the ring is covered with ribbons.

covered with lace

Here is a ring covered with 2 rows of lace. I think it looks very elegant, especially if you have a lace tablecloth.

looks very elegant

This is what a narrow ring looks like on a napkin, the width of the ring is 3 cm.

Napkin rings

Rings covered with ribbons and lace on top, ring width 3 cm.

Napkin rings

Contrast of different ribbons in color and texture.

Napkin rings

And finally, rings covered with satin and ribbons.

Napkin rings

These rings will also help you in decorating stylized parties. They can be made in the same color scheme and are not limited to ribbons. It all depends on your imagination!
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