Flower headband for hair

Flower headband for hair

One of the latest fashionable hair accessories is flowers. A wreath with large flowers looks especially elegant and incredibly gentle and beautiful. The cost of such accessories is quite high, but you can make it in less than an hour without spending a lot of money yourself. To do this you will need:

will be needed

- lining fabric, silk, chiffon or organza for the flower;
- green fabric or mesh for leaves;
- scissors;
- fabric-colored thread and needle;
- a small candle and matches;
- glue;
- a simple, thin headband;
- optional rhinestones, beads, etc.

Cut the fabric into strips of different widths, then into squares of different sizes, then trim the corners of each square, eventually forming something similar to circles.

Cut the fabric into strips

cut circles

Next we need a candle, light it and very carefully burn each circle along the edge - this will give you petals. Stack them one on top of the other in a checkerboard pattern, or slightly moving each next one, thus forming a flower.

scorch the edges


Sew the resulting flower through, and sew 4 petals folded in four into the middle; you can dilute the middle with a fabric of a different composition, but of the same color, or add beads, rhinestones, or something to your taste.

Sew through

folded in four

You need to sew leaves from the bottom, cut out strips of green fabric, cut the ends on both sides using scissors so that you get sharp tips in the form of leaves, twist them in the middle and sew them to the bottom of the flower.

sew leaves

Glue or sew the resulting flowers in the required quantity to the headband and wait until they dry. An unusual and very beautiful accessory is ready!

glue or sew to the headband

flower headband

Flower headband for hair
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