Headband with flower

Flowers literally filled everything. Fashion designers suggest wearing clothes with floral patterns. It can be not only on a blouse or jacket, but also on trousers, jackets, leggings, skirts, and even shoes. And stylish accessories with flowers have not gone out of fashion for many years: hairpins and elastic bands, wreaths and headbands, bracelets and pendants, massive rings and much more.
Today you will learn how to make a lush flower that will decorate the headband. For work, prepare the following components:
- hairband (wide or narrow);
- sewing thread and needle;
- pieces of felt, fleece or any other durable material that is cut without fringe (you can use napkins for home cleaning). You will need yellow, green and blue (pink).

Fleece headband with flower

At the initial stage, you need to prepare the details of the work. Cut out 6 large blue circles (5.5 cm in diameter), 6 small circles (3.5 cm in diameter), two green leaves (7 cm in length) and a yellow circle (2 cm in diameter).

Fleece headband with flower

Fold two blue circles: small onto large, so that there is a point of contact at the bottom.

Fleece headband with flower

Use blue thread to sew the edges of the two pieces together.In this case, you need to fold the circles so that you can sew them together to create a fold of fabric (as shown in the photo).

Fleece headband with flower

This should produce 6 lush petals for a large flower.

Fleece headband with flower

They all need to be sewn together. It is better to turn them right side down and connect them in the center with small stitches.

Fleece headband with flower

Fleece headband with flower

It turns out to be an original flower. Glue or sew a small yellow circle in the center (the middle of the bud).

Fleece headband with flower

All you have to do is fix two green leaves. Choose the location at your discretion.

Fleece headband with flower

The flower is ready, now it needs to be fixed on the rim.

Fleece headband with flower

To do this, cut a blue rectangle (1 cm by 3 cm - the size of the rim) and sew it to the flower by the narrow sides. Pull the headband through the resulting loop.

Fleece headband with flower

This is the kind of fashionable accessory you can get without spending a lot of money and with minimal effort.

Fleece headband with flower

Don't be afraid to experiment with the size of the petals, the texture of the fabric and the number of flowers on one rim.
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