Cozy home. Page 9

Master classes:

Lampshade made of threads

What can you do on a long winter evening? You can lie on the sofa with a remote control and seeds or popcorn, watch interesting films on TV. You can communicate with friends and just good acquaintances on the Internet,

Daisies in stocking technique

Flowers in the stocking technique, or, as they are also called, flowers with faces, are a very unusual and original decoration for your interior. Cute, funny flowers will delight their owners, causing a smile and tenderness. Such flowers are also suitable as

Decorating a flower pot

Perhaps every housewife, after preparing dinner, is left with eggshells, which inevitably end up in the trash. But you can show your imagination, and this unnecessary material will become an excellent decor for many things. You can use eggshells

Rug made of pompoms

Everyone wants to have beautiful, cozy and practical things in their home, and if they are also made by your own hands, then it’s simply magical. Add something cute like a pom pom rug to your space. They are very soft, warm and cozy, and

Decorating a flower pot with fabric

Identical flower pots create a dull picture. I want them, like flowers, to be different and not similar to each other. You can buy pots of different colors and shapes. Or you can sew your own unique clothes for each pot. In that

Home decor – ballerina made from a napkin

We all love our home to be beautiful, cozy and stylish. You can make many decorative decorations yourself, just use a little imagination. Today I want to teach you how to make a lovely ballerina from wire and napkins,

Thread box

Beautiful and convenient boxes for storing various trinkets are always needed in the house. For example, I like to knit, but over the years of doing this hobby I have collected a lot of leftover yarn, which, on the one hand, I need, and on the other, is constantly lying in

Fridge magnet machine

After an interesting trip or memorable event, the collection of souvenir magnets on our refrigerators is replenished. Funny or themed, bas-relief or rectangular - they all remind us of pleasant moments in life. Sometimes it gets like this

Luxurious picture frame

Everyone knows how the environment changes, all you have to do is hang a few paintings on the wall. Especially those, you know, solid, luxurious ones, in a heavy gilded frame. But, it’s worth asking the price for such picture frames in framing workshops, as they cover


The power of the play of light in terms of organizing comfort and coziness in the home has long been proven. Sconces, floor lamps, lamps - each of these lighting devices creates its own, unique contribution to the overall ambiance of the apartment. Sometimes, looking at a truly interesting and non-standard

Magnet Christmas

Few people know that holly is a symbol of Christmas. Christmas winter owls sit on this holly tree, guarding the house. I want to tell you how to make a magnet with these little owls. Napkins can be bought at stationery stores and supermarkets. If not

Paper towel holder

Paper towels are always an indispensable item in the kitchen. I suggest making a towel holder with your own hands. Its design is very simple, and creation will take no more than two hours. In this case, you will get a very durable holder, you will

Souvenir boot

Children associate such a boot with fairy tales and miracles. Therefore, the child will be happy to put aside all his children’s affairs in order to make the same beautiful and slightly magical shoes together with his mother. And for this you need to prepare: • thick cardboard; •

Spruce wreath

In the city, not all owners agree to bring a New Year's tree into the house, citing lack of space. But what would a New Year's holiday be without the smell of pine? You definitely need to bring home a few real spruce legs and make a New Year's wreath your own

Panel made from newspaper tubes

Panel translated from French means “piece of fabric.” But if you look at what compositions skilled craftswomen can make, you can’t call them anything other than works of decorative art. Back in the 18th century, mosaic panels decorated churches and

Kitchen accessory

It is very easy to create a stylish decoration for the kitchen. It’s enough to put in a little effort, add some imagination and spend just an hour of time. The jars are bottles of valerian.But you can use any other medicine bottles. Basically

Decorating a wall in an easy and affordable way

We often get bored with our usual and monotonous lifestyle. I want to brighten up my gray days with positivity and bright events. At such moments, any change around brings joy. For example, it can be brought by changing the interior or decorating a wall.

Natural freshener

Everyone likes it when their apartment, office or any other room has a pleasant smell. This can be achieved with the help of a store-bought air freshener, which comes in different varieties and is sold everywhere. However, today I want to tell you about what is good,

Curtains - threads

As you know, curtains are designed to decorate windows, thereby protecting yourself from moonlight or daylight. But the curtains that you will read about below will certainly surprise and interest you, because curtains - threads are not created and used

Napkin rings

How to beautifully fold napkins at the holiday table? Every housewife asked this question when preparing to welcome guests. Napkin rings have become popular lately. And this is not surprising, because with their help you can effectively

Recipe book decoration

We decorate a cookbook or recipe book, which every housewife probably has. It’s not convenient to keep dozens of recipes in your head and it’s impossible to remember everything, so if you still don’t have this simple attribute of your kitchen, we recommend

New life for old jeans

For almost every girl, jeans are the most practical and favorite thing. They are suitable for walking, traveling, and noisy parties.Therefore, parting with old jeans is very difficult. Don't throw frayed jeans in the trash

How to breathe new life into old wallpaper

Most people do not have the opportunity to make repairs as often as they would like. The reasons for this are a modest budget, lack of free time, and more often, both at the same time. Know: any problem can be solved, the main thing is to have the desire and

Aquarium in a vase

Everyone knows that an aquarium is an excellent decoration for the interior of an apartment. But not everyone knows that an ordinary flower vase can be turned into an aquarium. An aquarium in a vase has three undeniable advantages. Firstly, it does not take up much space and