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How to make a device for removing snow from a roof

Shoveling snow off your roof is difficult, slow and unsafe. But you can make a device for removing snow from the roof with your own hands. It is very simple, quite effective and completely safe. If it is available, there is no need to climb onto the roof -

How to make a toilet freshener with your own hands

A toilet freshener is an indispensable thing in any home, without which it is impossible to do without when visiting the toilet. It is designed to eliminate indoor odors and plumbing contamination. Most housewives prefer to use for this purpose

How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

When arranging life in a country house, we often encounter the problem of digging a trench up to 2 m deep to lay a water pipe from a common well behind the fence of the site to the house and installation in the house. The task is not easy, considering that

The laziest way to clear snow imaginable

Once I once saw that some motorists were covering their car with a tarpaulin.And as soon as they have a desire to go somewhere, they remove this tarpaulin along with the snow that fell on it during street parking. On

Free decor and wall insulation

There are enough materials for decorative wall decoration. But this does not stop creative people from coming up with new homemade examples of such decor. So today we present to you decorative tiles in the form of cut bricks, which

11 mice per night. The best DIY mousetrap

This is simply the best mousetrap design I've ever seen. It is simple, accessible and very effective in operation. With its help you can exterminate entire battalions of mice. In one night I managed to catch 11 pieces at once! It seems to me that this is true

How to make a simple lamp from PVC pipe

On the Internet you can find a bunch of homemade products made from PVC pipes. It would seem, what can be made from a PVC sewer or ventilation pipe? In fact, this material is simply a godsend for craftsmen. After all, the simplest PVC pipes can quite easily and

How to cut a bottle lengthwise and make original dishes

If you have beautiful bottles with an impressive design, then do not rush to throw them away. There is a way to turn them into interior decoration or even use them as original tableware. I'll tell you and show you how I cut the bottle lengthwise.

3 most popular cable antennas for digital TV. Which one to choose?

A lot of people make antennas from regular coaxial cable for the new DVB-T/T2 digital television.Basically, these three designs below are especially popular. Let's collect all three copies and check which antenna is the same

How to make a lampshade from a plastic bottle

Anyone can make a very simple, almost designer lamp. This does not require a lot of time and a lot of expensive materials. The article will talk about how to make a lampshade for an energy-saving lamp from plastic bottles, which

How to make slate glue

Slate has been used as a roofing material for a long time. It has many advantages and one drawback - under critical loads it cracks, leaks appear, and it is difficult to make airtight connections at the joints of the roof. If the material is used

How to make a cool lamp from PVC pipe

Creative ideas often arise unexpectedly and seemingly out of nowhere. But their material implementation gives such dividends that the costs of their implementation actually seem meager. Today we will try from a pipe that looks unattractive at first glance

Comprehensive cleaning of the iron using all available means

Now I will show you how incredibly easy it is to clean the iron not only from the outside, but also from the inside, using products that are always available in almost any kitchen. In one go, the soleplate of the iron and its water tank with all channels will be cleaned. Iron again

How to make a UPPERLIG floor lamp like from IKEA and save money

Good afternoon I saw the UPPERLIG floor lamp in the IKEA store.I liked the lamp and considering how much it costs (about 4,000 rubles), I figured that I could make one myself for almost pennies. And went to the nearest construction shop

Water, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide against rust - I share my personal experience of cleaning a dish dryer

Vacation “crept up unnoticed.” The time has come to do something that you simply haven’t gotten around to doing all year. I've been looking at my dish drainer for a long time. It is metal, bought in an economy class store. The quality is appropriate. So

How to make a gate with a secret: yours will open, someone else’s won’t

Everyone wants to protect their area from the penetration of unauthorized persons; for this purpose, various fences are erected, gates and wickets are made. A lock is installed on the gate; it is used when leaving home for a long time. Used daily

Simple DIY folding clothes dryer

This is a very convenient clothes dryer that will not bother anyone since it easily folds when not in use. Very simple design to repeat. To extend the life of clothes and linen and at the same time maintain their presentation, they should not be

How to easily clean a dirty pan from carbon deposits

Every housewife knows how difficult it is to clean the surface of a pan from carbon deposits, especially if it is more than one month old. There is a very effective way to restore the appearance of dishes with minimal physical effort. Moreover, the surfaces are not at all

How to repair a kitchen knife with a broken tip (tip)

If you handle the knife carelessly, you can damage and even break off its tip. As a result, the cutting object loses not only its visual appeal, but also some of its important functions. It becomes not very convenient for them to work and not too

How to Refill a Disposable Spice Grinder

Many people have disposable pepper grinders. They are very convenient to use, the degree of grinding satisfies chefs, and transparent containers allow you to control the amount of product. The only drawback is that the devices are not dismountable, after use

A quick and 100% way to eliminate a leaking toilet cistern

Each of us has encountered an unpleasant situation - the tank is filled with water, the float is raised to the top position, and the water is constantly leaking a little. There is a radical option - to completely replace the entire mechanism, but this is expensive and time-consuming. In addition, to

3 most affordable ways to sharpen a kitchen knife

A dull knife not only makes cooking much more difficult, but also increases the risk of injury. It has to be pressed with great effort, vegetables slip out of wet hands, and the blade gets into soft tissue. In implementation there is

How to Clean a Very Dirty Frying Pan Without Extra Effort

There are many different tips on this topic on the Internet, some of them are quite effective, others make you smile with their naivety. But all methods require long-term cooking of dishes in a large container - the kitchen is filled with a very unpleasant smell,

How to quickly and easily clean a shower head yourself

Sooner or later, depending on the quality (hardness) of the water in the water supply system, the shower head of a bathtub or shower stall may become clogged. Water begins to flow outward through some holes, while through others it stops flowing altogether or only drips.