Handicraft techniques. Page 15

Master classes:

Surface decor using the “Dot painting” technique

Spot painting is the simplest way to decorate various surfaces and products, which does not require expensive materials or professional artistic skills. This master class covers the decor of a palette for face sculpting

Master class on decorating a unique mug

Often, you need to give something not very expensive, but at the same time with all your heart and love. At such moments, you need to think about the question: what can you do with your own hands? After all, the gifts that are dearest to the heart are those made by hand. Great

Folder for children's documents for girls

Like any citizen of any country, at birth, every girl in the first weeks of her life receives the first and most important document, her birth certificate. No matter what happens in life, and no matter how fate turns in the future, this

Box "Mom and Dad's Treasures"

The greatest and long-awaited happiness in every family is the birth of a baby.Starting from conception to childbirth, the baby is alone with his mother every second and moment. Carrying a baby under your heart is the most

Necklace “Sunny Mood”

In this master class you will learn how to make a bright and sophisticated necklace. No special skills are required for manufacturing. Material for work: - metallized fishing line diameter 0.35 mm; - thin-nose pliers and wire cutters; - pins...

Shabby chic lamp

A stylish interior is, first of all, thoughtful details. They are the indicator of a good impression of the room. Such important details include lighting. It happens that a lamp that was once pleasing to the eye is tired or not

Hair decorations "Poppies"

These elastic bands are decorations made of satin ribbon. Manufacturing is not difficult, without special tools. For work we will prepare: - a red satin ribbon 5 cm wide. - two spools of thread for sewing in black and blue. - a little green

Composition “Bottle of Abundance”

A souvenir that represents monetary abundance will be an excellent addition to the interior of your home. It will make an interesting gift. To complete this we will need: - an empty bottle of an interesting shape. - paper tape. - scissors. - a few coins. - short zipper

Embroidery for beginners

Cross stitch is one of the most famous and popular types of needlework. This hobby is calming and a wonderful leisure activity. In addition, this is real art, thanks to it masterpieces are born.Hand-embroidered compositions

Jacket and hat for baby

Using this master class, you can knit a jacket for a height of 62-68 cm. Materials: children's acrylic YarnArt Baby (300 m in 200 g), knitting needles No. 3 regular and stocking, 4-5 buttons, a couple of extra knitting needles. Types of knitting: 1. Elastic. Face knitting: alternate 1 person,

Soft toy "Minion"

To sew a toy with your own hands, you don’t need a lot of time and skill. Especially if you do it according to the master class. Today I will tell you how to sew a Minion, a soft toy for yourself, for a child, or just as a gift for someone. Us

Foam and plastic decorations for decorative purposes

Summer is a special time. Many housewives, in addition to daily handicraft work, also take up landscaping of their dacha, garden or suburban area. After all, beautiful flower beds, even beds, as well as educational areas for children’s summer fun are the same

We sew a case for glasses from felt

If someone in the family wears glasses, he (or she) often forgets where they were put. To avoid such complications, I decided to sew a eyeglass case for my grandmother from bright red felt. List of what you need: 1.Red hard felt. 2.Two sheets of different felt

Paper swan box

A box in the shape of a swan, folded from a sheet of paper, can become a decoration for a children's holiday table. You can serve some sweets or nuts in it. It will be interesting to get ready to decorate the table and make such a crust with your children.

Panel for the kitchen

The kitchen is a place for eating and a secluded corner for drinking tea. Therefore, the decor should be of a similar theme so that it evokes not only delight, but also appetite. Try to make an original panel from dough and other additional materials.

Album with a mouse Mini Mouse for a little girl

Any mother dreams that from the very birth her little daughter had everything, all the best. Clothes, toys, decorations, room decoration, everything down to the smallest detail must be carefully thought out so that the eye is delighted. My daughter is growing up

Folding purple card "Happy Wedding Day"

The fashionable wedding color of 2016, probably, as many already know, has become lilac-violet. It seems both rich and very delicate at the same time. It follows that if this is a fashionable color of 2016, then, therefore, a lot

Box - photo box

Now we have a master class in front of us, in which we will learn how to make a practical, soft box for children's photographs. We take the following for the master class: • Thick cardboard: two rectangles 16.5*11.5 cm and one 16.5*5.5 cm; • Sintepon; •

How to sew strawberries from felt

Small, funny, juicy and almost real strawberries, sewn from felt, can easily become an element of kitchen decor, a holiday table decoration, a keychain or toy food for a child. It’s not at all difficult to sew such strawberries, but you will need them

3D postcard with tulips

A postcard has always been a distinctive sign of attention and a cute addition to a gift, which is so easy to cheer up. It’s especially nice to receive a handmade postcard. If it is made with your own hands, then you can attach a special meaning,

Water lily from origami modules

In today's Master Class we would like to tell and show how to make a water lily from paper origami modules. In the article you will find a detailed description and assembly diagram. To make a water lily you will need the following materials...

Album for a girl for the first year of life

Every mother dreams that her daughter will have all the best from the first year, therefore, when she is just born into the world, she tries to ensure that she has the most beautiful vests, the most beautiful diapers, the brightest rattles and everything to have

Bunny piggy bank from a plastic jar

An original gift, at the same time a toy and a useful thing, made with your own hands, a gift with meaning and to the place - this is always very pleasant. One such universal gift is a piggy bank. The reason for gifting a piggy bank may be

Headband “Orange Happiness”

Not all little fashionistas like to wear hats or caps, so mothers put knitted headbands on them that cover their ears and fit tightly on their heads. But even such an ordinary bandage can be made original and beautiful. To create such a bandage