Panel for the kitchen

The kitchen is a place for eating and a secluded corner for drinking tea. That's why decor should be of a similar theme so that it arouses not only delight, but also appetite.
Try to make an original panel from dough and other additional materials.
Panel for the kitchen

To work you need to prepare:
- a piece of hardboard;
- wooden frame;
- wall plinth;
- glue gun;
- pieces of openwork and transparent fabric;
- gouache paint;
- golden paint in a tube or jar;
- clear nail polish;
- modeling dough.
The main material from which all the elements of the picture are made is dough. You can purchase ready-made dough for creativity; it is sold in different shades. But dough made at home is in no way inferior in quality to store-bought dough. Here's his recipe!
Mix 2 cups flour with 1 cup salt (for example, 4 cups flour and 2 cups salt). You need to use coarse salt. Add 1 large spoon of starch and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Then gradually add water and knead the dough. It should resemble soft plasticine. Let the dough sit! The material can be stored for a very long time in plastic bags.You can immediately paint it in different shades by adding food coloring.
Now take the frame you have and measure its size. Cut out the base for the frame from hardboard and glue these two parts together. The hardboard should be immediately painted with gouache paint. Choose the tone that suits the interior of your kitchen.
Cut 2 long pieces from the wall plinth and glue them vertically. Then you need to make 4 short planks, place them horizontally. You will get 6 cells.
The next stage of the work is coating the frame and parts of the plinth with golden paint.
Now move on to making dough crafts. In the center of the picture there is a samovar and 3 cups and saucers. Round bagels are attached to the samovar.
Panel for the kitchen

And sweet treats are placed in small cells. This is a small cake.
Panel for the kitchen

Gingerbread and round cookies.
Panel for the kitchen

Strawberries on a branch.
Panel for the kitchen

Buns, buns and bagels.
Panel for the kitchen

Candies with dough filling.
Panel for the kitchen

Clay pot with honey.
Panel for the kitchen

All details of the picture must be sculpted separately, dried and painted with gouache. And only then glue it to the base and cover it with transparent varnish.
The final stage is decor. You can make improvised curtains over the samovar, and instead of a tablecloth, glue a piece of openwork fabric.
The composition is ready!
Panel for the kitchen

It will become a magnificent decoration for your kitchen and will delight your guests.
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