Decoupage. Page 3

Master classes:

Decorative plate

Recently I was invited to a birthday party and, naturally, the question of a gift arose. To be honest, I don’t like choosing gifts, especially for people who live in abundance. Have you ever wondered what to give to the person who has everything? Here

Beautiful jars for the kitchen

How often do we housewives spend time in the kitchen? Probably most of the daylight hours. And it’s not dawn that they say that the kitchen is the face of the housewife. Of course, I want this “face” to be as beautiful as possible. Therefore, I want to share with you what I purchased.

Candle for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, gourmet dinner, tenderness and hugs, and, of course, candles. Where would we be without them? In our time of incorrigible romantics, not a single love surprise passes without candles. Let's try to make a real scented candle with our own

Coffee storage container

This decorated jar can be used not only to store coffee and decorate the kitchen interior, but will also become a pleasant handmade gift for loved ones. It’s not easy to make such a nice container from available materials.

“Tea house” using decoupage technique

Almost all women simply adore various things “to please the eye” in their kitchen. A box for storing tea bags “Tea House” is exactly the “thing” that any housewife will be happy with.

Decorating the cup

How nice it is to drink your favorite drink from a beautiful and original cup. And at home it’s not at all difficult to decorate any plain cup. The whole job takes one hour. That is, in any free time you can sit comfortably at the table and

Balls for the New Year tree

New Year is a holiday that is loved by absolutely every person, it is not just a holiday, it is real winter magic and a miracle that comes to every home. Every adult on this holiday becomes like a baby, rejoices, screams,

Decoupage wooden box

Hello dear needlewomen and hand-made lovers! I present to your attention a master class on decorating a box. Decorate an ordinary wooden box made of plywood (8 mm) using the decoupage technique, in the shabby chic style.

Decoupage champagne bottle

If you want to decorate your holiday table or if you want to make an original and inexpensive gift, then pay attention to this master class.We hope you find it informative and interesting. Today we invite you to make decoupage

Decoupage passport cover

Decoupage is one of the interesting modern handicraft techniques, which is widely used for the manufacture and decoration of handmade products. It is very diverse and interesting because the range of creative products is very rich and the subject

Making and decoupaging candles

The New Year's atmosphere on the festive table is always created by additional accessories that complement and truly enrich the holiday called the New Year. This holiday is magical in its own way, so you need to celebrate it with special magic.

Butterfly hair clips

Little girls always love, like their mothers, to dress up, do different hairstyles and come up with some new images for themselves. Of course, to decorate your hair you need hoops, hairpins, elastic bands and other accessories.

Transforming your hair comb

Nowadays many people prefer to use wooden combs. Such combs are environmentally friendly, do not damage the scalp, and do not electrify the hair, unlike plastic ones. But more often than not, these combs simply polish well without causing

Composition of colored salt and artificial flowers

To decorate your home with an original composition, you don’t have to look for it in the store. DIY decor will definitely fill your home with warmth and comfort. Materials that will be required during the work: - transparent vase; - color

“Sunny” bag for the summer season

A new season of holidays, sun and beach will open very soon. In the meantime, while surviving the last autumn drafts and rains, you can create a couple of stylish things that will delight you with warmth and light. The decoupage technique is considered to be the simplest and most accessible - with its

Decoupage wall clock

Materials: Pronty watch-shaped blank • Stamperia materials: Primer • Allegro acrylic paint (6 white) • Colla Velo decoupage glue • Rice paper • KEOZM two-step craquelure composition • Purpurin DP04B • KES05 aerosol varnish •

Exclusive spice jars

Tart, hot and unusually fragrant spices and herbs are not just a culinary whim, but an integral ingredient of any oriental colorful dish. But despite their high position in the kitchen, they are usually stored in ordinary

Decoupage eggs for Easter

Since time flies quickly and, as always, there is plenty to do, we are now sitting down to decorate the Easter table. Each egg made in this way warms the soul and pleases the eye. So let's get started. To decorate the egg we need the egg itself, in our

New life for an old vase

Materials needed to transform an old vase: 1. Old vase, preferably transparent - 1 pc. 2. Green spray paint – 1 pc. 3. Medium width paper tape – 1 pc. 4. Various ribbons, rhinestones, sequins, beads. 5.

Decorate a candle with beads

Fire has always been something fascinating and alluring for humans. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of us are not indifferent to candles: large, small; wax, paraffin or gel. In stores you can find many candles decorated with the most

Cute chest

Decoupage is an art accessible to everyone. To make an interesting thing using this technique, you do not need special knowledge, which can please everyone. A cute chest, decorated with your own hands, can become storage

Box decorated with fabric, fabric flowers and beads

Material needed to make the box: 1. Any cardboard box. 2. Pieces of fabric. 3. Ribbon or braid. 4. Beads, seed beads, pebbles, etc. 5. Thermal gun.

Reverse decoupage on a plate

Reverse decoupage is a paper applique laid on a hard surface and coated with varnish or paint. Thanks to this technology, you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. So, for example, if you have simple materials, you

Decoration of wedding glasses

Glasses for the bride and groom are a special attribute of the wedding table. The newlyweds are the center of attention throughout the event, so everything that surrounds the couple should be beautiful and memorable. Decoration of wedding glasses has become