Envelope stroller

It’s true what they say: everything ingenious is simple. So it is with this master class. As a result, you will get a small masterpiece - a postcard stroller. Which in itself is already present, in addition to toys, booties, vests. Since the stroller will remain as a long-lasting memory, and the postcard-envelope with a certain amount of money will provide financial assistance to young parents. And besides, the birth of children is a miracle and a holiday. It is the birthday that is the most special and significant, so why not add even more warmth and love to this wonderful day. After all, gifts made with your own hands bring great love and tenderness, and sometimes even serve as a talisman.

So let's get started.
We arm ourselves with cardboard (paper for scrapbooking), glue, hole punchers and borders, and a compass. It’s impossible without clothespins, imagination, free time and a good mood. as you can see the set is minimal. If you don’t have hole punchers and other special attributes, then you have two options: 1. turn to a friend, which is what I did; 2. do without them; it is not necessary to repeat this model exactly. cardboard in combination with fabric, beads, threads and other things also looks very presentable.The main thing is a creative approach.
I have two colors as a base - yellow and green. As a stroller for a long-awaited child. That's why everything is bright and cheerful. Cut out the base of the stroller. These are two semicircles and a connecting strip. The size is at your discretion (I set the compass at 4.5 cm.) Glue everything together.


Making a roof. We cut strips 1.5 cm * 14 cm, make the outer strip longer, about 16-17 cm, depending on what kind of paper is used. It's better to try everything on in advance. Our dome can be made square, like mine, or oval, at your discretion. As you can see in the photo, I combined the colors - I glued green stripes with decor onto the yellow stripes, and green and yellow ones. Again, there are many options here. The main thing is my favorite clothespins.

stroller base

I made simple handles, and with the help of an ordinary toothpick (nippers came to the rescue, I easily made a toothpick of the required size) I connected them by making punctures in the middle of the handles. I decorated it and glued it with lace. Voila, you're done. Happy experimenting.

Stroller envelope

Stroller envelope

Stroller envelope
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Comments (1)
  1. Iogo
    #1 Iogo Guests 10 August 2017 19:01
    An envelope in the shape of a stroller - what could be the best gift for parents of a newborn baby? Such a gift will become a child’s talisman, which will be admired for many years.