Painting a porcelain plate

Ever since I was captivated by such a fascinating activity as glass painting, I was pleased to discover that the eternal question “What to give?” I somehow decided on my own. After all, for any occasion in life there is always an exclusive item ready,

Glass painting - imitation of stained glass.

When the cold October rain rustles outside the window, when the last leaves are torn from the branches by the piercing wind, when... That's it! We urgently take the initiative, as well as the brushes and paints, into our own hands! Let's start creating a bright summer mood!

Interior door decoration

Almost every person has had moments in life when the home interior becomes boring and joyless, and there is a desire to change or redo something. Women begin to rearrange furniture and paintings, insert new ones into frames

Handmade soap

Today, soap making is becoming more and more popular. Making fragrant, beautiful, high-quality handmade soap is not at all difficult. You can also make healthy scrub soap at home. This soap will be excellent

Funny glowing pictures

Glowing pictures - I don’t know what you will use these pictures for, if you repeat my homemade product, I personally hung them in the center of the room as a kind of night light. You can also hang it above your child's crib. I think he will like it. This

Rug with engraving

Anyone can make such a beautiful, and most importantly simple, mouse pad for a computer mouse. You can't buy this in a store! The pattern can be anything, the color of the backlight too. All homemade products are made from all available materials with your own hands.

How to easily sharpen a knife

How to sharpen a knife when there is no sharpening wheel, sandpaper or other goodies at hand with which you could sharpen a dull knife? Believe me, there is something for sharpening a knife in almost every kitchen. . .

The simplest temperature regulator for a soldering iron tip.

Almost every radio amateur is faced with the problem of an overheated soldering iron, when the tip heats up more than necessary. Soldering with such a soldering iron is not very convenient: the solder begins to change color, becomes covered with an oxide film, the flux instantly evaporates or

Installation and upgrade of a motion sensor

This article is not a guide on how to install a sensor, but rather on how to upgrade it yourself for home use. Now motion sensors are sold completely ready for installation. In addition to the motion sensor itself, it has a built-in light sensor and

Electro-chemical engraving on a knife

Electrochemical engraving is very simple. It will not require you to know any peaks in the field of chemistry or physics.Anyone can make it, and the necessary ingredients are available in every home. With this engraving method, you can apply a design without

Make your own pump for SVO

Well, I think some have already guessed what a water cooling system is - it’s a water cooling system. What is a pump? - This is a pump that forces coolant to circulate through the system. In this article I will tell you one example of a homemade pump. . .

Miniature devices for taking exams

I think many people remember the famous film by Leonid Gaidai “Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik”, how they passed the synchrophasotron exams there. This is exactly what this collection of miniature devices for passing exams will be about.

Wheel lighting - LED neon

Anyone can make this awesome LED light for their bike with their own hands. There is no trick, and the result exceeds all expectations. . .

Scrub bot - cleaning robot

As part of my efforts to make our lives easier through robots, I made an inexpensive cleaning bot. This advanced robot cleaner is great for polishing floors and shiny glass tables (as long as you apply a soapy solution).

Generator for wind turbine

Most wind generator builders are faced with a problem - where to get a generator? The usual type from a car or motorcycle will not work, as they need high revs. Today we will make a generator specifically for a windmill. It's simple

DIY lamps

Any homemade lamp is beautiful and unusual.Of course, no one has this except you! I will give you a couple of dozen designs of homemade lamps. After all, the main thing is the idea, not the material!


You can decorate your computer, refrigerator, etc. with stickers. Making a sticker with your own hands is not that difficult, which is what I will actually try to prove to you. I have already published a similar article with the title - you don’t know how to write it off. . . In general, the essence is approximately

Glowing pictures

Glowing pictures are a wonderful holiday gift. Business - nothing at all, but how beautiful. . .

Animated engraving

A lot of new things have been discovered in modding over the years. The technology has become more advanced, and modders have gained a lot of experience. But as then, today most often a single sheet of acrylic is used for engraving. But you can work with several. It may

Ultrasonic washing machine

An ultrasonic washing machine is designed for washing clothes using sound vibrations created in the detergent solution, the frequency of which is close to ultrasonic. The peculiarity of USM is that there is no mechanical friction during washing.

Manufacturing of interior doors with lighting.

Animated engraving has now found its application in the decor of your apartment. Interior doors decorated in this way will delight your guests and your entire family.

Backlit mouse pad

If you are tired of the usual banal mouse pad, then make your own unique one that no one else has!

Homemade barometer

It is not always possible to buy a barometer, so I would like to propose the design of a home barometer that will show atmospheric pressure with some accuracy.

Robot bug

The funny thing is that when he touches an obstacle with his right tendril, the steam wheel stops and he turns to the left, and vice versa. (Goes around obstacles)