Installation of suspended ceiling

The problem on upper floors is often chronic leaks from the ceiling. In this case, a leak in the kitchen ceiling became an obsessive nightmare for a young family. As a result, it was decided to hang a plastic ceiling with built-in

Necklace “Sea Mood”

When it’s cloudy and gray outside, and your heart is eager for summer, there’s no need to be sad, you can just wait a little longer, and in the meantime, prepare for the arrival of summer. Everyone prepares for the summer season differently: some lose weight, others buy

Ladies' notebook-card holder

Every lady probably has a notebook in which she puts her plans for the day, various reminder notes, inserts business cards and discount cards, pastes in commemorative theater tickets, which only remind her of many things, and

Box “Fairytale Fish”

Coconut is a suitable material for various crafts.It produces a lot of interesting and utilitarian products: boxes, maracas, handbags, candlesticks and bowls, ethnic musical instruments. This master class will help you make

Gel candle

If you have long dreamed of making a gel candle yourself and being considered a jack of all trades, then after reading this article you will easily master such a simple task! So, what is a must-have on hand, and what can you easily do without? To you

Attic insulation

I started insulating the attic floor by insulating the under-roof space and walls, then installed additional elements of the heating system and supplied backup power for the circulation pump. The walls and roof were lined with multilayer

Installation of stairs to the attic

When building the stairs to the attic, I was guided by the basic principles: safety, convenience, functionality, cost-effectiveness in manufacturing and visual appeal. When designing the house, I foresaw the location in advance

Aquarium in the wall

When building partitions in a new house, one idea came to my mind to expand the space - to mount an aquarium in the wall. At the beginning, I intended to make the partition of the kitchen room from the corridor a solid structure of thickness

Health children's town

After the construction of a private house, there were scraps of metal pipes, profiles and boards left. This material was used for the installation of a recreational town with sports equipment, a sandbox and swings. According to the prepared sketch of the town, taking into account

Gazebo with stationary brick grill

The construction of an outdoor gazebo begins with the choice of location and construction materials. The best way is to build from various materials. The frame is welded from a corner and a metal profile. Exterior finishing is made from siding type

Easter candle

Probably everyone has come across Easter candle lamps. But if you look at it, this is a ready-made emergency lamp in case of a lack of electricity. Like kerosene lamps in army barracks. It can be used indoors

Coconut pen holder

Nowadays, coconut, or as it is commonly called coconut, is no longer an exotic and rare delicacy; it is easy to buy everywhere. Its hard outer layer is like a shell, and its inner mass of white light is

Unusual flower glowing in the dark

Today we will create an unusual and somewhat provocative craft - we will paint a living flower and make it glow. Our goal is to create an unusual composition without the use of electronics and causing minimal harm. On the Internet

Handmade bracelets for girls

Girls are ready to spend hours decorating themselves with various accessories, coming up with new looks and surprising others. The latest trends in world fashion are increasingly turning to stylish and bright handmade accessories that match the design of clothing. Today for you too

Spear for sport or small game hunting

Once I thought that I could throw darts, knives, and axes, but I had never tried to throw a spear.With this thought in mind, I got down to business. The first step was thinking about and finding the right materials. So, we need: any aluminum pipe from 1 to 2

Decorating a jar for cereals

If you want to decorate jars for bulk products or cereals, it won’t take much time. You can use any containers: glass or metal, as long as they open easily. I have a huge amount of baby cans left.

Mechanical toy - “Tumbling Bear”

This toy differs from factory-made mechanical toys in that it does not require either a factory or batteries, since it moves according to the laws of physics - the transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy. The main detail of the tumbling bear cub is

Original pendant from an old key

The world of accessories is very rich and diverse. In almost any store you can buy a beautiful brooch, an elegant necklace, exquisite earrings or a stylish bracelet. But the need to spend money on purchased items disappears when there is an opportunity

Amplifier 4x22 W

Surely many would like to have a 5.1 audio system at home, but the prices for such amplifiers are often quite high. I’ll tell you how simple and not very expensive it is to assemble a 4-channel amplifier for such a system. After searching the Internet I chose

Multimedia projector

I think many people would like to have a home theater in their home.If you've already thought about this, you've probably come across the question - How to make a big screen? If you buy a TV, it will cost a pretty penny, and even a large TV with

Polymer clay jewelry

Every woman is familiar with the situation when it is simply impossible to find a suitable decoration for an outfit! In my case it was like this: I was invited to a party in the style of the 60s. A suitable dress was found quickly, but the accessories were a problem! I didn't like anything and

Telephone in a metal case

I want to demonstrate my creation, if you can call it that. In the past it was a telephone, now it is also a full-fledged telephone, only in a slightly modified form and with a fair amount of weight added... The idea to make it came spontaneously.

Making a mini moonshine still

The abundance of alcoholic beverages on the shelves of our stores, however, does not affect the reduction in the cost of these products. And a simple esthete cannot afford store-bought products. A simple design of a mini-plant for the production of homemade goods is proposed.

We make heated floors

The question of heated floors always arises when the main heating system cannot cope with heating the room. You have insulated a balcony, added a bathroom to the main building, or insulated a veranda or hallway in a private house. AND