Funny kitten fridge magnet

Often you want to please your family and friends with some cute little thing. Or just do something that is functional and simply pleasing to the eye. A funny kitten magnet for the refrigerator can be such a cute and completely uncomplicated souvenir.

Vases made from plastic bottles

You can make some pretty cute little things for your home and garden from plastic bottles. Shall we try? We will need five liter bottles and some other things.

Making a knitted Christmas tree

To make a small funny Christmas tree, we will need the following materials: plaster, watercolor paints, coins, threads, knitting needles, needle, tape, cardboard, pencil, padding polyester filler, tubes from magazine sheets, tape of 2 colors, silicone glue,

Original pencil stand

Today, many household items are presented in stores in a wide range, but truly interesting, beautiful and creative things can be made with your own hands. I suggest you make an excellent pencil holder,

Christmas tree toy made from a light bulb

It is impossible to imagine an apartment in which there would be no light bulb. It has long become a common necessity. But even after the light bulb has served its useful life, it can still be useful. From seemingly unnecessary junk, you can make

New Year's snow-covered tree

For this craft we will need several sheets of plain white paper; you can use colored paper if desired. For a snow-covered Christmas tree, white paper is used. Scissors, glue stick, simple pencil, empty rod or thick wire,

Beautiful box from an egg carton

even a completely useless beautiful trinket. Or: we urgently need some thing, we don’t have time (or, let’s say secretly, money) to go to the store, but this thing is easy to make ourselves from scrap materials. But perhaps most important of all -

Original garden pots for indoor flowers

Any housewife loves to decorate her home with unusual things and tries to do it with minimal costs. We offer another simple method. It will especially appeal to amateur flower growers, because today we will be making beautiful pots for

New Year's three-dimensional card - Herringbone

To begin with, we will need colored velvet paper, plain paper of any two colors (in the example, white and green), scissors, a pencil with a ruler, a glue stick, decorations and glitter.

Christmas toys with surprise

There is very little time left before celebrating everyone’s favorite holiday - the New Year. The annual bustle will begin soon, the search for gifts for loved ones, souvenirs for colleagues, friends, and relatives.New Year's fairs selling Christmas tree decorations will begin.

Hairpin for a little princess

Today we will make a hairpin for our little princess. And so, we will need the following materials: a needle, scissors, threads, ribbons, silicone glue, a children's crocodile clip, beads, a piece of tulle.

Card for dad

A book is the best gift! But you must admit that it is much more pleasant, especially for a loved one, to receive a gift made by yourself. You can put your soul and heart into such a gift, and the most important thing is that it will be unique, creative and

Mug stand

Original coasters for a mug can be made very quickly. Such a thing will decorate your own interior, and can also be an original gift.


The puppy figurine is made from two separate parts. This will not be a flat toy, but a toy that can stand on the table itself without outside help.

Headband with roses made of satin ribbons

Such an unusual decoration can be created on your own only if you are armed with the necessary materials and, of course, patience. You can give such a headband to a friend, wear it with a bright summer dress, or make it for your daughter.

Seashell souvenirs

Have you been to the sea at least once in your life? Have you bought souvenirs made from shells? Let's try to make sea souvenirs ourselves? For work we will need multi-colored sea pebbles, shells or their fragments, admit it - after all, you are all this

How to sew a soft toy from a sock

Probably absolutely everyone has encountered such a problem as the disappearance of the second sock. It seemed like there were two socks, and then after washing one was missing. This happens quite often and several different socks and pairs gradually accumulate in the closet.

Magnetic note pad

To be able to make a short recording, place a magnetic block on your refrigerator. You can make it in half an hour from materials that can be found in any home.

Cake card

Sometimes you want to pleasantly surprise a loved one and once again demonstrate your feelings for him. You can do this with the help of an unusual handmade postcard/gift packaging.

3D landscape for children

Did the kids blow their minds? They just need something to do! I propose to make a three-dimensional landscape with them. This is a very creative process that will captivate children (and maybe even parents) for a long time. We made such landscapes at home and in art classes. Topic

Handmade bracelets for girls

Girls are ready to spend hours decorating themselves with various accessories, coming up with new looks and surprising others. The latest trends in world fashion are increasingly turning to stylish and bright handmade accessories that match the design of clothing. Today for you too

Painting on a gramophone record

For a long time I kept my favorite records, taking them with me even when moving. But there is still nothing to listen to them on, and one cannot raise one’s hand to throw them away. Therefore, I decided to give some of them a second life and turn them into paintings.

Flower from notes

Today we will make a craft - a flower from colored notes. Necessary materials: For this we need to take notes of different colors. We had blue, red and white, as well as green - for stems and leaves. Also for creating a flower frame

Restoration of an old lampshade

Very often during repairs there is simply no money left for such little things as a new lamp. Therefore, today we will try to transform the old lampshade so that it fits well into the updated interior. Three walls in the room are covered with plain wallpaper, and