Application of aluminum foil, or food foil for all occasions

Aluminum foil for food is the thinnest flexible sheet of aluminum, the minimum thickness of which reaches 0.001 mm. Food foil is used mainly by many housewives in culinary matters for preparing and storing food. Being non-toxic

Simple flower bed

I want everything on my garden plot to be pleasing to the eye. Small, hand-made flower beds add bright details to the design of every garden. Anyone doesn't have to be serious about landscaping to do something

Quantum Nuka Cola from Fallout 3

Good day everyone, in this short article I will tell you how to make a rimmed Nuka Cola from Fallout 3. For this we need: 1. A glass cola bottle. 2. Any drink or liquid that is blue. (I took an energy drink

Bicycle wheel lighting

Good day everyone, in this short article I will tell you how to make bicycle wheel lights with your own hands. To do this we need: 1. Waterproof LED strip. 2. Holders for 9v batteries. 3. Two 9v batteries. 4.Pair

Gift packaging for CD

In the age of high technology, CDs are a must-have attribute of any home. They store a variety of information: from banal texts, films to memorable videos and photographs. And of course, a disc with photographs or videos from a memorable event is stored carefully, in

Spray paint from deodorant

For this we need: 1. Absolutely any deodorant can, the main thing is that it is empty, perfect without seams, it holds a lot of pressure better. 2. Paint, I used fountain pen ink. 3. Syringe, with a broken needle,

Acrylic nail extensions

Every woman is obliged to take care of the beauty of her face and hands. But a business lady does not always have enough time for a daily manicure, and due to constant housework with her hands, her nail polish begins to peel off and her nails begin to break. Nail extensions are a choice

Light a light bulb with your fingers

Good day to all. In this article I will tell you how to make an interesting trick and surprise your friends. The trick is quite simple, but it will require you to make a certain device - a light bulb. For this we need: two frosted light bulbs,

water candle

Good day everyone, in this short article I will tell you how to make a water candle with your own hands. For this we need: A paraffin candle, from which we need to remove the wick. Container, any glass jar or glass, in

Ice access

It's still winter outside, and sometimes there is severe ice. And in order to avoid falling on the ice, we will make ice access bars like this.For this we need: - A bicycle tube (it is better to take a car one, as it is stronger and

Lava lamp

Good day to all. In this article I will tell you how to make a lava lamp and available materials at minimal cost. To do this we need: Two liquids of different densities; we’ll take sunflower oil as the main liquid, and

Pharaoh snake

Good day to all. In this short article I will tell you how to make a simple chemical effect “Pharaoh's snake”.

Mini copy knife

Good day everyone, today we will create a mini copy of the knife. We will use a table knife as a sample. To make it we will need...

Thermal relay for hood

How to make an automatic hood? - It's not at all as difficult as it might seem. There are very different options, but I settled on something like a thermal relay. It will work like this: on a gas or electric stove code someone will do something

Alcohol lamp from a light bulb

Has a light bulb burned out? It doesn’t matter, don’t write off throwing it away - we’ll give it a second chance as a spirit lamp. It is preferable to use ethyl sleep as fuel for refueling; it burns without soot and leaves virtually no odor after combustion.

creative cup holder

It often happens that when we are at the computer, we often eat, putting the glass directly on the table, leaving “circles” on it from the hot glass, this is corrected by placing various objects under the glass, but all this was very inconvenient and I wanted a little

Steel pipe ring

A ring, a type of ring, is predominantly a masculine adornment, and made of “noble metal” emphasizes the status of its owner. Nowadays there are a lot of varieties and shapes of rings and everyone can find something of their own, but

Smooth load switching on and off

Probably many people wanted to add something new to their car, today I will tell you how to do this without special costs and technical changes in the design of the car. The device that I want to present to you today is not a large adjustment circuit

Battery replacement plus possible modding

Recently I came across a rather interesting Chinese tablet. According to the owner, after turning on the tablet, it works for a maximum of 5 seconds and turns off. It was decided to disassemble the tablet and see what was causing the problem. That's it

Smooth ignition of LEDs

Today I am listening to you, I want to present a simple scheme that has no serious practical application, but rather created to please the human eye. The purpose of this circuit is that it lights up the LEDs connected to it quite

Restricted access system for your home

Nowadays, every owner of a private house agrees that limiting access to his land plays a big role in ensuring his own safety. Professional equipment and system installation services

Stereo FM transmitter from MP3 player

I don't have a car, but I decided to use this little thing in my own way. Like a stereo transmitter.Why do I need this? And in order to broadcast sound from a laptop to a music center. The thing is that I like to watch movies on the big screen, on

Gauss gun

Good afternoon dear radio amateurs. Each of you at least once in your life wanted to assemble a Gauss gun, in other words, a Gauss cannon. Today we will consider an option that is perhaps one of the simplest schemes for implementing the project. The main part of the Gauss gun -

Ionophone - singing arc

Now I will tell you how to make an “Ionophone” or as it is also called “singing arc” with your own hands. Actually, from the names you can already guess that the ionophone is a source of sound. The sound in this device comes from a burning arc, the timbre