Poultry meat in brine (for long-term storage)

Many poultry growing in the backyards of private sector residents require processing after slaughter. Not everything fits in freezers; some have to be stored in jars. Meat pieces are sent to stew, and the bones are rolled into cylinders

Herbal tooth powder

Everyone loves when their teeth and gums are healthy, without plaque, caries, yellowness, etc. There are many dental and oral care products on the market today, but can we be sure of their effectiveness and safety? Best to cook

Master class canned cucumbers with tomatoes

During the cucumber season, many people are engaged in canning, and each housewife has her own subtleties of pickling cucumbers. I would like to offer another option for canned cucumbers and tomatoes. Vegetables salted in this way always turn out successful, and

Fish soup at the stake

Summer fish soup over a fire can be prepared not only from river or lake fish. It turns out even tastier from the sea! For this dish you don't need to use good cuts, just the head and trimmings of red fish such as trout, salmon or salmon.

Homemade cheese cheese

Homemade cheese, the process of which is completely in the hands of the housewife from scratch, is sometimes much better than cheese from the store with its not entirely healthy additives and “secrets” of production. You will be surprised, but you can prepare many varieties at home: mascarpone,

Chicken soup in a slow cooker

Making chicken soup in a slow cooker is quick and easy. An important advantage of this method of cooking is that homemade chicken in a slow cooker cooks very well and becomes soft, whereas on the stove this result may not be achieved.

How to sew a gearbox cover yourself

It is better to entrust car maintenance and tuning work to specialists. But there are some things that you can do yourself. For example, you can remake the cover for the gear shift lever with your own hands.

Composition of colored salt and artificial flowers

To decorate your home with an original composition, you don’t have to look for it in the store. DIY decor will definitely fill your home with warmth and comfort. Materials that will be required during the work: - transparent vase; - color

Easter egg decoration

This master class suggests decorating an Easter egg with sea salt and papal. Salt crystals glued over a large area will imitate a precious stone or nugget (or ice crystals, depending on what you see), and gold leaf

Decorating a bottle with colored salt

In order to decorate the interior, create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the house or please a loved one with an original gift, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive souvenirs. It is quite possible to create them yourself. Lately it's been very

Angry Birds made from salt dough

Angry Birds have actively entered our lives. You won't find them anywhere. But what could be better than something made with your own hands? Today we will try to make two pendants on a satin ribbon with Angry Birds. This is what it will all look like in the end

Salt dough valentines

Everyone is pleased to receive congratulations, gifts and, of course, valentines on Valentine's Day! Now you can see a wide variety of valentines. Whatever these congratulatory hearts are made of: paper, cardboard, wood, glass...

Heart magnet

Valentine's Day is a wonderful and bright day for all lovers. According to tradition, on this day lovers should give each other valentines and all sorts of trinkets in the shape of hearts. But made with your own hands, it becomes even sweeter and more expensive. Try to do

Fun balloon toys

Today I want to invite you to make toys from improvised materials. To make them you will need: elastic balloons of various sizes, preferably made of thick latex, thin markers, a funnel, flour, a pencil and various types of decorations.

Sea salt candle holder

There is probably no design that does not take into account such cute and heart-warming everyday little things as paintings, frames, clocks, candles and, of course, candlesticks - they always have a place even in the most conceptual interior. And decorative elements in

Omelet with croutons

You don't always have time to cook something special for dinner. And you always want to eat. The fastest dish to prepare is, of course, an omelette. And also with an omelet you get a very tasty salad.

Salt candlestick

To create such a wonderful candlestick, ordinary coarse table salt is used. Of course, it only looks so mysterious by candlelight. It is worth admitting that in daylight it is not so spectacular. But we are going to use it

Frame made of polymer clay with food weight measures

A woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen if she prefers healthy food, loves to please her loved ones with delicious dishes, and enjoys the process. A conveniently organized workplace should not only be in the office. Homework

Pancakes with meat

The process of making pancakes with meat is considered one of the simplest and most accessible. This dish is able to satisfy even the strongest hunger, and the meat filling is universal and everyone likes it. If you are tired of cooking various roasts and side dishes

T-shirt update

In this MK I want to show how to update, make more wearable and attractive, a thing that no longer meets our requirements. It often happens that the inscriptions on T-shirts that we like and force us to make purchases, after several

Polymer clay earrings

Do you remember how you once learned to sculpt from plasticine as a child? There are so many interesting ideas, but all of them, as a rule, ended in dirty hands and unfulfilled expectations. Today there is an excellent alternative to all of these

Aroma bomb “Lavender breeze”

A bath bomb is an excellent way to immerse yourself in a sensual world of relaxation, get incomparable pleasure and pamper your body with caring ingredients collected in one cocktail. Once in the water, the bomb begins to hiss,

Fridge magnet

It has long been known that there is no better gift than a gift made with your own hands. By creating a souvenir ourselves, we put our heart, soul, and warmth into it. And if the gift is made from the heart, then this positive energy will definitely be transferred

Baked fish

Baked fish is a dietary product and has amazing taste. The best nutrients in fish can be preserved by cooking it outdoors using the coals of a fire and food foil as a casing. For frying fish over