Baked fish

Baked fish is a dietary product and has amazing taste. The best nutrients in fish can be preserved by cooking it outdoors using the coals of a fire and food foil as a casing.
To fry fish over coals or an open fire, you will need a double grill with a handle. A standard grill can support no more than half a kilogram of product weight. For large fish weights, the roasting pan can be reinforced with an additional grill.

Baked fish

For fish, it is better to use a specimen weighing up to 500-800 grams, from which the scales must first be removed. We gut it thoroughly, removing the head, large fins and tail. Almost all types of fish are most suitable for frying, but fatty ones (trout, carp, crucian carp, salmon) are especially optimal. First, you will need to make a cut from the belly to the dorsal fin to obtain a piece of small thickness. We unfold it like a pancake.

Rub the fish with salt, add pepper, and a few other spices (I don’t recommend experimenting with new-fangled spices; it’s best to use black and red pepper). You can top the fish with finely chopped vegetables: onions, bell peppers, carrots.You can also get an interesting taste if you sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and make small cuts on the piece, carefully adding pieces of cheese. The cheese will melt, imparting a piquant flavor to the fish and increasing the fat content when using lean varieties.

We place a sheet of foil under the fish; if the carcass is large or the foil is quite thin, then fold it in half. Cover the top with another sheet of aluminum foil and wrap thoroughly. This is necessary to preserve the juice when turning over during frying.

We are preparing coals; there are no special requirements for the type of tree, since here almost the entire product will be closed on all sides. Already at the end of the firewood burning, you can put the fish on the grill.

First, hold the grill with the wrapped part of the foil for about 3-5 minutes, then turn it over and hold it for another 15 minutes.
The average cooking time is about 20 minutes and varies up or down depending on the heat of the coals and the thickness of the fish. It is important to wait until it is completely ready, since trying to “finish cooking” later will be problematic.
After removing the fish from the frying pan, carefully open the foil at the edges. We add chopped herbs on top (dill, sorrel, onion, parsley) and now we get a wonderful and healthy food, with a lively “smoke” and in its own juice.
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