For a master class - 150 rubles

Hello, dear site applicants. Our site needs your crafts, namely master classes. On average we pay 150 rubles. per article, in general the price varies from 100 – 500 rubles. Someone will say that this is not enough, but I will answer that we only buy

Paper fish

These beautiful fish can become a decoration for a child's room if you hang them on strings from the ceiling or from a chandelier. Then they will sway at the slightest breath of wind, as if floating on the waves. And also, having made several from multi-colored paper


The elephant is a very revered animal in many countries. It symbolizes great strength, wisdom and even longevity. That is why elephants are often used as interior decorations as figurines, figurines and soft toys. And the kids are very

Crafts from pieces of yarn, cereal, pasta

Interesting and unusual creative work can be made from materials of different textures. In one picture you can use cereals, pasta, scraps of yarn and thread, plasticine, and such interesting paper techniques as origami. Such

DIY rocket - craft for kids

Children are the flowers of life. But these “flowers” ​​can sometimes be so unbearable, especially in outdoor games. Sometimes there is a desire to sit in a quiet environment, without shouting, noise or running. And there's a great activity that will help your kids

Easter egg braided with beads

Easter is everyone’s favorite holiday, which people of all ages look forward to not only to eat delicious Easter cakes and cottage cheese with raisins, but also to give each other traditional memorable souvenirs. Coloring chicken eggs with origins

Pendants in the shape of a swallow

The image of a swallow, a symbol of the beginning, the arrival of spring, goodness, luck and fidelity, is often used in paintings, embroidery, tattoos and other artistic creations. The popularity of using graphic motifs with a swallow is due to

Egg made from threads

Holidays are always pleasant and fun. Recently, it has become especially popular to decorate the interior thematically, which further sets the mood for the holiday. One of the main Easter elements is the egg, which can also be

Bouquet of roses made from candies and paper

There is no such person who does not like sweets. Almost every holiday gift is complemented by the recipient's favorite candy. But giving them in regular packaging is too banal, and buying them in exclusive packaging is too expensive. Today I will tell you how

Easter bunny

On the bright holiday of Easter, you can’t do without the Easter bunny.It is a traditional holiday attribute in Europe and America. On the eve of Easter, mass sales of chocolate bunnies and postcards with their images begin. Millions of kids are waiting for

Painting with a three-dimensional pattern

You don't know what to give your mother, grandmother or teacher for her birthday. We suggest making a painting with a three-dimensional pattern in the shape of a flower. The craft is made from inexpensive materials. The technology shown in the master class will allow you to create

Fish on a plate

The applique is made of pasta of various shapes on a plate. The base used is ordinary plasticine for children's creativity. What motivated me to create crafts was the huge assortment of pasta on supermarket shelves,

Egg Tray Train

It is important to use a variety of materials when teaching children. Children like to see something of their own in ordinary things and to fantasize. Having several models of toy steam locomotives at home, the child still strives to create a toy for himself to play with. Moreover,

Case for designer

Probably every mother has a daily problem of where to store children's construction pencils. After all, packages of them get lost so often that you don’t have time to track them. I offer you one option - a handbag made from a plastic bottle. WITH

Wooden children's toy “Chicks”

One of the toys that our grandfathers played with in childhood is a craft made of wood, in which two figures alternately lean towards the center: first one, then the second and again. These could also be figurines of girls “picking berries on

Baby stroller made from newspaper tubes

Let's say you are invited to an event: a wedding or a baby shower. An original gift is half of your congratulations. Don't go shopping looking for something exclusive. A surprise made by you personally will always stand out from the background

Miniature chest of drawers

For most needlewomen, the question often arises of how to place all the necessary little things. I also encountered the same problem when I decided to try making jewelry with my own hands. All earrings and other accessories necessary

Rainbow caterpillar made of plasticine

In this master class, we will sculpt a seemingly ordinary caterpillar from plasticine balls, which even the smallest child can handle, but due to the smooth transition of colors and a couple of small details, the craft will turn out to be extraordinary. Let's get started

Fun balloon toys

Today I want to invite you to make toys from improvised materials. To make them you will need: elastic balloons of various sizes, preferably made of thick latex, thin markers, a funnel, flour, a pencil and various types of decorations.

Keychain made of viscose napkin

Keychains are equally loved by both adults and children. Although they are not an essential item, they are suitable as a gift for everyone. Children love to attach figurines of their favorite cartoon characters to their bags. Men are happy to accept keychains as gifts

Merry cow

In kindergarten and school, at home and in the circle of “skillful hands” - everywhere and always children are happy to make bright and interesting crafts, come up with unusual things to decorate the classroom or their room, make original gifts for

Aries figurine using a jigsaw

Artistic cutting of wooden crafts is one of the most popular types of decorative art available to a creative person who does not have special education or training. Original sawmill craftsmen create from wooden


Children are always attracted to something unusual and mysterious. They watch films with all sorts of monsters. But it’s still better to introduce children to the world around them not through scary movies, but with the help of crafts like these. Look what

Panel “Mysterious couple” using iris folding technique

There is such an interesting technique in needlework as iris folding. It is mainly used in making paper crafts. But I prefer working with textiles. Therefore, almost all of my works are made using the iris folding technique from fabric.