Flannelograph - a visual aid for preschool children

Once made, the flannelgraph will serve your child until school. This visual aid deserves special attention from parents whose children do not attend kindergarten. The popularity of the flannelgraph is explained not only by its simplicity and

How to sew a soft toy dog

In order to sew a soft toy with our own hands, we will need two types of cotton fabric, cotton wool for stuffing, threads to match the color of the fabric, a needle, black threads to make the nose and claws, ribbon for decoration, special

Flower topiary

Required materials: 1. Plastic hemispheres. 2. Coffee beans. 3. Satin ribbons in pink, raspberry and green colors. 4. Gold acrylic paint - spray. 5. Pink tulle. 6. Flower pot. 7. Steel wire...

Stroller for testing

If you are faced with the problem of choosing a gift for a holiday dedicated to the birth of a newborn baby, then do not despair, there is always a solution, and in this case it is very interesting and original! Of course, it is best to give preference to a gift in

Original invitation to a bachelorette party

A bachelorette party is an important event in the life of a future bride. Therefore, you need to prepare for it thoroughly, thinking through every detail, right down to invitations. Original invitations in the form of such a piece of women's clothing as a corset can surprise girlfriends and

Bracelet made from old bag leather

If you have an out-of-use leather bag that you are going to throw away, or some other unnecessary thing made of leather or leatherette, you don’t have to throw it away, but use it in needlework, for example, you can make something out of this thing

Plate with three-dimensional image

Antique styling: decorative plate with a three-dimensional image. I really like antique things. There is a certain mysterious charm of time in them: they once decorated the interior of the estate, witnessed the fate of its inhabitants, and then

Snowman made of threads

New Year is a long-awaited celebration for children and also for adults. And what would this day be without a snowman? Of course not! We recommend making this craft with your children; this unique activity is easy to make. Snowman will decorate New Year's

Candy bouquet made of colored paper

Colored paper is a favorable material for creativity with children. You can create three-dimensional crafts from double-sided colored paper and then present them as a gift. For example, my daughters and I tried to make flowers like these, they were very

Armrest for car

Perhaps every car enthusiast dreams of a car that stands out against the backdrop of the faceless gray mass of similar models. The desire to travel with convenience and comfort in their vehicles forces car owners to look for original

Amazing photo panel

We all love interior photography. You can place them on walls, on shelves, bedside tables, and so on. We are already accustomed to the fact that photographs can be framed - it’s beautiful and standard. However, if you want something unusual in the interior, then I

White-winged gliders, airplane made from ceiling tiles

Recently, small models of gliders made from EPP, or, in other words, from ceiling tiles, have begun to appear in toy stores. Of course, such a toy flies beautifully, can withstand many flights and can be used everywhere, but the prices are steep - $9 per

Japanese hair decoration - kanzashi

Recently, kanzashi jewelry has become fashionable not only in the countries of the rising sun, but also in many European countries, women have become interested in the art of creating jewelry from satin ribbons. There are many techniques for folding tape to

Wood for earrings

There are so many interesting and funny things in the world that sometimes there is no time to be sad, but if you have time for such a not very rewarding task, then you should do something useful. Despite all the things that you can redo: and the dust

Banquette for storing small items

Tell me, dear readers, have you thought, when throwing plastic soda bottles into the trash bin, that you are throwing away not only money, but also wonderful material that could add comfort and

Heart with coffee

And so, let's start making a heart from coffee beans. For this we will need: coffee beans, silicone or other glue, brown corrugated paper, thick wire, toilet paper, thread, brown tape (30 centimeters), plaster, glue

Postcard “Flower with a surprise”

A beautiful flower on a stem with a photo or a wish inside looks original, and it’s quick and inexpensive to make! And if you make several of these flower postcards at once and write a good wish inside each of them -

“False fireplace” made of plasterboard

A home fireplace has long been considered the personification of comfort and romance. And of course many would like to have it at home. However, nowadays, the vast majority of people live in apartments, which makes a fireplace just a dream and nothing more. However, if there is

Crafts from CDs

To keep your home in order, you need somewhere to store small items. Our wonderful handmade box is perfect for this task. To work we will need super glue, an old medium sized box, two pieces of fabric

Wedding invitations

So, you have a wedding day and you need to notify your guests about this event.As a rule, invitations are used for this, in which the names of the guests, the time and place of the ceremony and celebration are written. Such invitations you can

Box-chest “Sea breeze”

A little more time and summer will come, all residents go outside and, of course, to the beach. This is a wonderful time to relax and feel the breeze of the nearby sea, river or, if you are lucky, even the ocean. In the meantime, this time has not yet come, you can

Necklace with notebook

Probably, every person, when choosing his own style, definitely wants his clothes to have something that you definitely won’t see on others. The option with a dress, skirts and blouses is out of the question, because even fashion boutiques make two exclusive dresses, and

Original collage

A collage is a composition that is created by applying (gluing, sewing, etc.) various objects, drawings and pictures onto a basic base. This type of art gained popularity quite recently, but still

Ladies' notebook-card holder

Every lady probably has a notebook in which she puts her plans for the day, various reminder notes, inserts business cards and discount cards, pastes in commemorative theater tickets, which only remind her of many things, and