Flannelograph - a visual aid for preschool children

Once made, the flannelgraph will serve your child until school. This visual aid deserves special attention from parents whose children do not attend kindergarten. The popularity of flannelgraph is explained not only by its simplicity and low cost.

Using pictures of different themes, you can organize educational activities for children from six months to about six years old. Thus, the very first games were aimed at distinguishing between color and shape. A little later, an idea of ​​the size and relationship of objects relative to each other is given. It is convenient to group images according to a common feature (all large, all round, all with wheels), and look for the odd one out in a row - for example, a stationery item among food products or a pet among a line of wild animals.

Using flannelgraph it is convenient to reproduce the sequence of events from children's fairy tales and create various landscapes: forest, desert, city. The pictures do not slide off the board due to the rough surface of the flannel, because this material is also glued to their back side. No additional fasteners (Velcro, pins) are required. Practical and safe!

1. To make it yourself, you need small nails with heads, a piece of plain light-colored flannel, chipboard of any convenient size 1.5 - 2 cm thick, a hammer, and you may need pliers.

carnations with caps

2. If the corners of the future flannelgraph are sharp, it is advisable to grind them off. If you have a board with processed corners and edges, we immediately begin attaching the fabric (pre-ironed).

let's start attaching the fabric

3. It is better to turn the material with the edge inward: it looks more aesthetically pleasing and prevents thread fraying.

edge inward

4. The finished manual is placed against the wall or furniture at a minimum angle. Even from an almost vertical surface, pictures will not fall.

leans against the wall

5. Illustrations made on thin paper are glued first to cardboard and then to flannel. Complex plot pictures can be processed with PVA glue, then pressed onto fabric, dried under a press, and then cut out.


6. Large and bright images with a drawn outline are found in books aimed at children under two or three years old. We wish your family exciting games! And take care of the flannelgraph from pet fluffies who sharpen their claws anywhere.
Large and bright images

Flannelgraph visual aid
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