Garden. Page 22

Master classes:

Replacing the lower gearbox of a brush cutter (trimmer)

There are no tools that last forever; even the best ones fail. This is due only to mechanical damage during operation, but also to metal fatigue. Even under normal operating conditions, microcracks appear in it,

How to quickly make a 1000 liter watering container for almost free

To water garden and garden plants, you must use warm water. To increase its temperature, various tanks are used in which the water is heated in the sun. Such tanks are not cheap and large, which makes it impossible to deliver them

How to seal a flexible hose

Flexible hoses today are available in almost all household plots; they are used for watering plants, washing cars, laying temporary water pipes and other household needs. Sometimes there are situations when completely new hoses appear

7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Summer is a great time for country picnics, but they don’t always go as pleasantly as planned.One of the reasons is that the ants have occupied the table and it is impossible to drive them away from it. If you have such problems, we recommend using

A universal garden tool that can be used to remove weeds, plant or replant any plant.

Work in the country, in the garden or vegetable garden cannot be called easy. Therefore, interest in rational ways of doing things and devices that make work easier and faster does not wane. Today we’ll look at a way to make a simple hand tool with our own

Protecting seedlings from snails using electric current

An interesting and simple way to make electrical protection on a 9 V battery for your crop of seedlings (specifically tomatoes in our case) from snails, slugs and other unpleasant crawling things like worms and caterpillars.

DIY fire bowl

When you light a fire, a burnt-out area remains on the site, where grass does not grow for a long time. To avoid this, you can make a fire bowl from a sheet of metal. It will also be useful when relaxing in nature, since it will prevent accidental

Replacing trimmer line with steel cable

A trimmer with a weak motor can barely handle tender lawn grass, let alone real weeds. Working with it turns into a waste of time, but if you equip it with a steel cable instead of fishing line, it instantly turns into mulch

How to make a solar-powered pump for watering your garden

I once bought a centrifugal pump for watering my garden in order to pump water from a nearby well.And I thought, why run a 220 V network to the well and waste electricity when you can convert the pump to low-voltage power and

How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

A wasp nest near a house poses a real danger to people and pets. The wasps zealously protect it and are ready to attack anyone who approaches the nest. Their bites are quite painful and often cause an allergic reaction. They can

How to Fix a Damaged Garden Hose

Today the market offers a wide range of products with which you can quickly and easily repair a used garden hose and not spend money on buying a new one. These are various gaskets, fittings, repair couplings, plug-in connectors,

How to make a full-fledged garden watering can from a canister in 2 minutes

Indoor, garden and garden plants need regular watering. Ideally, the applied water during irrigation does not erode the soil, so for irrigation it is better to use a specialized watering can that divides the flow into several thin streams. Although

How to make a manual potato hiller from an old bicycle

Everyone who has a garden knows how difficult it is to prepare beds for planting potatoes and further growing them. Usually this process, depending on the number of acres, lasts for 2-7 days. Today you can reduce work time using manual

Planting potatoes without a shovel

Today there are many ways to plant potatoes and it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and effort. Today, you don’t even need a shovel to plant potatoes. First of all, for this you need to remember the beds in the fall

How to grow porcini mushrooms on a windowsill

Picking mushrooms in the forest is not only purely utilitarian in nature, but also emotional. That's why so many people go mushroom hunting, or at least dream about it. But it is no less interesting and useful to grow these plants that are either half-dead or half-dead.

How to make a garden auger from a saw blade

A good tool is highly valued in dacha farming. And since the work takes place mainly on the ground, today we will talk about a simple device that facilitates excavation work. With it you can make holes for potatoes, planting

Homemade hoe for convenient weeding

Every summer resident knows that the hardest and most thankless work in the garden is weeding. A light rain is enough, and the weeds begin to emerge faster than the harvest. And how good the beds look when they are well-groomed! To make this job easier, we suggest

A device for quickly weeding a vegetable garden

Weeds are simply a real problem for any summer resident and gardener. Weeding beds by hand is very painstaking and tedious. If you use a little ingenuity and unnecessary junk from the storerooms of your home workshop, you can make an excellent device for

How to install a saw blade on a trimmer

The main working parts of any trimmer are a reel with fishing line or a special disk (plastic or metal). With a plastic knife, like a fishing line, you can mow green grassy plants, with a metal knife you can mow dry grass, reeds and even

Motor pump from a chainsaw engine

Summer time is approaching and many are asking questions: is it possible to make a budget motor pump for watering the garden that could pump water from the nearest reservoir? This topic excites fans of country life and owners of homesteads from year to year.

How to replace fishing line in a trimmer with steel cable

It is quite difficult to mow reeds, thick dry grass and small bushes using a fishing line, especially the most common one - round in cross-section. For such cases, you will need a two-component cord consisting of different materials: durable

Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Everyone is familiar with this terrible sound of a trimmer working; it irritates not only the mower himself, but also everyone around him. It’s worth working with a lawn mower even for a short time and this ringing just stays in your ears. This deficiency resulted from

A simple greenhouse made of PVC pipes with your own hands

Previously, frame greenhouses in the country or near the house were made of wooden beams or rolled metal (corners, round or profile pipes) and glazed frames. The design turned out to be bulky, heavy and expensive, and for its construction

Replacing fishing line in a trimmer

The time will soon come to mow the grass on your property or near your house. In most cases, gasoline trimmers (motor mowers) are used for this. They use nylon fishing line as a cutting unit. It rotates at high speeds and perfectly