Garden. Page 21

Master classes:

How to remove garlic for winter storage without unnecessary hassle

Garlic is very useful. A lot has been said and written about this. However, it is worth separately noting the fact that its daily use is an effective means of preventing strokes. 1-2 cloves a day will solve this problem. Garlic will be double

Juicer from an old meat grinder

Many people have old manual meat grinders lying around their forge - it’s a shame to throw them away, but there’s no point in using them. There are several options for “modernizing” it; you don’t have to throw it away; the old thing can still be useful. We propose one of them - to make it

How to make a pool from a Eurocube

In summer cottages today you can find Eurocubes for storing water; often they are not used for their intended purpose and only take up space. We recommend converting them into summer pools for children and more.

Lugs for a walk-behind tractor made from old VAZ wheels

For normal operation of the walk-behind tractor on loose soil, lugs are required.When manufactured at the factory, they are inexpensive, but if you make them yourself, they will cost almost nothing at all. At the same time, self-made lugs are much more

Just a great use for a canister: a case for a watering hose

Over the years, products lose their functionality and become unsuitable for their intended purpose. For example, no matter how much you restore an old rusty metal canister, it is no longer suitable for storing fuel - you can’t renew it from the inside. But don't rush

How to make a mini-cellar from a barrel in a garage or country house

Not every owner of a country plot has free refrigerators for storing vegetables and fruits. At room temperature, they are quickly affected by putrefactive bacteria and become unfit for consumption. Another problem is drying out. If

How to restore an ax handle using hot glue

With frequent use of an ax for chopping wood, its handle begins to break. The wood in the eye rots, causing the ax handle to become loose and the wedge to fall out of it. As a result, the ax flies off, so before chopping wood it has to be

Harvesting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor. How to improve your potato digger

All modern walk-behind tractors have a set of attachments for performing various agricultural work. With their help, it is much easier to prepare the soil, care for crops, and harvest crops. It is much easier to dig potatoes using

Convenient plastic bucket reel for storing garden hose

Watering hoses in a garden or summer cottage last for many years.To prevent them from deteriorating longer, after use they must be collected in a bay and stored in a secluded place, protected from the sun and other adverse external factors.

Concrete rocket furnace - it won't rust behind them

Oh, how nice it is to cook and eat outdoors, in the garden, at the dacha... Small metal stoves are often used for these purposes. But this is not entirely convenient, since after use they need to be removed indoors from rain or from various metal thieves.

How to quickly uproot a large stump with a minimum of effort

There are situations when it is necessary to uproot a large stump at a summer cottage or in a garden. Digging it up by hand and chopping the roots is very long and difficult; such work may take more than one day. Problems will increase if the site has black soil and

How to cut a braid using tools that are always at hand

A long time ago, in the remote Soviet and tsarist times in Rus', hay was mowed with hand scythes. Much water has passed under the bridge since then. Various mowers, electric and gasoline trimmers have appeared. Individual farm in the form of cows, sheep and goats in a Russian village

How to make an inexpensive watering tank

Experienced gardeners know that watering plants with cold water is strictly not recommended. They get sick from sudden changes in temperature, and some may develop root rot. How to solve a problem? Make a simple container for heating water

Do-it-yourself cultivator from a brush cutter

Having a powerful brush cutter, you can convert it into a cultivator for weeding between the rows.There are special attachments for sale for this, but if you wish, you can make them yourself. Such equipment is installed on a brush cutter instead of a knife, when

How to expand the functionality of a trimmer with brushes

The edges of garden paths are often overgrown with vegetation or soil and various debris accumulate on them. Cleaning with conventional tools is not very effective, quite tedious and not at all attractive. This work can be done significantly

Do-it-yourself portable miracle stove from an old canister

Cooking outdoors rarely comes with comfort. You need to collect a lot of firewood, hammer in pegs with a crossbar for hanging the pot, raise the heat, etc. As a result, the usual preparation of shurpa or fish soup turns into a complex action.

The most affordable fertilizer for indoor flowers from household waste

Fans of indoor gardening know that adding additional nutrition to flower crops is the best way to achieve long and lush flowering. Today there are problems with the choice of effective mineral and organomineral

A simple device for picking fruit from a height from a PVC pipe

Owners of suburban areas know how many difficulties arise during harvesting from tall trees. Using a stepladder is dangerous and not always possible, the ground is soft and sinks. Use the old method and shake the tree

Homemade motorized sprayer from a brush cutter

The engine from a brush cutter is an excellent power unit for dozens of useful homemade products.It is used to make mini motor cultivators, boat engines, snowmobiles and even sprayers for gardening and garden plants. Let's consider the manufacturing option

How to turn a chainsaw into a hedge trimmer, homemade removable equipment

When the land is not taken care of, all kinds of weeds, shrubs and trees grow wildly on it. Moreover, even cultivated plants begin to run wild - one can no longer expect any benefit from them, but they create many problems. Removing such “game” manually

Homemade 12V submersible pump for irrigation

There are often shallow ponds near summer cottages, but it is difficult to take water from them with a bucket: you have to walk along the bottom, dirt rises when you collect it, and the water is very cloudy. There is a simple way out of the situation - make a basic submersible pump with an impeller

How to make a super grill from a used washing machine drum

In a non-working automatic washing machine, the stainless steel drum is usually well preserved. It can be successfully used, for example, to make a wonderful functional grill.

Complete disassembly of the brush cutter gearbox to remove wear products and replace lubricant

How to use lubricant to push back the repair of a lawn mower gearbox? Whatever the brand of brush cutter, the second most important component after the engine is the gearbox, consisting of two helical gears, the smaller of which is the drive gear, the larger one is the driven gear.

How and with what to lubricate the shafts in the mower bar

Many new brush cutters, even those sold assembled, do not have lubricant on the rod shaft.As a result, it heats up, wears out, and a slight whistling rattle is gradually added to the sound of a running motor and vibration appears. To protect equipment from