Different. Page 90

Master classes:

Toy dog

You can use fleece to make a cute new toy for your child. It will take little time to make it, but the result will surely please your baby. Materials: fleece in black, light brown and dark brown, padding polyester for

Massage Mat

Taking the first steps, the child learns to walk. Then, when the basics of walking are fixed in him, and he boldly begins to run, the question arises about the correct gait and the formation of the foot. Today, almost half of children have problems with

Envelope for money

If any celebration is planned in your life, and you are invited, then a natural question arises by itself - what to give? You may rack your brain for a long time, going through a lot of gift ideas, but the best option would be an envelope with money. In that

Children's swing

Do you have a very active toddler in your home? Has he already grown up noticeably, is looking for adventure and requires additional entertainment? Do you have no desire to look for something in stores? And it's not necessary. From scrap materials you can always make something very

DIY massage mat for a child

As you know, the child’s body perceives any influence on it very well. Therefore, the earlier you start developing a child, the more fruitful the process will be. A massage mat for a child’s feet will allow you to provide mechanical

Felt brooch

To make a fashion accessory you will need: • pieces of felt (purple, blue, light blue, pink); • floss threads (purple and blue-violet); • glue; • pen; • scissors; • needle; • white beads; • pin; • stencil.

Painting with a three-dimensional pattern

You don't know what to give your mother, grandmother or teacher for her birthday. We suggest making a painting with a three-dimensional pattern in the shape of a flower. The craft is made from inexpensive materials. The technology shown in the master class will allow you to create

DIY gift box

How many things that seem completely unnecessary to us at first glance and often create a mess in the house, actually go to waste. After all, in the skillful hands of a creatively thinking person, any little thing can turn into original, and most importantly,

Passport case made of felt fabric

To ensure that your passport is always clean and tidy, we suggest making a beautiful and original felt case for it. The main highlight of such a cover will be the bright appliqué.

Cosmetic bag “Apple blossom”

Almost all women buy a lot of cosmetics.Every woman has eye shadow, lipstick, lip gloss, blush, mascara, cosmetic pencils, and powder in her arsenal. All these cosmetics are usually stored in a special cosmetic bag, which can be

House for cats

When designing a play complex for a cat, the idea arose to make a hanging house on the ground floor. The main requirements: light, durable, stable construction made from scrap materials. I didn’t want to spend extra money on the base for the house,

Earrings with fluffy fur

Most girls prefer jewelry made of precious metals, but they do not refuse jewelry made from natural materials - stone, leather, fur. Earrings with stone beads and fur look stylish with almost any outfit. Technology

Fish on a plate

The applique is made of pasta of various shapes on a plate. The base used is ordinary plasticine for children's creativity. What motivated me to create crafts was the huge assortment of pasta on supermarket shelves,

Summer butterfly in dot painting

To make a decorative plate with dot painting, we will need the following materials: 1. Plastic plate. 2. Acrylic contours and glitters of different colors. 3. Sketch of the drawing. 4. Acrylic paints (white and black). 5. PVA glue. 6. Alcohol. 7.

Flower headband for hair

One of the latest fashionable hair accessories is flowers. A wreath with large flowers looks especially elegant and incredibly gentle and beautiful. The cost of such accessories is quite high, but you can make it in less than an hour,

"Flower Heart" - greeting card

If you persistently think about hearts, about love, it means that Valentine's Day is approaching. You can express your love, affection, sympathy in different ways, for example, with a handmade valentine. First of all, cut out the template

Pencil holder made from a plastic bottle

All parents are familiar with the situation when, after drawing, pencils are scattered across the children's table. Pencil boxes are made of cardboard and generally don't last long. Therefore, in order for the child to have order on the table, you can make an original

Egg Tray Train

It is important to use a variety of materials when teaching children. Children like to see something of their own in ordinary things and to fantasize. Having several models of toy steam locomotives at home, the child still strives to create a toy for himself to play with. Moreover,

Openwork body

To weave a box with an openwork pattern on the walls you will need: -magazine tubes -112 pieces; - a sheet of cardboard measuring 15 x 29 cm; -scissors; - a simple pencil; -knife; -PVA glue.

Ferret house

] Ferrets, like other pets other than dogs, love to sleep in a secluded place. To make it more comfortable for your ferret to sleep in his cage, you can make him a house with your own hands. Of course, you can buy it in a store, but it is not reliable. House for

Case for designer

Probably every mother has a daily problem of where to store children's construction pencils. After all, packages of them get lost so often that you don’t have time to track them. I offer you one option - a handbag made from a plastic bottle. WITH

Play complex for cats

When purchasing a small purring pet, future owners spend a lot of money to create comfortable conditions for it - beds, mattresses, scratching posts, toys, etc. One of the best solutions for such improvement is a gaming complex.

Plasticine painting

Probably everyone watched the domestic plasticine cartoon. Agree, very beautiful and unusual. I suggest you do something similar, namely a picture from plasticine. Of course it sounds strange, but don’t worry, everything is beautiful and

Weaving a laundry basket

An indispensable laundry basket in the household is a symbol of order in the house. Any self-respecting housewife appreciates these items and, of course, wants to have them at her disposal. Today we will try to make it with our own hands. For this we need:-