Felt brooch

To make a fashion accessory you will need:
• pieces of felt (purple, blue, light blue, pink);
• floss threads (purple and blue-violet);
• glue;
• pen;
• scissors;
• needle;
• white beads;
• pin;
• stencil.

Execution sequence.

from felt

1. Using a stencil or by hand, draw blanks: two in the form of a purple flower, 6 in the form of pink petals, 6 oval blanks, 3 circles of different diameters.
The drawn shapes are cut out with scissors.

cut from felt

2. Round blanks of different diameters are placed on one flower-shaped blank in the center: a large blue one down, then a medium purple one, a small blue one up.
In the middle of the upper blue circle, beads are sewn with a blue-violet thread. The needle penetrates all layers of felt. The same thread is used to make an overlock stitch around the blue and purple circle.
Pink petals are first glued and then sewn with a decorative seam using purple threads. The stitches imitate the pattern of leaves. The petals are decorated with beads.

Felt brooch

Violet oval blanks are placed on the finished petals and sewn together with beads.
4.Between the pink petals, forward stitches are made with a needle using blue-violet threads and decorated with beads.

Felt brooch

5. Sew a pin to the second flower-shaped blank with purple threads.

sew on a pin

6. Take two flower-shaped blanks and connect them using a “forward needle” seam with purple threads.


7. The felt brooch is ready.

sew on a pin

Felt brooch

A felt brooch is worn as a fashion accessory on clothing or a bag.
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