For children. Page 8

Master classes:

Original children's T-shirt

I really want the child to always look beautiful and original. T-shirts are such a thing that they quickly get dirty and it’s a pity to throw them away after that. So I decided to fix a small stain that we had on our T-shirt and at the same time make it original and

Crafts from pieces of yarn, cereal, pasta

Interesting and unusual creative work can be made from materials of different textures. In one picture you can use cereals, pasta, scraps of yarn and thread, plasticine, and such interesting paper techniques as origami. Such

Octopuses made of threads

Want to entertain your child? Take a few minutes for the fascinating process of making a thread octopus. Involve your child in this entertaining activity - he will be delighted.

Thread men

Every thrifty craftswoman keeps leftover colored threads at home. Try making simple crafts with them for the kids with your own hands. Funny and kind little people will cause genuine delight in kids, and the process of making them will entertain

DIY rocket - craft for kids

Children are the flowers of life.But these “flowers” ​​can sometimes be so unbearable, especially in outdoor games. Sometimes there is a desire to sit in a quiet environment, without shouting, noise or running. And there's a great activity that will help your kids

Legend of one river

Well-illustrated and interesting books are bought by parents for their children. Children look forward to reading bedtime stories every day. The fairy tale takes you to unknown distances, talks about long-past events, introduces you to interesting characters,

Egg bag

In many families, it is customary to give each other Easter eggs. As you know, any gift should be packaged properly. Therefore, we offer you an easy way to make a beautiful egg sac with your own hands. Make this craft with your kids

Developmental panel

Walking into a toy store, your eyes widen at the variety and breadth of choice. The price range also varies greatly. However, toys made with one’s own hands are always a child’s priority. No matter how beautiful the factory one is

Massage Mat

Taking the first steps, the child learns to walk. Then, when the basics of walking are fixed in him, and he boldly begins to run, the question arises about the correct gait and the formation of the foot. Today, almost half of children have problems with

Children's swing

Do you have a very active toddler in your home? Has he already grown up noticeably, is looking for adventure and requires additional entertainment? Do you have no desire to look for something in stores? And it's not necessary. From scrap materials you can always make something very

DIY massage mat for a child

As you know, the child’s body perceives any influence on it very well. Therefore, the earlier you start developing a child, the more fruitful the process will be. A massage mat for a child’s feet will allow you to provide mechanical

Fish on a plate

The applique is made of pasta of various shapes on a plate. The base used is ordinary plasticine for children's creativity. What motivated me to create crafts was the huge assortment of pasta on supermarket shelves,

Egg Tray Train

It is important to use a variety of materials when teaching children. Children like to see something of their own in ordinary things and to fantasize. Having several models of toy steam locomotives at home, the child still strives to create a toy for himself to play with. Moreover,

Plasticine painting

Probably everyone watched the domestic plasticine cartoon. Agree, very beautiful and unusual. I suggest you do something similar, namely a picture from plasticine. Of course it sounds strange, but don’t worry, everything is beautiful and

Fun balloon toys

Today I want to invite you to make toys from improvised materials. To make them you will need: elastic balloons of various sizes, preferably made of thick latex, thin markers, a funnel, flour, a pencil and various types of decorations.

Merry cow

In kindergarten and school, at home and in the circle of “skillful hands” - everywhere and always children are happy to make bright and interesting crafts, come up with unusual things to decorate the classroom or their room, make original gifts for

Carnival top hat

Of course, for a real carnival it is very difficult to make a costume yourself. You need to work hard to make it and think through every little detail. But to create the spirit of the carnival, it is enough for each guest to come up with a small accessory.

Children's apron

I am more than sure that most people do not sew such a kitchen trousseau as an apron, but buy it in specialized stores. Buying a ready-made apron is much easier and faster than sewing it yourself. But believe me, the baby will have a much more pleasant time

Soft book

Any mother can sew a soft educational book from fabric. It requires minimal sewing skills, patience and time to create. Pleasure from the process is guaranteed - for the mother while she is creating, and for the baby while he is playing. Let's decide on the plots

Crown for the Snow Queen

To make the Snow Queen's crown, we will need the following materials: - foam rubber - a can of silver paint - a cutting knife - a needle - white threads - silver sequins - white acrylic paint - silver satin ribbon - large

Felt Christmas star

Making your own decor is a very exciting activity. Holidays always inspire and give new ideas for creating beautiful products.This unusual decor will come in handy this Christmas as a gift for children or friends. It is carried out very

Clown mask

If a child wants to be dressed up for a holiday, it is not necessary to buy an expensive carnival costume. After all, next year the child will outgrow it, and will he want to be in the same outfit again? Therefore, you can make a mask out of paper, and clothes

New Year's Christmas tree costume

To sew a Christmas tree costume you will need: Light green tulle, fabric with embossed patterns, thick fabric for the petticoat, a green T-shirt...

DIY New Year card

How nice it is to please your loved ones with gifts on New Year's Eve. I would like to propose an idea for an original greeting card - a folder. This wonderful gift can be prepared together with the children, and then everyone will write wishes for a congratulatory speech -