Lifehacks and useful tips. Page 32

Master classes:

How to easily clean a dirty pan from carbon deposits

Every housewife knows how difficult it is to clean the surface of a pan from carbon deposits, especially if it is more than one month old. There is a very effective way to restore the appearance of dishes with minimal physical effort. Moreover, the surfaces are not at all

How to cut a nail with a wood saw without damaging the teeth. Useful life hack

Sometimes there is an urgent need to saw a nail, but there is neither a hacksaw, nor a grinder with a cutting disc, nor a chisel with a hammer, nor other tools that could be used to deal with this task relatively easily and simply.

How to Refill a Disposable Spice Grinder

Many people have disposable pepper grinders. They are very convenient to use, the degree of grinding satisfies chefs, and transparent containers allow you to control the amount of product. The only drawback is that the devices are not dismountable, after use

How long does it take for water to drain from the sink? We will clear the clog in 5 minutes

Everyone has encountered the situation when water drains from the sink very slowly or does not drain at all. There is no time or knowledge to thoroughly clean the drain, but you need to use the sink immediately. Is it possible to restore functionality without

The strongest connection of large cross-section wires without thickening by twisting

Splicing stranded wires with a large cross-section only by twisting is subsequently accompanied by oxidation, deterioration of contact and an increase in resistance. Plus, ordinary twisting has an unesthetic appearance and a significant thickening in

I no longer use a garlic press, a useful trick for chopping garlic

Most people use a garlic press or a fine-toothed grater to chop garlic. These devices crush everything well and, in fact, everyone is happy with it. But you remember how hard it is to wash the garlic press and pick out

How to fix problems with powder flushing from a washing machine

All owners of washing machines notice that over time, some of the powder remains in a special compartment and is not completely washed off. This has a negative impact on the quality of washing - the recommended amount of detergent is reduced.

A quick and 100% way to eliminate a leaking toilet cistern

Each of us has encountered an unpleasant situation - the tank is filled with water, the float is raised to the top position, and the water is constantly leaking a little.There is a radical option - to completely replace the entire mechanism, but this is expensive and time-consuming. In addition, to

How professionals sharpen and maintain scissors

Scissors have different appearances depending on their purpose. Some of them may be made entirely of metal, while others have handles made of plastic. Their blades are connected using rivets or screws. But the most important thing is

How to make comfortable handles from toothbrushes using needle files

Needle files are smaller versions of files and are designed for working on small parts. The most common are straight single-ended tools, one side of which has a working notch, and the other is a long cylindrical

How to open a tin can with a spoon

Many people have encountered a situation where they have nothing to open a can with - either there is no special can opener in the kitchen, or they forgot to take it to a picnic. There is a simple and fairly safe method; it can be used for all cans, not

How to easily remove solid deposits from the drain tank using any available method

In many regions, the water does not meet the requirements for plumbing equipment - it is too hard. Over time, calcium salts harden and are deposited on the internal surfaces of the cistern; this not only spoils its appearance, but also disrupts

How to replace a worn chuck with a new one on a drill

Neither a drill, nor a hammer drill, nor a screwdriver can work without a chuck.Moreover, this node is very busy. Each time you change the tool, it must be unscrewed and tightened again.

How to quickly peel and chop garlic - chef's advice

Garlic as a spice is used in many dishes, it gives them a unique aroma and smell. It is used as a component of marinades for various types of meat, salads and even drinks. But there is one problem - many people don’t like it when leftovers

3 most affordable ways to sharpen a kitchen knife

A dull knife not only makes cooking much more difficult, but also increases the risk of injury. It has to be pressed with great effort, vegetables slip out of wet hands, and the blade gets into soft tissue. In implementation there is

4 useful ideas for the home handyman

Useful ideas and tools for the amateur carpenter or home craftsman. Without doing carpentry professionally, it is completely unprofitable to buy a special tool for this. However, it is quite possible to work accurately and comfortably if

How to clean dishes from carbon deposits and grease in 10 minutes - make a super cleaner with your own hands

Every housewife knows how difficult it is to clean dishes from dried and burnt fat, especially if they have not been washed regularly and dirty stains have taken a lot of time. Store-bought products are not always effective, but you can make your own

How to Clean a Very Dirty Frying Pan Without Extra Effort

There are many different tips on this topic on the Internet, some of them are quite effective, others make you smile with their naivety. But all methods require long-term cooking of dishes in a large container - the kitchen is filled with a very unpleasant smell,

How to quickly chop onions - chef's advice

Not even all experienced housewives know how to quickly chop onions correctly. In addition to making your eyes water while slicing, the pieces turn out uneven, and at the end of the job there is a lot of vegetable waste left behind. There are several secrets that will help solve everything

How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

A frying pan is used more often and more intensively than other utensils for cooking. It mainly fries foods at high temperatures. Therefore, even with the most careful handling of these kitchen utensils and constant washing after each

How to soundproof a stainless steel sink

These irreplaceable stainless steel products fully meet their purpose, are easy to maintain, can be cleaned with ordinary detergents, and are not afraid of aggressive environments and high temperatures. But they have one acoustic drawback, which is annoying

How to seal a flexible hose

Flexible hoses today are available in almost all household plots; they are used for watering plants, washing cars, laying temporary water pipes and other household needs. Sometimes there are situations when completely new hoses appear

7 Effective Methods to Control Ants

Summer is a great time for country picnics, but they don’t always go as pleasantly as planned. One of the reasons is that the ants have occupied the table and it is impossible to drive them away from it. If you have such problems, we recommend using

How to beat a coconut

Of course, everyone has seen a mysterious southern nut called coconut on store shelves. In various travel shows, you can see the main character drinking coconut milk, or using a beautiful nut shell as a cocktail glass. You,