Lifehacks and useful tips. Page 12

Master classes:

How to remove rust from small parts using a screwdriver without sandblasting

To clean small steel parts from rust, you can make a simple tumbling chamber. In it they will be mixed with sand, which will effectively remove the corrosive layer. This device can be made easily, literally in 5 minutes.

5 tips and tricks when working with a screwdriver

A cordless screwdriver is a useful tool that can greatly simplify your work. But if you know certain tricks, then working with a screwdriver will be easier and simpler.

4 options for making a homemade clamp without a clamp

Clamps are always useful for tightening hoses, but you don’t always have the right one at hand. In such a situation, clamps can be made independently using wire and simple tools without using a clamp.

5 tricks when painting

Man is very cunning in inventing various instruments and devices that make life easier.This way you can not only save money on repairs, but also approach the work process differently. Anyone can do the following 5 tricks, it’s worth putting in the effort.

How to repair chips and delaminations at the bottom of a wooden door

In this master class we will tell and show you how to repair a veneered entrance door. The veneer on the bottom of this door is peeled off, and it doesn't look very attractive.

6 tricks when working with paint so as not to stain everything

Painting walls is hard work that requires skill and patience. For a beginner, while working, the paint ends up not only in the places for which it was intended - on the floor, ceiling or head. Experienced craftsmen do not have this question, because skill

How to make a simple valve clamp

You can quickly, reliably and accurately tighten wire clamps using a special device - a clamp. It is very simple, so it can be made from scrap materials. Let's look at how to make it from an old valve and stud.

Method of teaching welding without consuming electrodes

To learn how to carefully lay a welding seam, you have to spend more than one pack of electrodes. When the arc flashes, it is almost impossible to see how the electrode goes and how correctly the seam is laid. Another way to learn basic welding skills

5 fresh ideas for your workshop

When working in a workshop, you often have to use life hacks to solve a particular problem.Many of them are very useful and effective. Let's look at 5 such ideas that you will want to repeat if necessary.

How to drill into wood with a feather drill without chipping

When making various structures from wood, sometimes you need to drill a wide hole using a feather drill. If you have never done this, then 99 percent of the time you will ruin the wooden workpiece by chips in the holes. Of course this is not always

5 ways to remove pits from cherries without special gadgets

If you are planning to bake a pie with pitted cherries, but there is no special gadget for removing them, then 5 life hacks will help you, with which you can quickly peel cherries. Of course, this is not as convenient as with a special machine, but

How to make a brutal door handle

The industrial or industrial style gave birth to techno. All these styles are distinguished by brutality, extensive use of metal, and a sharp transition from one form to another. If you are a follower of this trend, then having the initial skills of a mechanic

How to clean stale spatulas and trowels from the solution

Many of those who are often involved in construction or interior decoration definitely know this life hack. But for those people who rarely undertake repairs, this method of cleaning spatulas and trowels after work will be simply useful.

How to effortlessly remove years of carbon deposits in just 10 minutes

Surely almost every housewife has wondered how to quickly wash off many years of carbon deposits.Now you will get acquainted with an excellent, almost miraculous remedy for removing such difficult and hardened carbon deposits. The most amazing thing about this homemade remedy

How to install a dowel “tightly”

If you are assembling a wooden assembly on dowels and are sure that you will not disassemble it in the future, then there is a good option to add even more reliability and strength to such a connection by installing the dowels “tightly”. This life hack is also great

How to drill a bolt straight along without a lathe or drilling machine

Quite often, when making metalwork structures, it is necessary to drill a bolt or stud lengthwise. This is done either using a drilling or lathe. But if this equipment is not available to you, you can drill a bolt in ordinary,

How to make a useful grinding attachment from a burnt-out engine armature

Amateur carpenters often fill their workshops with homemade tools and gadgets. Among these is a grinding drum for a drill. Those who have used it know that it is difficult to hold the drill even with two hands while processing wood. Nozzle

How to make a regular meat grinder electric

To twist minced meat, it is most convenient and quick to use an electric meat grinder. If you only have a regular one, then install an electric drive on it. It's not as difficult as it seems.

How to escape from the scorching sun and heat on the sunny side of the apartment

Even if you have at least one window on the sunny side of your house or apartment, it becomes simply impossible to be in such a room on a hot day. The temperature in the room is rising quickly and there is no comfortable stay to speak of

5 tablets of activated carbon and your kettle will shine clean

Set aside baking soda, vinegar, and ineffective cleaning products. Remember the old cheap remedy that will make your kettle or pan shine in 10-15 minutes. So, I buy activated carbon at the pharmacy and start cleaning the kettle, which is already

11 really useful tips for your home and workshop

From time to time you have to use your mind to come up with simplified solutions to certain problems. Some of them are easier, while others require you to rack your brains. We offer a selection of 11 ready-made solutions that will make your work easier.

13 carpentry lifehacks from the pros

Each master has his own secrets and life hacks, which he uses periodically. A novice carpenter learns this only with experience, irreversibly damaging cubic meters of good lumber. In order for everything to work out the first time, it is important to comprehend hundreds

6 useful workshop ideas

The professionalism of a master depends not only on the level of skills when performing certain actions, but also on the ability to creatively resolve situations when there is no suitable tool or equipment. Such tricks and secrets have to be used

Useful tricks: ways to beautifully weld three or four metal profiles

When laying metal pipelines and welding metal structures, complex connections must be made. Situations of welding three profiles in different planes are common, for example, when creating shelving. When installing heating systems