Useful and interesting. Page 33

Master classes:

Anchor puller for pressing bearings out of blind holes

When repairing flywheels, pumps, drive pulleys and other mechanisms, it may be necessary to remove a pressed-in bearing that cannot be reached with any hand tool. A homemade puller will help you get out of this difficulty.

A 100% way to preserve cabbage until the next harvest in the cellar, basement, attic or balcony

Cabbage collected from the garden or purchased during the season at a normal price can last until the next harvest without any problems. To do this, you just need to properly prepare it for storage.

2 ways to cut into a pipe under pressure with and without welding

When upgrading a heating or water supply system, it may be necessary to cut into a pressurized pipe. This is more difficult than driving into a blocked highway, but it is quite possible, and without much risk of getting wet.

What to make from an empty fumigator? Great idea for your home

Chemical air fresheners are far from safe for health, so it is better not to use them. An alternative to chemistry are aroma lamps, which provide evaporation of natural essential oils. But there is a lot of fuss with them, and besides, they work due to open

Horizontal welding techniques, we learn each in order

To obtain a reliable horizontal (and any other) seam, the electrode is moved in three planes at once: translationally in the direction of its axis, straight along the weld bead and oscillating across the seam. At first it seems impossible, but

Throw in a homemade bag and the toilet shines and smells fragrant for a long time

Toilet bowl refreshing tablets are a good thing, but you can do without them by using a homemade product. A self-made analogue is 10 times cheaper, but it works just as well.

How to reduce the diameter of a steel bar without a lathe

If for any work it is necessary to use rods of non-standard diameter, you can make a special calibration tool to adjust thicker workpieces to the required size. With him it will take a matter of seconds, not

A quick way to slice cabbage thinly and beautifully

Cabbage, cut with a regular or shredding knife, turns out to be quite large. If you boil, stew or marinate it, it will soften and this will not be a problem. When cabbage is added to a salad raw, it is better to chop it very

How to make a simple bearing puller in 5 minutes

In the absence of a specialized puller, when dismantling bearings you have to use every possible trick. Sometimes knee-jerk work ends in the destruction of the bearing or deformation of the shaft from which it is knocked off. To avoid such

How to fill a large weld seam

When performing welding work, it may be necessary to fill a fairly wide seam. For a non-professional welder, this is an almost impossible task. In fact, everything is not so difficult if you use one trick.

Stand for splitting firewood with a hammer from an old car wheel

If you periodically come to chop small firewood for the barbecue, you can make a special stand for this. It is safer than an ax, since it prevents the splitting of wood from flying around, and it chops more quietly.

A reliable method of storing carrots and beets that has been proven over the years

Properly prepared carrots and beets can last without problems until the next harvest. If they are simply thrown into a heap in a cellar or basement, then the supplies begin to rot. To preserve 100% of your harvest, try this method.

How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

Smooth plastic bottles are the best to unravel into ribbons, but with curly ones, difficulties arise. To avoid this, they can be straightened, removing all the relief. To do this you need to make one simple device.

How to 100% repair a remote control with a pencil and glue

The remote control for a TV, air conditioner or other household appliances begins to malfunction after a couple of years.At first, in order for the buttons to work, you need to press them with all your might, but over time, this does not help. If something like this happens, it’s not worth it

How to make a gas burner from a gas stove

An old gas stove is not only scrap metal, but also a source of spare parts, for example, for making a burner. Therefore, if it is available, there is no point in buying a burner.

How much can you earn by disassembling an old gas stove for scrap metal?

To sell a gas stove for scrap with maximum profit, it needs to be disassembled. Inside it, in addition to ferrous metal, there is also aluminum and brass. When disassembled, the stove is much more compact, so it is easier to deliver it to the collection point in the trunk

How to make an electronics case from PVC pipe

To place a power supply, switch, speed controller or other electrical equipment, a box made of dielectric material is required. It can be made from an ordinary PVC sewer pipe, and it will look almost like a store-bought one.

How to pull out a concrete pillar with a jack

Right in the middle of summer cottages you can find old, de-energized concrete power line poles, which energy companies have no intention of removing. In this case, all worries about their removal fall on the shoulders of the site owners. Mainly the problem

How to easily disassemble an engine armature into copper

The armature of an electric motor consists of 20-25% copper wire. Therefore, if it burns out, then it can be removed and taken to a metal collection center. However, the wire is often filled with varnish, so it is extremely difficult to pull it out of the core, and if this happens, then

It will not rot: How to install wooden posts in the ground

If you need to install a fence for grapes or a fence, in order to reduce the cost of construction, you can use your own prepared wooden poles. If you properly prepare and bury them, they will last no less than

How much valuable metal can you get from an old refrigerator if you disassemble it yourself?

When clearing out the clutter from your closet, many things are simply thrown into the landfill, although they can be used to make good money. An example is an old Soviet refrigerator. If you disassemble it and sell it for scrap metal, you can make good money.

4 Useful Bolts and Nuts Tools for Electricians and Plumbers

Sometimes you have to perform one-time repair work, for which purchasing a specialized tool is impractical. In such situations, you can make do with homemade devices made from scrap materials.

A new super way to grow onions in bottles

It's no secret that if you put an onion in a glass of water, then very soon a green feather will begin to grow from it. However, after a few weeks, the water in the glass will deteriorate and the smell from such a plantation on the windowsill will not be the most pleasant.

How to make a very cool keychain from ordinary nuts without a lathe

To make beautiful unusual accessories from metal, you don’t need to have a lot of machines and power tools. An example is making a keychain in the shape of a bullet, to assemble which it is enough to have a grinder and a drill.