Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 69

Master classes:

The tool will hold in your hand like a glove if you make a simple anti-slip winding

It is unsafe to use a tool with a slippery handle. This is especially true for axes and hammers. It’s not at all difficult to modify a slippery handle for a secure grip; you just need to wrap electrical tape around it in a clever way.

Wood chip stove from the computer power supply case

Fishermen, hunters and tourists often find themselves in places where there is practically no wood to light a fire. In this case, you can use a homemade mini wood chip stove to boil water, cook or heat food. To cook with it you need

How to make glue - liquid plastic

Based on scrap ABS plastic, you can prepare glue, which, in addition to gluing, can also work as a filler for voids and chips in plastic products, or used as polymer paint. It is also suitable for casting various plastic

Effective budget fertilizer for seedlings based on onion peels

Fans of biological farming, who fundamentally do not use synthetic substances, mineral fertilizers and pesticides when growing vegetables, even at the seedling stage, know many recipes for natural feeding of nightshade plants.

How to cast epoxy handles for hand tools

Handles for hand countersinks, awls, screwdrivers and other tools can be cast from epoxy resin. This method is especially convenient in the manufacture of tool sets, when the handles must be the same. Let's see how you can do it right away

How to repair a concrete crack in a wall or floor

Concrete walls, screeds and blind areas often have small cracks. Precipitation gets into them, freezes in winter, expands and tears the concrete. To avoid this, even narrow cracks need to be repaired. This can be done quickly and easily using sealant.

How to make glossy wood impregnation oil

To prevent wood from absorbing moisture, it is extremely important to paint it or treat it with a special impregnation. The second product allows you to reveal the natural texture of the wood, giving it a more noble shade. If you need exactly this

How to make a manual ring bending machine from a pipe and profile

Steel rings are used to decorate metal gates, fences, gates, balusters of stairs and balconies. They are welded between the rods, allowing you to get an original, beautiful lattice. Such rings are inexpensive, but since they are often needed

How to make a device for winding springs from nuts and bolts

Various homemade products may require springs of non-standard sizes and lengths that cannot be purchased. In this case, you can make them yourself. To do this, you will need a special homemade device made of bolts and nuts.

1 best product to remove superglue from any surface or hands

Superglue sets very quickly, which is not always an advantage. If a drop of it accidentally falls on the finishing surface, it is very difficult to remove it, even if you try to wipe it off immediately. But there is an inexpensive pharmaceutical solution for washing

Do-it-yourself patination or blackening of silver

Silver is my favorite noble metal. I cast my first ring from 925 sterling silver when I first started trying to make jewelry at home. Now I want to blacken it. To do this, we will make a patina - a sulfur liver.

First-class flux gel for DIY soldering

It is most convenient to perform soldering with flux in the form of a gel. But not all such purchased compositions can prevent oxidation of contacts, like rosin. If you want to combine the convenience of flux and the reliability of rosin, then prepare it using your own

How to make Danish oil for wood impregnation at home

To protect the wood from moisture, reveal its texture and give it a beautiful decorative matte shine with slight tinting, you can soak it in your own homemade oil. The components for it are sold in any household or construction

Are the handles on your mosquito net broken? Let's make new PET bottles in a couple of minutes

Due to constant changes in weather conditions, the plastic handles on the mosquito net become fragile. And as soon as you remove the mesh to wash it, the handle bursts and falls off. Of course this is a small thing, but a very unpleasant one. You can go to the store and look for them

How to eliminate phosphorus starvation of tomato seedlings

Very often, novice gardeners, who for the first time decide to grow tomato seedlings on their own, are faced with the phenomenon of the appearance of a purple tint on the bottom of the leaf blades. In case of particularly unfavorable circumstances

How to make a remote control console from an old radio bell

Surely you have a Chinese radio bell lying around in your bins. At one time they were very popular, but as it turned out, they were not entirely practical due to the high cost of batteries. Although some still use them today. So, from this

How to Make a Wooden Pipe Making Jig with a Full Length Hole

Smooth, smooth wooden tubes can be made at home using only a powerful drill and a special tool that is not difficult to assemble with your own hands. Such blanks are subsequently used for the manufacture of bushings, tabletop stands

How to quickly and accurately seal a mosquito net

Personally, I don’t know of a faster and better way to repair a mosquito net from one hole or multiple breakdowns. In total, it will take no more than 5 minutes to seal the mesh using this method and begin installing it in its rightful place.

How to build an outdoor toilet from blocks

Last year, I was faced with the task of replacing almost the entire sewer system connecting the bathroom of a private house with a septic tank. Due to the fact that the volume of work was to be large (it was necessary to dig up pipes located on

How to make a solar battery from diodes

Not everyone knows that any semiconductor diode is capable of converting solar energy into electrical energy. The main thing is that sunlight falls on the crystal of the device. A simple example of how you can build a simple solar battery using diodes in a transparent,

How to secure a handle without a wedge and other secrets of a hammer

Everyone uses hammers, but with the advent of many affordable power tools and inexpensive screws, they don’t do it as often as before. Therefore, it is not surprising that many functions of hammers ceased to be used and were forgotten. Let's look at a few

How to melt aluminum cans into ingots and how much you can earn from it

A lot of containers and household products are made from aluminum. This is a fairly valuable metal that can be melted into ingots to be handed over to a metal collection center. Many people require such high-quality castings for turning work, so it makes sense

Economical long-burning stove for a greenhouse made from a barrel

To heat the greenhouse in spring, when the nights are still cold but there are no severe frosts, you can use a simple long-burning stove made from a barrel. One load of three logs into it is enough to heat for at least 12 hours. It’s not possible to make such a stove

How to pump water with a submersible pump from any ditch without blockages

If there is a stream flowing near the site or there is a ditch with water, then this can be used to organize irrigation using a vibration pump. The only problem is that at the bottom of such reservoirs there is silt in which the equipment sinks,