Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 6

Master classes:

4 tricks for repairing and reliably eliminating damage

Quite often, in a home workshop or workplace there are not the necessary materials or tools to perform a particular job, repair damage, make the right part, or improve the properties of certain substances. But after looking at

How to coat a non-metallic object with copper at home

Copper-plated surfaces are aesthetically attractive and well protected from adverse external influences. If it is a non-metallic surface, then it additionally acquires electrically conductive properties. With the practice of copper plating at home

How to unscrew a jammed nut on an angle grinder and 1 trick to avoid it

When working with an angle grinder, in some cases the disc gets bitten, causing it to fly apart and mechanically clamp the nut very tightly. After which it is almost impossible to unscrew it with a regular key. Option with clamping the grinder in a vice, using

Compact folding chair (table) made of square profile

This folding chair is convenient in the home, in the country or in the garden.To make it you will need the simplest materials. It is better, of course, to work with a mechanized tool, but you can get by with a hand tool. Anyone can do this job

3 tricks for tightening a wire clamp

In the household or workplace, sometimes there is no standard clamp at hand to securely secure the hose to the pipe for supplying water for certain needs. In this case, you can use simple and inexpensive materials and

3 options for making a reliable boss at the end of the cable

Throttle, clutch or brake cable lugs on vehicles may crack, become out of shape and pop out of their sockets when used for long periods of time or when excessive load is applied. Often the cable breaks under the boss or

How to make a protective cover for a chain saw

Not every chainsaw comes with a protective bar cover. Whether it's a gasoline or cordless tool. And this case is an extremely necessary thing. Primarily to protect other objects that the saw may come into contact with during

Without a PC and a printer: How to make a board using USSR technologies

Have you ever wondered how in Soviet times radio amateurs made printed circuit boards without the help of JLCPCB services, laser-iron technologies and auxiliary programs? The process is curious and exciting, so I propose to repeat what

How to make your own riveter

Like all tools, a factory manual riveter wears out over time and becomes unsuitable for further work.Should I buy a new one? But this is a considerable expenditure of money! Therefore, let’s make it with our own hands from scrap materials and continue

How to make sheet metal cutting shears from bearings

In order not to waste money on buying iron scissors in a store, you can make them yourself from two used ball bearings and a piece of an old channel. This does not require any theoretical knowledge or professional skills.

6 plumbing tricks

Using a machine for welding plastic pipes, we connect a plastic pipe with a coupling, the outer diameter of which is obviously larger than the diameter of the pipe. Taking into account the height of the union nut, we cut off most of the coupling with a hacksaw, and the remainder will serve as a collar,

How to make a wind generator from improvised materials

Make a homemade wind generator from available materials. Easily! And for this you don’t have to use expensive carbon fiber blades and a high mast. And we won’t even carry out engineering calculations. We just take it and do it.

Treating potatoes with ash before planting to increase yield

Summer residents and fans of biological farming who continue to grow environmentally friendly vegetables on their plots know many secrets for caring for plants in the garden. Especially popular among our growers

How to Make Extremely Handy Chain Pliers from Easy to Find Materials

Some round threaded connections (pipes and fittings, oil filters, large lids on containers, etc.) are difficult to unscrew and tighten securely due to the lack of suitable tools.In such situations, a universal

How to defeat the oil burner and perform high-quality decarbonization of piston rings

To decarbonize the engine, you will need two fluids, one to be poured directly into the engine oil, the other into the engine cylinders. To do this, open the neck on the cylinder head cover and, using a funnel, fill in the contents

How to assemble an off-road and powerful scooter

We will use a scooter frame that we assembled some time ago. To do this, remove one of the nodes from it. We bore the central hole of the driven sprocket on a homemade lathe and drill holes for the fasteners.

How to make a popular antenna from a cable for digital television

Operating experience and reviews indicate that this antenna can receive a reliable signal at a distance of up to 50 km from the transmitting tower. Despite its effectiveness, it can be done in just a few minutes, literally “on your knees.” From tools

How to make a wooden bathtub heated from a wood boiler

Using appropriate woodworking equipment, we obtain edged beams from logs, which we cut into edged boards, carefully planed on all sides. We join the boards together using the “groove and tongue” method and cut out the round bottom using a hand router,

How to backlight a multimeter display

Does your multimeter not have a backlight? Or is it not bright enough and the device is inconvenient to work with? We'll tell you how you can equip your Avometer with LED-based backlighting. The test sample is the popular 830 series tester. AND

How to clean spark plugs without long soaking

After eliminating excessive carbon formation from the spark plugs, it is not at all necessary to purchase a set of new spark plugs and spend a lot of money on their purchase. If the old spark plugs have no mechanical or thermal damage,

How to clear snow from a high roof with an ordinary rope alone

A large amount of snow mass on the roof of a house, domestic premises or carport increases the load on the roof structure and can lead to its deformation or even partial or complete collapse. To prevent such

How to Drill a Small Diameter Hole in Hardened Steel

To successfully drill a hole with a diameter of 2 mm in the hardened and durable tool steel from which files are made, the first drill of the specified diameter will not work. The files are made from unalloyed tempered

Homemade hand wash solution

When you do a little laundry, you don’t want to force the washing machine to work almost idle. But I’m not eager to work with my hands either. I prefer a simpler recipe, which will play the role of a lifesaver in such cases.

How to make a “Finnish candle” stove with adjustable flame

A stove made according to the “Finnish candle” type has a number of significant advantages: economy, long burning time, high efficiency and heat transfer. Great not only for cooking and heating, but also as a source of lighting. Herself