Secrets of making real chebureks

Dishes of the peoples of the Caucasus have taken a special place in our diet. Tasty and healthy food has never been separated by borders, politics and other phenomena of reality. We always enjoyed preparing Georgian khinkali, Azerbaijani shakh-pilaf or Armenian samsa. Today we will delight our family with delicious pasties with a thin crispy crust, tender and juicy filling, and a unique aroma inherent in all Caucasian dishes.
Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks


  • meat (beef, lamb or pork) - 500 g;
  • large onion;
  • sifted flour - up to 700 g;
  • oil (olive or vegetable) - up to 400 g;
  • salt - dessert spoon;
  • We select the amount of herbs and spices to taste.

Cooking pasties

1. There are two ways to get the filling for chebureks. The meat, washed and freed from films and tendons, is obtained in the form of a minced product (finely chopped with a sharp knife) or chopped in a home processor. The first method is classic, characteristic of Caucasian cuisine; the second method makes our work easier.
Secrets of making chebureks

2.So, chop the onion into thin strips, place it in the resulting minced meat, add salt, chopped herbs, pepper and other favorite spices, a quarter glass of bottled water or ready-made broth. Mix the mixture thoroughly and cover with a plate.
Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

3. Next we proceed to the test. Chebureks don't require any culinary tricks. Everything is very simple and accessible! In a large tea mug of boiling water, dilute 80 g of fresh vegetable oil.
4. Sift up to 500 g of flour into a bowl, stir it with the required amount of salt, add the water mixture, and combine all the ingredients with a spoon. While we are doing this, the products have become less hot, so we continue kneading the dough already on the table. We work with our hands, gradually add the required amount of flour, after ten minutes we get a very tight but elastic ball. Lightly grease it with oil, cover it with a clean cloth or film, and leave it for an hour for a short “rest.”
Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

5. Let's start forming our wonderful pasties. I offer a choice of two ways to obtain the so-called shell for the filling. In the first case, we roll out a very thin layer and cut out circles using a flat plate. Second technique: make a long “sausage”, separate small pieces from it, then repeat the previous steps.
Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

6. So, put a little minced meat on the flatbread, spread it in a thin layer, cover it with the free part of the round layer, press the ends of the formed product tightly. For beauty, as well as for better connection of the dough, lightly press the edges of the semicircle with the tines of a fork. In this way we use all the components of chebureks.
7. Pour oil into the frying pan so that our products practically float in it. Heat the fat until hot. When we see a slight haze appear, we lay out two products.Immediately pour the hot mixture over the top of the pasties, fry until a light brown crust forms, and expect the same effect on the other side of the product. After each new portion, be sure to add a little oil.
Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

8. We don’t need extra fat, so we place the prepared food on paper napkins, and after a few seconds we place the products on a beautiful plate.
Secrets of making chebureks

Secrets of making chebureks

The aroma of luxurious pasties with a thin crispy crust and incredibly juicy meat filling fills the entire room. We serve this delicious dish with hot drinks, broth, ayran, and spicy lactic acid sauce. A complete set of the most delicious and healthy food!
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Comments (5)
  1. OlgaZakhar
    #1 OlgaZakhar Guests August 6, 2017 09:33
    Thank you for the clear and understandable recipe with such mmmmmmmmm delicious photos! I'm taking it for myself and my sister!
  2. Irinaalexa
    #2 Irinaalexa Guests 7 August 2017 10:50
    I've never made pasties at home. It turns out that everything is so simple, and most importantly, incredibly tasty. This was my first experience and it was a success!!! My family is delighted! Thank you very much for such a detailed description and a very tasty recipe!!!
  3. Angelinka
    #3 Angelinka Guests 7 August 2017 12:21
    I cooked chebureki according to different recipes, the dough always turned out a little heavy, maybe it was too steep, or maybe the flour was bad. This is the first time I’ve read that you can make stuffing from minced meat, I’ll definitely try it.
  4. vavilonovich
    #4 vavilonovich Guests 9 August 2017 22:56
    I love to cook, but this was my first time trying pasties. Thanks to your recipe it turned out very tasty. Thank you for the article.
  5. Sector
    #5 Sector Guests 28 January 2019 16:56
    Since when did the oriental dish CHEBUREKA become Caucasian cuisine? There are very few good dishes in the Caucasus, even those that exist are spoiled with cilantro.