Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 47

Master classes:

How to cheaply make a realistic imitation of marble using Venetian plaster

Marble with gray veins is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful finishing materials. It’s not for nothing that entire collections of expensive premium wall tiles are made to match it. You will be surprised, but you can make marble walls with your own hands much cheaper,

How to make a fast heating induction cordless kettle

Induction heating of liquid in a steel pan occurs much faster than simply placing it on a fire or electric stove. This principle can be used to make a cordless kettle. Such a device will allow in a minute

How to make creative wooden wall decor from scrap lumber

Almost always, when it comes to wall decor, we mean gypsum tiles or wooden slats. It's beautiful, but it happens so often that it's far from creative. We offer a more recent solution that looks no worse, but maybe

Life hack: how to quickly remove grease stains from clothes using lemon and mustard

There are different ways to remove stains from fabric. It all depends on what kind of greasy product you stained your clothes with and how much time has passed since the contamination. Undoubtedly, if you quickly carry out the cleaning procedure and wash the item, then you will not

4 ways to freeze raw beets for the winter

Frozen beets for the winter are a wonderful and convenient preparation that can be used for preparing first and second courses without defrosting them. The main thing is that the beets are frozen in small portions and in one container or bag.

How and from what to inexpensively make a 100-inch projector screen

Even a very good projector will not be able to project a perfectly high-quality image simply onto a wall if it is only painted or covered with light-colored wallpaper. It definitely needs a screen. Buying it ready-made is a significant cost item, so

How to properly clean a cast iron frying pan after use to maintain its non-stick properties

Meat dishes are best cooked in a cast iron frying pan without a non-stick coating. However, many people refuse it because it is difficult to wash. Let's look at how to properly care for a cast iron frying pan so that you don't have to scrape it later

How to make a press for the production of fuel briquettes from sawdust

Tons of sawdust accumulate in carpentry shops and sawmills. This is an excellent almost free fuel, but only for specialized stoves. If you compress sawdust into briquettes, you can use them to heat with any stove, even a potbelly stove. For this

How to replace a laminate board in the middle without dismantling the adjacent ones

If one laminate board in the middle of the floor is damaged, you have to remove all the adjacent boards to the nearest wall and, after replacing the damaged one, put them in place. A lot of hard and painstaking work. But there is an option to replace one board with

How to cook shish kebab according to a recipe from the USSR

Modern barbecue recipes are usually based on small store-bought spices. As a result, they experience less of the natural taste of meat. If you are tired of such recipes with bright spices, then try cooking barbecue the old-fashioned way

How to Easily Remove Silicone Sealant

Silicone sealant has very good adhesion, so it is very difficult to remove it from the surface. Solvents do not take it in, so you can’t get rid of it easily; only a mechanical method works. However, there is a method that allows

How to make a heavy-duty arched box from angle steel

A vaulted door frame made from a steel corner, in addition to its original appearance, is durable, which is not superfluous today. It will not cost much, since the costs will mainly be related to the cost of the corner and not necessarily a new one. With work

Ways to freeze green onions throughout the winter

Freezing green onions does not take much time and effort, but in winter you can easily and quickly prepare soup, casserole or omelet. Thawed onions will retain their taste and freshness, but will be softer than fresh ones and it is better to add them not to salads, but

How to make a soft starter from available parts and extend the life of electrical appliances

Electric motors of household appliances and tools often fail because they cannot withstand high starting currents. Those many times exceed the rated load for which such equipment is designed. To protect your devices from

How to quickly clean a file

The file blade becomes clogged with small sawdust. As a result, it stops working and just slides across the surface. To return the tool to its effectiveness, you need to clean out its notches.

Inserting a pipe into a pipe: how to correctly mark and cut the joining area without special equipment. tool

It is often necessary to connect two round pipes of the same diameter at 90 degrees. Making such a connection “by eye” does not guarantee the quality and strength of the connection. But when using fairly simple markup with this case

How to make chic stone decor using tile adhesive

You can decorate a facade, foundation, or even a well ring without expensive natural stone, simply by making an imitation of it. It is much cheaper, but the result will be no less beautiful. Such imitation is possible even for a person who has no

How to bend a steel angle without a machine using a simple device

Bent steel and especially hot-rolled angles have great rigidity and mechanical strength when exposed to bending forces. Therefore, it is quite difficult to bend it manually along a circular arc. But by doing something extremely simple, you can

How to make spectacular wall lamps from PVC pipe. Beautiful spots for pennies

Hi all! Today I will show you how to make wall lights (spots) from PVC pipe. These are very stylish and simple lamps and anyone can make them. I made these lamps for my work area.

Convenient adjustable compass for marking on sheet steel from an old speaker

Metalworking work often requires precise marking of circles on sheet steel. An ordinary compass is of little help here, since its needle cannot be fixed in such a way. To do this, you need a specific tool that is easy to make with your own hands.

How to make a lattice from a single piece of furniture board

Well-made woodwork is always mesmerizing, especially if it shows the craftsmanship of the carpenter. With a modern tool, a lot is given even to beginners, but there are things the secret of making which, at first glance, is not so simple

How to restore old USSR armchairs and get designer furniture almost for free

At the dacha there were 2 chairs from the times of the USSR. They are almost 43 years old! Although they are old, they are still in good condition. I decided to restore them! The first step was to remove the old upholstery. Removed all staples and nails. I unscrewed the legs and separated the back and seat (so I

We make a beautiful staircase on the porch from bricks and tiles with our own hands

Reliable and durable steps in front of the front door can be made with your own hands from brick, concrete and tiles. Even a combination of these simple materials will make them unusual and arousing interest. Let's take a closer look at how to make

We make welding from a conventional TIG welding inverter

Many types of welding work are best done using TIG welding. But this is too expensive equipment for an amateur who can usually only afford an inverter. If you have one, it can be easily converted to TIG if necessary.