Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 4

Master classes:

10 fatal mistakes when grilling shish kebab

You can choose the most excellent meat, marinate it efficiently, but if you make at least 1-2 mistakes out of ten when frying it on the grill, you will end up with kebab that experts will not call excellent.

An effective growth stimulator for tomato seedlings at home

Experienced “tomato growers” ​​who grow seedlings in heated greenhouses, on residential window sills or in racks specially equipped with LEDs, regularly fertilize the plants. Since seedlings spend in greenhouse conditions from 45

How to make a holder for a camping frying pan and pot

The season for picnics, hiking and fishing trips is in full swing, and that means it's time to sort through your backpack with camping stuff. Repair something, add something. Selecting equipment for a hike, especially if you have a long walk ahead

Distiller made from simple materials

Once, while living in a country house, I needed to silver-plate a wire for a high-quality inductor, but the purchased distilled water turned out to be worthless: immediately when silver nitrate was dissolved in it, the solution became cloudy. Distilled

How to properly collect birch sap with minimal damage to the tree

Birch sap is real living water. Source of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Unfortunately, this source is extremely unstable - a couple of weeks a year. And harvesting birch sap for future use, in my opinion, is an extremely unpromising and

How to make a simple device and easily bend reinforcement for a foundation frame

Clamps for the reinforcement frame are made using “clamp benders”, which cost a lot of money. But perfectly straight clamps can be made using a simple device that any adult can assemble. Moreover, this does not require special knowledge,

How to install a trimmer engine on a bicycle

Since after installing it on a bicycle as a motor drive from a brush cutter, there is no need for pedals, we simply remove them. We also remove the unit that serves as the base from the motor.

How to make a full-fledged muffler from cheap materials

A muffler, which is designed to reduce the noise of a running internal combustion engine, can be bought in a store for several thousand rubles. But why waste money when you can do it yourself, spending only a couple of hundred rubles.

How to make a tabletop aquarium organizer with lighting

It doesn't matter what size or thickness of glass you have to cut.Although, in fairness, it must be said that cutting thick glass is much easier. It's more obedient, or something. It pricks strictly according to the scratch of the glass cutter. At first I tried to cut thin,

Great idea from an old car tire: a mobile vise

A bench vise is considered a stationary tool. But sometimes moving it makes the work easier and easier. Any person can make a mobile vice without loss or limitation of functionality, and this does not require expensive materials and

How to easily lubricate a sealed bearing

The main value of the proposed method of bearing lubrication is that the metal boot is not opened and its integrity is not compromised. We will fill the grease through the annular gap between the boot and the inner ring of the bearing,

Using pine bark mulch in the garden

In recent years, mulching has become very popular among professional landscape designers, and among summer residents and amateur gardeners. In the absence of ground cover plants, open soil after processing (digging, weeding, loosening)

How to remove a mole cricket forever and without cost

The mole cricket is one of the harmful insects from which root plants suffer greatly: carrots, potatoes, beets, etc. But bushes and even trees can also suffer from this pest, since the mole cricket injures their roots. It greatly reduces

How to repair a crack in brickwork

If for any reason a crack appears in the brickwork, then you should not use construction foam or cover it with any sealants to seal it.Exactly in a year there will be no trace left of such repairs.

How to make a side folding ladder

The need for a side folding ladder along the wall arises where there is little space and you have to use it from time to time. The number of steps and their sizes are determined by the total height of the staircase and its horizontal projection.

How to make a foot switch with speed control and reverse

An electric engraver bought in a store at an average price usually comes with standard assembly and accessories; a housing with a motor, a collet or jaw chuck, and an AC power supply that matches the power consumption of the motor.

How to update an old door with laminate and save on replacing it

If you cover an old wooden door with laminate, it will acquire a new attractive design and the heat and sound insulation will noticeably improve. With some diligence and effort, any adult can cope with such work. Costs for

Ultra-simple level indicator without transistors and microcircuits

There are circuits of simple signal level indicators that do not contain transistors or microcircuits. They don't even require a power source to operate. And the time spent on assembly will not exceed 20 - 30 minutes. Although, to be honest, it will work out in the end

How to make slate with high performance characteristics from leftover PVC pipes

If after laying or reconstructing communications there are pieces of plastic pipes left, then they can also be put to use, transforming them into something useful and necessary for the household or summer cottage.

How to make 1 more powerful engine from 3 small ones

Of course, one powerful DC motor is not the sum of three smaller motors. Some things will have to be removed, others changed and something added. With some accuracy and attentiveness, even a senior schoolchild can cope with this work.

How to make a wood crown with your own hands

In order to make a round hole in a wall made of wooden boards or drywall, you will need a drill, a pen, or a crown. If for small holes a drill or a pen is sufficient, then for large diameter holes you will need

Active solder flux and solder paste from what was on hand

Two great life hacks to make soldering easier. Homemade fluxes that do not require expensive or scarce components for preparation. Only citric acid, Vaseline and solder. Anyone can repeat it.

How to make a mini thermal power plant for a fire. Lighting and charging gadgets far from civilization

The article discusses a method for generating electricity using burned fuel and water. “We know, we know,” the power engineers will say. “This is how we generate electricity at our thermal power plants: fire heats water, steam rotates the generator shaft...” “No!” - With

Space eggs for Easter. Simple and uniquely beautiful

Most families make beautiful, bright, colored eggs on Easter Sunday. Even in those where people do not consider themselves believers. There are many options for coloring - the usual “old-fashioned” methods with beet or onion peels, using