Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 307

Master classes:

Children's knitted watch

When a baby or toddler grows up, they already know that a clock sounds “tick-tock.” Buying a watch for a baby these days is not difficult, but where is the guarantee that it is safe, and besides, a child can break it immediately on the first day. I suggest

For a master class - 150 rubles

Hello, dear site applicants. Our site needs your crafts, namely master classes. On average we pay 150 rubles. per article, in general the price varies from 100 – 500 rubles. Someone will say that this is not enough, but I will answer that we only buy

Lightweight and original wrist bracelet

A wrist bracelet is a very popular piece of jewelry. It was and is worn by representatives of all cultures of the world. Bracelets have been used since ancient times. This decoration was not worn only in the Middle Ages in Europe, because at that time people walked around naked

Stained glass made on glass

Making real stained glass windows, like those that we can see in cathedrals or in the windows of ancient buildings, is a rather painstaking task, and not everyone is ready to turn their home into a studio, equipped with everything necessary for this kind

Musketeer costume

It’s so customary: a child must wear a suit to the New Year’s party. It’s easier, of course, to buy a Batman or Spider-Man outfit in the store, and not bother with needlework. But at the festival there may be two, or even four, of such superheroes.

Hair band “White Dahlia”

To make such a hair decoration you will need to prepare: - pieces of satin white ribbon 2.5 cm wide, 5 cm long, 55 of them will be required. -lighter. - large pink beads, 3 pieces. - glue gun. -


What would be not only an excellent gift, but also an interior decoration? Of course, a hand-sewn soft bear. Therefore, we present to you a detailed master class on making a bear from fleece. Of course, you can sew a bear not only from fleece, but

Greeting card "Flower meadow"

Handmade postcards are always a pleasant surprise. Especially if you know that the person who gave it made it, it’s always doubly pleasant. Today we will create such a greeting card that will definitely lift your spirits

Bracelet with beaded hearts

This master class is more suitable for beginners. After all, there is nothing easier than weaving baubles from beads with a cross.Only today we will weave a bracelet in two rows and with hearts.


Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered the problem of losing a needle, followed by a long search in panic. So, to prevent this from happening to you again, I suggest you make a pincushion with which you will always know where your

Unique jewelry: beads, earrings

I think no one will deny the fact that all women love jewelry. For example, I prefer to have my own unique decoration for each outfit. Moreover, not just beads or earrings separately, but a whole set. I offer you a master class on


Materials: -Beads – 6 pcs. -Scissors -Engineers -Pillow for weaving -Threads for macrame -Pins

Nylon flower

How often do we find that our favorite tights tear? This happens especially often with children's tights. Agree, this is very offensive, especially if the child once put them on. As you understand, it’s not possible to sew up tights, but it’s a shame to throw them away. Therefore today we

Cold porcelain dog magnet

You can easily make beautiful magnets with your own hands. Polymer clay or cold porcelain are suitable for this. And in today’s master class you will learn how to make a “dog” magnet. Materials: - Stack for modeling - Magnet - Cold porcelain - Gouache

Making a textile passport cover

To make a textile passport cover, you will need cardboard with a density of 200 g/m2, scrap paper, purple office paper, checkered and floral cotton fabric, lace, decorations, PVA glue, glue stick, transparent polymer glue,

Flower with two tiers

Often seeing beautiful hair clips for girls on sale, we are amazed at how such beauty can be created. But in fact, everything is very simple. For example, here is a flower using the kanzashi technique, which can then be glued to a bobby pin and made

Original and stylish beads

Hello, dear needlewomen! Today I bring to your attention a master class on making such original and stylish beads. I have them made in amber-turquoise tones. You can choose the beads and colors that suit you

Paper fish

These beautiful fish can become a decoration for a child's room if you hang them on strings from the ceiling or from a chandelier. Then they will sway at the slightest breath of wind, as if floating on the waves. And also, having made several from multi-colored paper

Master class canned cucumbers with tomatoes

During the cucumber season, many people are engaged in canning, and each housewife has her own subtleties of pickling cucumbers. I would like to offer another option for canned cucumbers and tomatoes. Vegetables salted in this way always turn out successful, and

Gift packaging

Today you will learn how to present an ordinary gift in an unusual way. Wrapping it in shiny paper with a flower pattern and tying it with a bow is, of course, cute and beautiful.But how can you make packaging not only beautiful, but also functional? Look

Fabric rose

You can create very original flowers and even floral arrangements from fabric. Such textile flowers serve as decor for any surface: clothes, cards, boxes, curtains, hair bands, etc. In this master class you will learn how to create

Elastic band - a flower made of leather and fur

Every girl loves to decorate her head with bows, hoops or flowers. If you have a piece of thin leather at home (from an old bag, jacket or any other leather product), then do not throw it away, but make yourself a decoration with your own hands,

Cosmetic bag “Watermelon slice”

It is difficult to imagine a modern woman without a cosmetic bag that holds magical cosmetics that can be useful throughout the day. Due to frequent use, the cosmetic bag becomes unusable, and the woman has to buy a new one.


When organizing a children's birthday party, try the Mexican fun Piñata. A piñata is usually a fairly large papier-mâché shape that is hollow inside. It can be either a complex figure: a bird, a fish, the sun, etc., or a simple one