Children's knitted watch

When a baby or toddler grows up, they already know that a clock sounds “tick-tock.” Buying a watch for a baby these days is not difficult, but where is the guarantee that it is safe, and besides, a child can break it immediately on the first day. I suggest making a watch yourself, namely crocheting it. Yes, they don’t have a mechanism, but does a child need one? This is an excellent decoration for a child’s hand, he will be able to look at it when he rides in a stroller, he will tell and show it to all his friends and relatives.

To make a watch bracelet, I use thin yarn, 100% cotton, 7 different colors, because we need bright, unusual watches. In addition, to make the dial I use white yarn and red beads. You can take beads of any color as long as they stand out against the background. And, of course, a hook, preferably smaller than 0.9 mm. First you need to tie the watch case. To do this, take red yarn and cast on 2 VP. In the second loop, tie 6 sc (single crochet), then continue without a connecting loop and without lifting loops knitting all around. In the second row, knit 12 sc, in the third - 18 sc, in the fourth - 24 sc.Only at the end of this row is a connecting column to make the circle complete.

knitting in the round

The next step is to make the dial. But since the numbers are planned to be made from beads, you must first put 12 beads on the thread. Using white yarn, cast on 5 VPs and close the chain into a ring. Dial 12 dcs (dc) into the ring. Here you need to knit 3 VPs at the beginning of the row, and they count as 1 DC, and at the end of the row there is a connecting stitch. Knit the next row with a sc, knitting 2 sc from each previous row. Row 3 is the most difficult of all watch knitting rows. Knitting will be done with beads. In order to evenly arrange the beads, you need to knit 1 sc with beads, 1 without beads. Having knitted 1 RLS, you need to pull a bead to the base of the thread, place it in front of the knitting, insert a hook behind the beads and knit a RLS. The beads will be in the middle of the knitting. Continue this way until the end of the row. Knit the 4th row with a sc, adding after 1 row.

knitting in the round

Finally, using black thread and a needle, embroider the minute and hour hands. The dial is finished. It must subsequently be sewn into the watch case. Now you need to make a bracelet for the watch. To do this, fasten the thread in the marked place for the watch case and make a chain from the VP, having previously determined what size strap is needed.

knitting in the round

Attach the next shade of yarn and work a row of sc. Thus, knit 5 rows of strap on both sides of the body. Below the dial you need to make a regular strap without a fastener, and in the upper part you need to knit a loop of 10 VPs, tie it with a sc to make a loop for attaching the strap.

make a separate loop

knit 5 rows of strap

knit 5 rows of strap

knit 5 rows of strap

The work is almost finished.All that remains is to make a separate loop to secure the child on his arm. Cast on 15 VPs, close them in a ring, and use another yarn to tie a RLS ring.

make a separate loop

Place the ring on the top of the strap. Now you can put on your watch and go for a walk. This unique educational toy will help you quickly learn colors and learn to tell time.

Children's knitted watch

Children's knitted watch

Children's knitted watch
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