Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 2

Master classes:

How to sharpen a brake disc without a lathe and even without dismantling

When the brake disc overheats, it warps a little and the car begins to jerk when braking. Typically, the brake disc in such cases is turned on a lathe. But there is an opportunity to do without turning on a machine, and at the same time save

How to maintain a bicycle wheel hub with industrial bearings

Many bicycles are equipped with a rear hub with industrial bearings. This is a fairly reliable mechanism that only requires periodic replacement of those same bearings. You just need to figure out how to do it.

How to make a gun for quickly grouting tile joints

Anyone who has ever grouted tile joints with a spatula remembers well how long it took. You have to carefully press the fugue, then wait until it dries, and then wash the seams several times so as not to leave streaks. Having done this

Plant a tomato this way and get a strong and healthy harvest

To get more tasty and juicy tomatoes, you need to follow important growing steps.Namely, choose the right seedlings, take into account weather conditions and fertilize the crop. We'll show you what to do to make tomatoes grow

Fragrant pork marinated in soy sauce

We invite you to try an unusual way of cooking pork belly in soy sauce. Marinated, slightly fried meat is sure to please everyone.

How to transfer an image to any wooden surface

How to use a regular laser printer to accurately transfer printed images onto any wooden surface with your own hands Having a regular laser printer at your disposal, it will not be difficult to transfer printed images

How to make PET bottles a device for safe berry picking

From a plastic bottle, preferably thick-walled and therefore more rigid, but a regular one will do, remove the paper label. We drill many small holes in the lid with a drill. At the top of the bottle under the neck we draw a heart with a point,

How to paint a car without a garage, even in the forest

The car body inevitably gets damaged during operation and rust gradually appears in these places. Some cars initially have weak spots where the metal of the body begins to rust even without damage. In this regard

How to fix a crease in a pipe

A crack in the copper pipe of an air conditioner can occur for various reasons: due to careless work of the installer, damage by builders and finishers, or incorrect actions of the end user. The length of the copper tube crease depends on its size

How to make a convenient tool box from PVC pipe

As the basis of the tool box, we will take a PVC pipe with a diameter of 89 mm and a length of 32 cm. We draw a generatrix on its side surface. On a sheet of A4 paper, measure 13 cm along the long side. Apply the marked sheet to the generatrix on

How to make a shower system from PP pipes

We unscrew the flexible hose from the mixer and, turning it around the longitudinal axis 180 degrees in any direction, tighten the cold and hot water union nuts. In this case, the mixer fitting will be on top. We will need a PN20 polypropylene pipe,

1 common cause of sewer smell in the toilet and how to eliminate it

One of the reasons for the smell from the sewer into the room is the corrugated adapter with cilia (petals), which connects the toilet to the riser tee. Most often, such an adapter is simply inserted with cilia into the tee and left there

How to plate a part with nickel at home

Over time, metal parts lose their attractive appearance and become completely or partially covered with rust. But they can be “rejuvenated” using galvanization and without much expense. We securely attach pieces of copper wire to the rusty parts and

How to freeze dill, parsley and other herbs: basic rules

Frozen dill is an indispensable ingredient in the winter when preparing tartar sauce, first and second courses, filling for potato pies, salads, appetizers, and casseroles. Frozen parsley is also suitable for most

How to make a sprinkler for watering a garden. Doesn't clog or break

In the summer heat, plants in the country or even the grass on the lawn near the house quickly burn out without regular and sufficient watering. Let's look at how to organize it without wasting water and at the same time protecting plants from burning out under the scorching rays of the sun.

How to make a manual concrete mixer from a plastic barrel

We make the frame for the future concrete mixer from a suitable channel using welding. To do this, we will need a pair of long and short blanks. From the same material we make 2 racks for installing wheels, which we weld vertically into

Delicious zucchini pizza

Zucchini pizza is fantastic! You will get it right the first time and everyone will like it. To prepare such a pizza you will spend a maximum of an hour of time, including baking time. Do you like zucchini? Then let's begin!

How to make a mini hand drill from a pair of gears

We select 2 old gears suitable in size and number of teeth and put them in order, removing rust and various deposits. We carefully weld the bearing along the outer ring to the central hole of one gear without overheating.

Crispy capelin breaded with corn flour

Capelin is not a frequent guest on the table; many people buy this fish to feed their pets, but if you cook it according to this recipe, you will definitely love it and will cook it more often for your household.

“Eye of the Dragon” - a decorative panel with the symbol of 2024 made by yourself

The symbol of the coming 2024 according to the Eastern calendar will be a green wooden Dragon.Do you want him to patronize you in all matters? Then make a panel with his image and hang it in a prominent place in your home or workplace.

Quickly cut sprat without touching it with your hands

The edible part of sprat, as is known, is only the fillet, which is usually separated with a knife, which is not entirely convenient, given the small size of this type of fish.

How to prepare Petrovsky kvass without yeast

Kvass in itself is an excellent drink for quenching thirst, but it is also the main component of another irreplaceable dish in the summer heat - okroshka. Let's prepare one of the types of delicious kvass according to an old recipe called “Petrovsky”.

Raspberry jam without thickeners

I use my favorite canning recipe not only when I’m cooking for future use. But also if you need a small amount of this sweet treat urgently. For example, I decided to bake pancakes in the morning. And I’ll serve them this delicacy too. You can add to it

Life hack: how to protect bicycle wheels from punctures

A bicycle wheel puncture is not uncommon during its operation. Moreover, more often this does not happen from hitting a nail, self-tapping screw, screw or other sharp metal object, but from small pointed materials such as wood thorns, broken fragments