Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 185

Master classes:

Making a double bed with your own hands

In this article I will share with you how I managed to make a double bed. I've finally finished renovating my bedroom and it's time for the main feature of this room - the bed. I started looking on the Internet for options for the bed that I

Nodya - the longest burning fire

Spending the night fishing, hunting or on a hiking trip in winter can have a negative impact on your health if you do not take care of warm clothes and a good heat source. A winter tent with a stove saves you from the cold. But if such accessories are missing,

Amplifier based on the popular TDA2003 chip

This chip, TDA2003, has found wide application in literally all types of audio systems - it can be found in portable speakers, car radios, computer speakers, televisions and even small music centers. Such

Marinated champignons for winter and holidays

Autumn is the time for canning mushrooms, and for the holiday it wouldn’t hurt to prepare a couple of jars.Often, side dishes and all kinds of salads, the recipe of which includes pickled mushrooms, are served at a ceremonial feast. Thanks to the presence of essential oils

Drill sharpening device

One of the main parameters of a twist drill is the tip angle, which for durable metals (steel, cast iron, hard bronze, titanium, etc.) is approximately 120 degrees. The deviation of this angle is greater or lesser from

Arrangement of the working area in the workshop

I think that sooner or later every master begins to get annoyed by the lack of a normal workplace. So it was with me: the room allocated for the workshop looked more like a warehouse or just a cluttered closet, where all the tools were spread out

Light Crispy French Fries

Delicious food often turns out to be harmful. The king of fast food, the popular French fries, also belongs to it. Nutritionists and doctors strongly object to this dish. It's all about the fat in which the potatoes are fried. It adds not only to potatoes

Window decor for the New Year holidays

During the New Year holidays, I want to create some kind of fairy tale in my home interior. Needlewomen decorate a Christmas tree or pine tree with homemade toys, hang tinsel on the walls, and attach a Christmas wreath to the front door. And here are the windows

We connect a low-voltage soldering iron to a 220 network without a transformer

I have been using low voltage soldering irons for a very long time. It just so happened that I got a few of them. They are powered by a safe 42 volts. Usually they are connected to a transformer, but I don’t have one.I use it for nutrition

How to make fabric shoes waterproof

Sneakers and sneakers made of fabric are very soft, so they are often worn in the summer, but they are completely unsuitable for rainy weather. If you find yourself in them under a downpour, your feet are guaranteed to be wet. I offer a cheap 100% way to do

How to prevent an open tube of superglue from drying out

Oh, how many open tubes of super glue were damaged in my time... The situation is standard: you need to glue some small thing. Naturally, to do this, open a new tube of super glue and glue it. Next, close and remove the glue. But here

How to properly fry fresh crucian carp in a frying pan

This recipe is for those who love fresh river fish. If you cook it correctly, you get a delicious fish with a crispy golden crust. For frying, it is better to take crucian carp up to 20 cm in size. Thus, it will completely fit in the frying pan and

Wall mounted key storage

Who hasn't experienced the irritation of searching for a particular wrench in a bench drawer or special box where they are usually located in a chaotic mess? There is an opportunity not to spoil your mood, improve your culture

How to make a storm drainage system with a drainage well

When I bought the house, I was warned that a puddle would form in front of the garage when it rained. But the previous owner kept silent about the fact that, it turns out, water was leaking into the garage. To solve this problem, I decided to make a drainage system. Remove the storm drain pipe

Sleigh from a plastic barrel

Making a classic sled yourself according to all the canons will be quite difficult and will take a lot of time. And in terms of costs, it can cost a pretty penny. Another thing is a non-standard product, which in terms of reliability, capabilities and safety is not inferior to

Restoration of an old “killed” table

An old table, loose and shriveled, and what’s more, creaky, like an ungreased cart, and your hands are itching to throw it in the fire or in a landfill. But if you work on it a little, you can get a very good furniture accessory, like

How to unclog a sink drain

If the water in the sink where you wash dishes or brush your teeth does not drain, you can clean the drain in three ways without having much experience as a plumber.

How to make a Christmas tree using origami technique

Using modules, you can build a three-dimensional Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, which will delight you with its festive look if you then decorate it. The craft will also be useful for children, because the origami technique will allow them to develop imagination, accuracy and motor skills.

Quick and easy rain shelter

When going outdoors, you don’t always have to count on good weather. An ordinary tent can protect from rain and sun, but it will not save the barbecue grill and the entire surrounding area from it. A canopy made of

Kite from a package

The kite is the first flying machine invented by man. Its launch and flight can unite people of all ages and give a lot of impressions and joy.As children, most of us made a kite from improvised materials and

DIY room scents

A fragrance, or air freshener, for a room is not an essential thing, but still, staying in the room with it is much more comfortable than without it. Especially if you have guests. Especially if you have guests. Huge and varied number

How to solder SMD elements manually

Every day, radio amateurs are increasingly using SMD parts and components in their work. Despite their size, they are easier to work with: you don’t need to drill holes in the board, bite off long pins, etc. You need to master soldering SMD parts

Master class on creating an alpine slide

Well-maintained flower beds are always a special decoration of a personal plot. To create a “mountain corner”, simple inspiration is enough, and the size of the land practically does not matter. Build an alpine slide with your own hands

How to peel herring quickly and without bones

Cleaning herring is one of the most unpleasant procedures in the kitchen. There is a lot of fuss to remove the numerous bones from this fish, and it will also permeate the entire kitchen, cutting board and hands with a fishy smell. But there is technology that will help clean the herring