Light Crispy French Fries

Light Crispy French Fries

Delicious food often turns out to be harmful. The king of fast food, the popular French fries, also belongs to it. Nutritionists and doctors strongly object to this dish. It's all about the fat in which the potatoes are fried. It adds not only calories to potatoes, but also carcinogens - substances with dangerous properties that can cause the development of cancer.
Is there a way to cook potatoes so that they are tasty and safe for your health? Yes, if you completely avoid using boiling oil and bake the dish in the oven. French fries will taste more tender and lighter than those fried in oil. In addition, it will retain all useful minerals, including potassium, rich in vitamin C. It has been tested in practice that when baked, potatoes lose only 17% of the original amount of this vitamin. The secret to the taste of this recipe is using the right spices. Paprika and garlic make it special and increase its benefits.


To make easy French fries you will need:
  • three potatoes:
  • paprika;
  • dried ground garlic;
  • lemon;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Please note that three potatoes is the minimum amount for 1-2 servings.Olive oil will also work. It is better to choose “tasty” salt – with healthy additives.
Light Crispy French Fries

Cooking French fries in the oven

Peel the potatoes.
Light Crispy French Fries

Cut the potatoes into lengthwise slices.
Light Crispy French Fries

Add vegetable oil. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the chopped potatoes and mix.
Light Crispy French Fries

Sprinkle the potatoes with paprika. Sprinkle the potatoes generously with paprika and dry ground garlic to taste. Let us remind you that paprika is ground red peppers of different varieties. “Indian red salt” was brought to Europe by Columbus along with other spices. Its taste depends on the type of pepper. The pungency of paprika taste depends on the number of seeds that I leave during processing. In sweet paprika, all seeds are removed. One of its main components is red bell pepper. The calorie content of the seasoning is very low - one tablespoon contains only 19 kcal, but the beneficial properties are countless. Paprika is an antioxidant, improves immunity, burns fat, is a preventative against the formation of blood clots, cancer, tones the body, has analgesic, regenerating, and antibacterial properties. It goes great with potatoes. Sprinkle dry ground garlic on top of the paprika. It is somewhat inferior to fresh in terms of benefits, but it also has advantages: you won’t have to worry that your breath will smell bad.
Light Crispy French Fries

Sprinkle the potatoes with salt. Place the prepared potatoes on a baking sheet, after greasing them with sunflower oil. If the baking sheet does not have non-stick properties, it is better to play it safe and place special baking paper or a layer of foil on it.Sprinkle the potatoes with salt and place in the oven at medium temperature for 30 or 40 minutes.
Light Crispy French Fries

Turn the potatoes over. After 25 minutes, when the potatoes are covered with a soft golden crust, carefully remove the baking sheet and turn it over with a wooden spatula. Place in the oven for another 5-7 minutes until fully cooked.
Light Crispy French Fries

All is ready! Remove the potatoes and place them on a plate. Light French fries are much tastier and healthier than fast food ones - you will see this for yourself. Sprinkle with fresh dill, add fresh vegetables or salad, pieces of soft cheese. Time to try some delicious potatoes!
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Comments (3)
  1. boyfox
    #1 boyfox Guests 30 October 2018 12:44
    I watched it before lunch and my mouth started watering. It looks very appetizing and not only looks.
  2. Guest Victor
    #2 Guest Victor Guests 30 October 2018 14:38
    They called it potatoes only because there are more of them? There is a taste of paprika, garlic and lemon, you won't find the taste of potatoes.
  3. Sector
    #3 Sector Guests February 1, 2019 09:09
    I always ask everyone one simple question, to which I rarely hear an intelligible answer.
    I'll ask it to you too.How is paprika different from red capsicum? Well, or green (yellow). It doesn't really matter.