How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

I was recently in a gift shop where my attention was drawn to a seemingly useless item—a jar of peanut butter that was empty inside. I didn’t understand the essence of this souvenir, but I came up with the idea of ​​how to make a small hiding place in which you can store small valuables or a cash stash.
How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

I took the idea from a souvenir I saw: there should be emptiness inside the jar. Only instead of peanut butter I decided to use corn kernels. My logic is simple: thieves will see peanut butter and might want to try it, and then they found a stash. And a can of corn certainly won't attract attention. You can also take any other product: buckwheat or peas.

What will it take?

Necessary materials:
  • Empty water bottle.
  • Liter jar with a neck with a screw cap.
  • Marker and scissors.
  • Bulk product to fill free space.

How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

How to make: step-by-step instructions for making a cache in a jar

Having collected all the necessary components, I proceeded as follows:
1. Removed the sticker from the bottle and dried the container well. By the way, the jar should also be dry.
How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

2. I inserted the bottle bottom down into the jar.
3. I drew a line on the bottle along the very edge of the neck of the can and cut it with scissors along this mark.
How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

After this, it remains to fill the internal space between the wall of the can and the bottle. It turned out to be easy to do: the plastic bottle bends and you can freely fill even large grains.
How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

Having filled the entire space, I shook the jar a little, after which I needed to add more, since the large grains were well compacted.
This is how it turned out to be a jar with a secret, which is absolutely inconspicuous in the kitchen. You can store valuable jewelry, keys or money in it.
How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

How to make a hiding place in the kitchen

Original article in English
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Comments (5)
  1. -Anna
    #1 -Anna Guests 6 September 2018 14:20
    How many robberies I know (both in the 70s and recently), all the cereals are poured out of cans onto the floor
  2. Guest Oleg
    #2 Guest Oleg Guests 6 September 2018 15:26
    Now everyone knows where to look.
  3. Tatiana
    #3 Tatiana Guests 6 September 2018 17:04
    The most important thing is not to put it in dishes or in bed linen. It’s better to come up with an unusual place, and thieves may not even get into your place. They love the rich
  4. Galina
    #4 Galina Guests 10 September 2018 11:12
    Haven’t you heard such nonsense? These pictures are meant to appear on the screen? Thieves, after all, first of all pour out all the cereals in the kitchen. I agree with Anna.
  5. Love
    #5 Love Guests September 29, 2018 07:23
    At our dacha, all the cereals, pasta, salt were poured onto the floor, the freezer was cleaned, the laundry was thrown out of the closet, the pockets in jackets were turned out, the vase was broken, the pillows were cut, food and alcohol (even half-drunk) were taken away. In short, this cache is only for our own people.