Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 157

Master classes:

How to Boil Eggs for Quick and Easy Peeling

Are you planning to make salads for the holiday? Naturally, you will need to hard boil at least a dozen eggs. And then clean them too. For some, this is a whole problem. If for you too, then after this life hack everything will be much faster, because

Powerful cutter from a washing machine engine

Milling cutters are widely used in furniture production and, since they are professional equipment, are not cheap. Among them, the most versatile and widely used is a plunge-cutting (vertical or rod) milling cutter, which can be made

How I freeze tomatoes for the winter, a useful trick

Experienced housewives use various methods of preserving vegetables, including freezing. But different vegetables behave differently after defrosting. I tried to preserve sliced ​​tomatoes this way, but after thawing they look like

Water, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide against rust - I share my personal experience of cleaning a dish dryer

Vacation “crept up unnoticed.”The time has come to do something that you simply haven’t gotten around to doing all year. I've been looking at my dish drainer for a long time. It is metal, bought in an economy class store. The quality is appropriate. So

How to make a gate with a secret: yours will open, someone else’s won’t

Everyone wants to protect their area from the penetration of unauthorized persons; for this purpose, various fences are erected, gates and wickets are made. A lock is installed on the gate; it is used when leaving home for a long time. Used daily

A very simple grinding machine made from available materials

The disc grinding machine has the simplest design among the entire list of workshop equipment. In this regard, you can make such a tool yourself, and spend the saved money on something else. Homemade grinding machine

12 V welding machine from a battery for welding thin metal

Sometimes there is a need for electric welding of small parts that will not be subject to serious load. In the absence of a welding machine, this problem can be solved using a battery and a graphite rod from a AA battery.

Harvesting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor. How to improve your potato digger

All modern walk-behind tractors have a set of attachments for performing various agricultural work. With their help, it is much easier to prepare the soil, care for crops, and harvest crops. It is much easier to dig potatoes using

Convenient plastic bucket reel for storing garden hose

Watering hoses in a garden or summer cottage last for many years. To prevent them from deteriorating longer, after use they must be collected in a bay and stored in a secluded place, protected from the sun and other adverse external factors.

How to make a super grinder yourself from an ordinary grinder

Purchasing a factory-made belt grinder is associated with high costs. Also, the industrial grinder has large dimensions and may require a significant area for its installation. But it is possible to make this

Powerful electromagnet from a microwave oven

With the help of a beam crane, it is easy to move steel parts around the room: quickly and effortlessly. But most often these parts have completely different shapes, and attaching them with strapping is extremely inconvenient, sometimes even impossible. To do this, we suggest collecting

Awesome DIY Viking ax from an old rusty ax

Many people have an old rusty ax without a handle lying around in their garage or pantry, which should have been thrown away or brought to life a long time ago. I propose an interesting solution for restoring it and turning it into a stylized Viking axe.

An easy way to restore a rusty tool

Over time, even products made from tool steel with alloy additives rust, especially if they are rarely used and stored in an insufficiently dry and ventilated place. How to remove rust from tools if it does

Portable amplifier based on TDA1517

Despite the abundance of powerful microcircuit and transistor audio amplifiers, there is always a need to have a small portable stereo amplifier that does not require powerful power. Just such a thing can be built on the TDA1517P chip, its other

Cooking river fish over a fire - fried crucian carp is finger-licking good

Outdoor recreation is often accompanied by cooking barbecue. When you're tired of pork and chicken, move on to fish. Residents of reservoirs are very susceptible to roasting over fire and the composition of the marinade. In these moments you need to be careful, not

How to sterilize jars in the oven - save time and resources

Total processing in the oven or microwave will help save time on sterilizing containers before canning. The procedure will not only save your minutes, but also gas or electricity consumption.

How to restore and sharpen a rusty knife

If a knife is not used for a long time, its blade becomes covered with surface rust, which not only spoils the appearance, but also dulls the blade in the first place. There is no point in immediately starting to sharpen a rusty knife - you must first

Do-it-yourself electric hacksaw from a grinder

The grinder is an excellent tool for improvement. Its design is well suited for connecting various accessories that completely change the functionality of an angle grinder. Many of these attachments can be made with your own hands. An example of this is the removable

2 tricks: how to cut a thread with a bolt and seal with copper wire

Sometimes it becomes necessary to restore the thread in the hole of a body part, a nut, or even cut it into metal that is not too hard. When you have a suitable tap with accessories at hand, performing these operations is not difficult. But how

Concrete rocket furnace - it won't rust behind them

Oh, how nice it is to cook and eat outdoors, in the garden, at the dacha... Small metal stoves are often used for these purposes. But this is not entirely convenient, since after use they need to be removed indoors from rain or from various metal thieves.

Cast iron frying pan: cleaning and care

Traditional cast iron frying pans have one drawback - over time, food begins to burn. It takes on a dark, ugly appearance and makes the cooking process more complicated. If the carbon deposits are not very old, then you can not only get rid of unpleasant phenomena, but also

Simple DIY folding clothes dryer

This is a very convenient clothes dryer that will not bother anyone since it easily folds when not in use. Very simple design to repeat. To extend the life of clothes and linen and at the same time maintain their presentation, they should not be

This is the easiest and fastest way to boil eggs tasty and beautiful.

I am absolutely sure that this recipe is the fastest, healthiest and most beautiful for preparing eggs. Perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner. An egg cooked in this way will complement any dish: soup, noodles, any other side dish, sandwich. Not worth it

How to quickly uproot a large stump with a minimum of effort

There are situations when it is necessary to uproot a large stump at a summer cottage or in a garden. Digging it up by hand and chopping the roots is very long and difficult; such work may take more than one day. Problems will increase if the site has black soil and