Workshop. Page 19

Master classes:

Universal jig for sharpening circular saws using regular sandpaper

In order for a tipped circular saw to dust without chipping, the teeth must be sharpened in two planes with a strictly specified angle. It is convenient to do this on a self-made conductor.

Convenient and simple workbench for trimming boards

Wood processing is a multifaceted job. Each stage has its own nuances. And if to harvest the wood directly you need machines, chainsaws, and transporters, then to dismantle solid wood boards you cannot do without a sawmill. Everyone is doing this

Convenient brake shoe attachment for welding pipes at right angles

If you often have to weld profile pipes, then in order to speed up the process as much as possible and achieve precise observance of the right angle, it is worth making the following device. When using it, the pipes will not be welded, so each connection

4 Useful Bolts and Nuts Tools for Electricians and Plumbers

Sometimes you have to perform one-time repair work, for which purchasing a specialized tool is impractical. In such situations, you can make do with homemade devices made from scrap materials.

How to forge a cutter from a bearing ball

The bearing ball is made of very high quality steel, so if you forge a cutter from it and apply the correct hardening, the cutting edge of the tool will hold its edge perfectly. At first glance, the implementation of the idea of ​​a blade made from a ball is very

How to make a band saw from bicycle wheels

To cut metal workpieces, you can make a band saw. Bicycle rims are perfect for use as pulleys. When using a sufficiently powerful motor, a homemade saw is generally in no way inferior to a purchased one.

How to make a high-quality housing for installing a bearing without a lathe

If, when assembling a machine tool or other mechanism, it becomes necessary to make a housing for pressing a bearing onto a plate, this can be done in a regular garage without using a lathe. Moreover, the finished part will look like

How to cast high-quality aluminum blanks for a grinder

In order not to buy expensive aluminum blanks for turning, they can be cast at home from unnecessary scrap. To do this, you need to make a box for the sand mold and a model of the blank.

How to make a jigsaw attachment for a drill or screwdriver

To quickly cut wooden blanks into shapes, you can attach an attachment to a drill or screwdriver.It works like a jigsaw, so if you don’t have such a tool yet, you can successfully replace it with a homemade one.

Do-it-yourself miter saw based on a grinder with a broach

For precise cutting of sheet materials, you can make a miter saw with a broach driven by a grinder. It will also allow you to cut long rolled metal, and when installing the appropriate cutting disc, it will be able to work with lumber and

How to make a cross-cutting machine from an old bicycle and an angle grinder

Outdated mechanisms can be used to make other useful tools and devices. This will rid the site of accumulated scrap metal, and will also allow you to abandon the purchase of factory solutions.

How to make clamping pliers for any purpose with a long gripping distance

When performing various work in the workshop, powerful clamping pliers may be required, effectively replacing a clamp and a vice. They are useful for fixing workpieces when cutting, gluing, drilling or welding. Thanks to the

This grinder machine cleans rusty pipes in no time

If there is a large amount of work to be done to clean pipes from rust, then you can make a machine that can do this 100 times faster. Its design provides for the installation of two grinders for a 125 mm disc, so if you have them, then

Great use of a washing machine engine: a powerful engraving machine

The motor from the washing machine is high-speed and powerful, so it is ideal for driving the engraver.Without a good engraving machine, you can make it yourself. Moreover, a homemade engraver will be no worse than expensive branded ones, both in terms of

How to firmly fit a hammer onto a handle without a wedge

What do a sledgehammer, an ax and a hammer have in common? Operating principle. They need a swing to strike. That’s why a handle is needed, and the heavier the tool, the longer it is, as a rule. While swinging at the metal part of the instrument

Make this machine and forget about stupid drills forever

To quickly and correctly sharpen drills, you can assemble a simple machine that allows you to edit them at the correct angle. A homemade mini machine takes up virtually no space in the workshop. When storing it, it can be placed even in a box

Now it has become convenient to work - a simple modification of the grinder

If the grinder has a thick body that is uncomfortable to hold in your hand, it can be extended with a wooden handle. The instrument modified in this way will be much easier to hold in your hands than originally.

How to make the simplest mini horn

When making small homemade products, sometimes a forge is needed to harden or temper the metal. If you plan to process only small workpieces in it or simply melt non-ferrous metals with it, then the forge can be quite compact. IN

How to make a shock-resistant tool handle from a plastic canister

Files, chisels, screwdrivers and knives with wooden handles often become unusable due to the wood splitting from swelling or impact.HDPE handles, which you can make yourself, are much stronger.

How to return transparency to plastic manually

Transparent plastic, due to its low hardness, gets scratched and rubbed over time, becoming dull and completely opaque. As a result, the product made from it becomes unusable. To restore its transparency, you need to polish it. This

From an old hub we make a workbench with a rotating platform for welding work

Having little free space in the garage or a cramped workshop, it is very difficult to equip a comfortable workspace there. The workbench has to be placed under the wall, which, when working on it, forces you to turn over heavy workpieces, since you can approach them from the other

How to use a worn tap

When cleaning out storage bins in a garage or workshop, you often come across worn out tools that have not been used for a long time. Often, such finds can be put to good use by converting them into the necessary devices. By finding old taps you can use them to make

3 useful homemade products from old valves

The steel used to make valves is highly hard but not brittle. Therefore, the old valves remaining after engine repair can be used as blanks for the manufacture of various tools.

How to Make a Miniature 12V Drilling Press

For precise drilling on small parts, it is best to use a small drilling machine. It allows you to correctly position the drill at a right angle, which is extremely important when even a millimeter error can ruin the part.Collect