Cooking. Page 34

Master classes:

Salad "Squid"

Ingredients: - squid fillet 200 grams; - chicken eggs 3 pieces; - one onion (depending on size); - 2-3 potatoes (depending on size); - 1-2 pickled cucumbers; - mayonnaise; - salt to taste.

Salad "Homemade"

For this simple salad you will need: - 3 chicken eggs; - about a tablespoon of potato starch; - chicken fillet 200 grams; - Korean carrots 100 grams; - one onion; - mayonnaise 2 tablespoons; - sunflower oil.

Fruit salad with yogurt and chocolate

Every caring mother wants to please her kids with a sweet and healthy dish. An interesting fruit salad can be prepared in just a few minutes without much effort.

Rassolnik in Leningrad style

In many Russian families it is customary to cook soups. Usually these are rich thick cabbage soup, borscht, rassolnik, which go well especially in winter. Coming in from the cold, pour a plate of steaming, aromatic, hearty brew - and immediately the world will become kinder, and you -

Citrus peels for tea

How do you like tea? With or without lemon? If you like tea with lemon, this recipe will come in handy.You have never tried such a fragrant drink! This recipe will complement every housewife's culinary repertoire with dignity. He teaches you to save, because start

Soup “Homemade”

Do you want to return to your childhood, to a village house, where your beloved grandmother greets you with a plate of delicious soup? The recipe presented here is perfect for this purpose! Light, delicate, simple, and at the same time unique taste - this is the main thing

Appetizing snack on chips with cheese and garlic

Product composition: -Hard cheese of any brand 100 grams. -Fresh tomatoes 260 grams. -A bunch of greenery. -Mayonnaise to taste. -A couple of cloves of fresh garlic. - Potato chips are smooth and round, like Pringles. - Olives to decorate the appetizer.

Diet-friendly salad

As you know, corn reduces appetite, so for anyone who wants to lose extra pounds, this product should be in first place. During processing, corn grains lose almost all their beneficial properties, so it is necessary to

Charlotte recipe

To prepare charlotte we need: Flour – 150 gr. Sugar – 150 gr. Apples – 3 pieces Eggs – 4 pieces Butter.

How to make mulled wine at home

What could be better on a cold winter evening than a glass of warm drink in the company of friends? Mulled wine is a traditional winter warming drink. It is made on the basis of wine, alcohol itself has warming properties, and if it

Lazy dumplings

This dish is not only very tasty, but also very healthy.If you play sports, then you will definitely include these dumplings in your diet; high protein content and low fat content is what you need. Lazy dumplings are great for

Recipe “Salad with “Kirieshki”

Today I suggest you prepare a very tasty and simple salad with croutons. I received the recipe for this salad from my mother several years ago, and now it is always on our holiday table. This salad has several advantages: the salad is hearty,

Adjika homemade

Ingredients: tomatoes – 5 kg, sweet bell pepper – 0.5 kg, carrots – 0.5 kg, onions – 0.5 kg, sour apples – 0.5 kg, hot pepper – 2 pcs., garlic – 200 gr. , salt - 1 cup without top, vegetable oil - 0.5 cups, sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking condensed milk at home

Required ingredients: 250 ml milk. 150 g milk powder. 300 g sugar. How to cook: Mix milk, milk powder and sugar. Place in a water bath. Cook stirring for about 1 hour. Everything is as simple as day). Bon appetit!

Apples baked with cottage cheese

Delicious and healthy dessert. Ingredients: Apples – 6 pcs. Cottage cheese – 150 gr. Sugar – 2 tablespoons. Egg. Almonds - a handful. Cinnamon, honey

Chocolate pancake recipe

I would like to share with you a recipe for the most delicious pancakes, which are prepared very quickly, and the taste will make you fall in love with them. In order to prepare chocolate pancakes you will need: Kefir - 400 ml Flour - 300g Sugar - 60 g Cocoa powder - 40 g Egg

Rice-chicken balls with cheese “Nezhnye”

You will need: 170 g long grain white rice; 260 ml of drinking water; 180 g processed cheese; 250 g chicken breast meat without skin; 100 ml sunflower oil for frying; 60 g breadcrumbs; 2 pcs. chicken eggs; Table salt, pepper.

Healthy homemade yogurt for your kids

Our beloved children love yogurt so much that they cannot live without it. Stores are now filled with many types of this product. Manufacturers add many preservatives to this wonderful drink. And although they understand that they are doing it

Potato pancakes with meat

Potato pancakes with meat are a dish designed for true potato connoisseurs. It has an incomparable taste, appearance and aroma. Fried pork meat adds zest to this dish. Surely many will like this option

Mushroom champignon soup

I suggest you prepare a delicious, satisfying dish from available ingredients! Ingredients: potatoes 14 pcs., champignons 24 pcs., onions 2 pcs., processed cheese 2 pcs., vegetable oil 6 tbsp., water 4.5 l., salt to taste, herbs for decoration.

Oatmeal pancakes with apples

Do you like unusual and light dishes? Try making oatmeal pancakes with apple slices! This light dish is perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack, and its unusual appearance will add a pleasant variety to an ordinary meal!

Crispy sauerkraut

Cabbage is a valuable source of vitamins and microelements. It does not lose its usefulness even when fermented. The most delicious cabbage is obtained if you add carrots to it when fermenting.

Chicken chops recipe

I offer a fairly simple recipe for chicken chops that even novice housewives can do. The chops turn out juicy and very tasty!

Cheese puffs made from ready-made puff pastry

If you want to bake delicious puff pastries with your own hands, but you don’t have enough time to prepare your own dough, then it’s convenient to use ready-made puff pastry. The recipe for cheese puffs will make it very easy to prepare aromatic,