Diet-friendly salad

Diet-friendly salad

As you know, corn reduces appetite, so for anyone who wants to lose extra pounds, this product should be in first place. During processing, corn grains lose almost all their beneficial properties, so it is necessary to supplement corn dishes with products containing vitamins and microelements. Leafy green vegetables are the best source. The lemon-oil filling promotes rapid absorption of the product, and the abundance of fiber in cabbage and head lettuce promotes and cleanses the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.


  • white cabbage - 50 g,
  • red head lettuce - 2-3 leaves,
  • red salad onion - 50 g,
  • ripe tomato - 1 pc.,
  • canned corn - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • several sprigs of fresh parsley and dill.

For refueling:
  • a little ready-made mustard, 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice, soy sauce and olive oil.


Tear the lettuce leaves into pieces. Place in a salad bowl. Thinly slice the white cabbage into ribbons. Lightly mash the cabbage. Add to salad bowl.

Chop or tear the greens, add to the salad bowl,

mix with chopped red onion half rings.

Cut the ripe red tomato into large slices. Place on greens in a salad bowl. Add corn kernels. It turns out a very beautiful bright color scheme.
Let's prepare the salad dressing.

Squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lemon into a separate bowl.

add olive oil (or flaxseed), soy sauce and mustard. Mix everything well.

Water the salad just before serving.
Gently mix so that each leaf is covered with filling.

It turns out not only tasty, but also very elegant, beautiful and appetizing. This salad can be served successfully on a holiday table.
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Comments (2)
  1. radomila
    #1 radomila Guests November 19, 2012 12:06
    Any vegetable or fruit helps you maintain your diet because it contains water. Water kills your appetite - this is a known fact.
  2. Polinka2008
    #2 Polinka2008 Guests 29 August 2017 19:39
    I will definitely share the recipe with my colleagues, they often organize fasting days. Moreover, now is the season, and there is no need to spend money on store-bought vegetables.