Cooking. Page 32

Master classes:

Jelly dessert "Broken glass"

Ingredients: 1. 3 packs of jelly of different colors, 100 g each; 2. 2 packs of vanilla sugar; 3. 500 ml milk; 4. A pack of instant gelatin (15 g); 5. 350 gr. Sahara. Preparation. Boil water. We will need 900 ml of boiling water. Prepare 3 forms for

Rosette made of mastic

The celebration is coming very soon, and you want to surprise your guests with something? Or better yet, should this “something” be made with your own hands? Then you've come to the right place! In this master class you will learn how to decorate a cake with beautiful roses from mastic,

Homemade cottage cheese

When a household has a cow, then the problem of purchasing dairy products is solved for a long time. From milk in an ordinary kitchen you can produce everything for which it is the basis. This includes cottage cheese, butter, and kefir with fermented baked milk. The best epithets

Poultry meat in brine (for long-term storage)

Many poultry growing in the backyards of private sector residents require processing after slaughter. Not everything fits in freezers; some have to be stored in jars. Meat pieces are sent to stew, and the bones are rolled into cylinders

Master class canned cucumbers with tomatoes

During the cucumber season, many people are engaged in canning, and each housewife has her own subtleties of pickling cucumbers. I would like to offer another option for canned cucumbers and tomatoes. Vegetables salted in this way always turn out successful, and

Fish soup at the stake

Summer fish soup over a fire can be prepared not only from river or lake fish. It turns out even tastier from the sea! For this dish you don't need to use good cuts, just the head and trimmings of red fish such as trout, salmon or salmon.

Apricot puree for children

The benefits of apricot are not a myth, but a real fact. A growing child's body must receive vitamins throughout the year. Where can I get them? Of course, in apricot. Apricot contains many beneficial vitamins, including phosphorus and

Homemade cheese cheese

Homemade cheese, the process of which is completely in the hands of the housewife from scratch, is sometimes much better than cheese from the store with its not entirely healthy additives and “secrets” of production. You will be surprised, but you can prepare many varieties at home: mascarpone,

Creamy ice cream made from homemade milk

When you want to please your nearest and dearest with natural and delicious creamy ice cream, prepare it according to this recipe. Preparing homemade ice cream takes only a few minutes, the set of ingredients is minimal, and the result

Pine cone jam

Pine is a beautiful and very useful tree. It purifies the air and fills it with a charming aroma. Everything that grows on this tree is a panacea for many diseases.The needles, in addition to essential oils, contain various vitamins. There's a lot in it

Homemade shawarma

Sharma is a traditional Caucasian dish, but its combination of taste, grilled on coals, meat and juicy vegetables will not leave any gourmet indifferent.

Chicken soup in a slow cooker

Making chicken soup in a slow cooker is quick and easy. An important advantage of this method of cooking is that homemade chicken in a slow cooker cooks very well and becomes soft, whereas on the stove this result may not be achieved.

Natural candies

Increasingly, nowadays, we have begun to pay more attention to what we eat. Perhaps people have finally begun to understand how much truth there is in the saying “you are what you eat.” Or they have already poisoned their body to such an extent that it makes itself felt more and more often,

Lemon-honey drink

A lemon-honey drink is a magical salvation in the heat. This is a kind of analogue of lemonade, but much tastier and healthier. The main thing is that you can prepare it quickly and use it right away, without waiting for all the ingredients to brew and soak into each other.

Coconut oil

The nutritional value of coconut is known even far beyond the paradises of the world where it grows. And legends are made about the magical properties of coconut oil. It is simultaneously nourishing, softening, regenerating, moisturizing, strengthening,

Roll up birch sap

Unfortunately, the birch sap season is short. And we really want this tasty and healthy drink to please us for a long time, and even better – all year round. In this case, canning will come to our aid. Rolling birch sap onto

Cooking homemade cottage cheese

As practice shows, most modern industrially produced products are of rather dubious quality. It’s especially offensive for those products that we are all accustomed to considering natural. These include cottage cheese,

Omelet with croutons

You don't always have time to cook something special for dinner. And you always want to eat. The fastest dish to prepare is, of course, an omelette. And also with an omelet you get a very tasty salad.

Stuffed zucchini “For those on a diet”

A healthy person can prepare himself a lot of delicious dishes. What should those who have been diagnosed with one of the gastrointestinal tract diseases do? Diet No. 5 recommended by doctors imposes many prohibitions. But also from the remaining list of permitted

Pollock fillet with onion and sour cream

I personally don’t really like cooking and eating fish, but I liked this simple recipe. Very simple and the fish turns out delicious. Necessary ingredients for cooking fish: 1 fish fillet; 3 teaspoons sour cream; 5 milliliters sunflower

Pancakes with meat

The process of making pancakes with meat is considered one of the simplest and most accessible. This dish is able to satisfy even the strongest hunger, and the meat filling is universal and everyone likes it. If you are tired of cooking various roasts and side dishes

Ice cream

The recipe is very simple. We take any berries. It can be raspberries, black currants, red currants, strawberries, blueberries. The ice cream is quite hard, so you need to let it melt a little. Then it is spooned onto a plate. If

Curd cookies

Curd pastries have a special taste and can be said to be always popular. This simple treat is great for kids. Curd cookies are not very sweet, they have few calories, so those who are not used to them should also appreciate them.

Hot smoked fish with stuffing

Getting hot smoked fish at home is not at all a difficult task, and the advantages of a natural product with excellent taste and original smell, and the absence of popular chemicals (liquid smoke) are undeniable. For cooking