Electronics. Page 20

Master classes:

How to convert a gasoline car into an electric car with minimal modifications

The main trend in the modern automotive industry is the use of electric drives in production vehicles. It is impossible to organize conveyor production of cars in a garage, but even a novice mechanic can assemble one electric car. IN

2 in 1: Powerful flashlight - DIY power bank made from PVC pipe

The supply market is overflowing with various flashlights for every taste and budget, but today we will look at how to make a very high-quality thing yourself and literally from available materials. Most flashlights sold are based on the most

How to make a fog machine from a hair dryer

You can put on a real show at home or just “let in the fog” using a homemade fog machine. 01 The heart of the device is an electric hair dryer. The cheapest model will do, for 350-400 rubles. Even if there is an old “grandmother’s” hairdryer lying somewhere, it too

How to make a Power bank - keychain

External chargers are very compact in size, and their transportation does not present any difficulties.However, if you look at things with your own eyes, not every one of us carries this useful gadget with us. There is plenty for that

How to make a solar collector for heating water in a country house

Having problems with power supply, the issue of obtaining hot water for technical needs is greatly complicated. An effective solution in such a situation would be to use a solar water collector. It will allow you to heat water from sunlight to 40

A useful auto tester that everyone can do

It will be very cool if you make this mini tester and always carry it with you in the car. After all, with the help of it you can: check the functionality of lamps and fuses without removing them from their seats, find out the polarity and presence

How to assemble a solar collector for heating from aluminum cans

To heat a garage, workshop, chicken coop or even a house, you can use solar collectors, which make heating practically free. Such devices collect thermal energy from the Sun and direct it into the room, using

I disassembled the broken charger and assembled a 220 V boost converter from three of its parts

Hi all! Once I wanted to throw a broken cell phone charger in the trash, but then the thought arose that maybe it could be useful for something else. I decided to disassemble the case and look inside. A classic scheme appeared before me

How to assemble a cheap cordless drill

The drill is a very convenient tool for performing precise grinding, cutting and drilling work, especially if it is powered by a battery. However, the cost of such a tool in a stand-alone version is quite high, so if desired,

How to convert a light motorcycle into an electric bike with minimal modifications

Electric motorcycles are very profitable in terms of operation, but since they are a new product, they are still expensive. If the appearance of the equipment is not critical for you, then you can convert almost any light motorcycle or

DIY cordless grinder

High-speed 12 V motors can be used to make various power tools, including a homemade lightweight cordless angle grinder. The cost of its assembly is quite low, since many parts can be removed from

How to make a simple high voltage converter from an ignition coil and relay

There are many interesting DIY electrical projects that require converting low voltage DC to high voltage AC. This may be needed when assembling a homemade plasma lamp, or just for

Converting a car generator into a powerful electric motor

Car generators, due to their design, are small in size and have very high power. It would seem that such a tiny thing can easily produce an average of 2000 W of power (there are models up to 5 kW). The generator cannot work as

How to convert a fan motor into a generator

Most office network fans use asynchronous motors with a squirrel-cage rotor. Such a motor can only convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, but not vice versa. When rotating its shaft, it is forced into its

How to simply solder aluminum tightly with regular solder

Soldering aluminum with standard solder using conventional technology is unreliable and impossible. The tin on it rolls into a ball, not wanting to stick, and if it does stick, the result is a weak connection that breaks under the slightest load. To

How to make a mini 12 V uninterruptible power supply for a router

If there is a power outage at your home, this does not mean that the incoming electrical or fiber optic cable has lost internet. Most families have a central router at home that distributes the Internet to all mobile devices

Do-it-yourself multi-channel Li-ion charging

Another charging station. The guys from laser tag have updated their weapons staff. In this batch, the equipment is powered by a Li-ion battery. We received a task to make multi-channel charging for simultaneous charging of 20-25 weapons. Back to the rescue again

Homemade mini gasoline generator 12 V from a trimmer

This is the smallest generator that can be made from a trimmer (mower) engine. Extremely small dimensions are achieved through the use of a permanent magnet generator without field windings. This installation can power

How to make a table lamp from an old mug (with built-in battery)

A table lamp is not exactly a necessary thing, but sometimes there are times when you can’t live without it. So it’s better to always have it on the table. And even better - if it is a small lamp with built-in batteries that are charged while the lamp is working

Frequent malfunction in the repair of DVB-T2 set-top boxes

In 2019, the transition of Russian television to digital format ended. This circumstance caused a lot of trouble for owners of old TVs. They had to buy new TVs or special set-top boxes that would enable the new

How to quickly convert a soldering iron into a soldering iron

To repair and assemble microcircuits, a soldering gun is required. It allows you to solder and desolder miniature SMD components by heating the solder locally in a selected area. In its absence, you can get out of the situation temporarily or on a permanent basis.

A useful device! Chuck-socket adapter

Have you ever had a situation when you need an outlet, but nearby, from a source of electricity, there is only a light bulb. So this situation happened to me. One of the fastenings on the trash can broke off. I took the tools and realized that the length of my

How to solder aluminum for centuries without a special flux

The surface of aluminum is covered with an oxide film, which interferes with soldering. Even if the solder sticks, under load everything falls off. The problem is partially solved by the use of specialized fluxes and solders, but there is also a simpler one

How to convert a cordless screwdriver to 220 V

Over time, the battery of a cordless screwdriver wears out, so you have to charge it more often and for longer.In order not to change it, you can switch the tool to mains power, thereby ensuring its uninterrupted operation. If there is a block