DIY electronics. Page 10

Master classes:

A device for testing any transistors

This is another article dedicated to a novice radio amateur. Checking the functionality of transistors is perhaps the most important thing, since it is a non-working transistor that causes the failure of the entire circuit. Most often among novice amateurs

Doorbell from bite alarm

Not long ago I bought a bite alarm for a fishing rod. After 2 days of work it broke. It turned out that the piece of iron that was being pulled by the fishing line had broken. This piece of iron pressed on the contacts, completing the circuit. It was a pity to throw away such a thing, and the sound

Acoustic switch made easy

A couple of weeks ago, an LED panel for room lighting was assembled and it was decided to assemble an acoustic switch for it, and today I want to look at perhaps the simplest acoustic switch circuit.

Refinement of energy-saving LED lamp

We sell lamps with pins and with an E-27 base.The price with pins is 130 rubles and 195 rubles and with a base 250-300 rubles and 500-550 rubles. I decided why I should overpay for each light bulb from 120 to 350 rubles. If you can take free socles as many as you want from burnt ones

Color music from hard drive

I present to your attention another color music, or rather it would be a volume level indicator, since it is a column of LEDs that turn on one after another depending on the output signal of the audio amplifier. For


This is the kind of toy my father, a radio amateur, soldered. What kind of clever device is this? This is a theremin. A little history, of course, needs to be told. The first theremin was created in 1908 by the Russian scientist and musician Theremin, from where he got his

Ionophone - singing arc

Now I will tell you how to make an “Ionophone” or as it is also called “singing arc” with your own hands. Actually, from the names you can already guess that the ionophone is a source of sound. The sound in this device comes from a burning arc, the timbre

Contactless key

In this article I will tell you how to make a simple and reliable version of a contactless key. First, I’ll explain what this key is, the point is that there is a transmitter on a battery and a receiver built into the device we need

Simple hidden wiring detector

Everyone can make a simple hidden wiring detector, and most importantly useful in the household. All parts are available or replaceable with similar ones. The power source is dead batteries or something similar.

Soldering Tool

This simple, and most importantly necessary device for work can be made by anyone at home with their own hands. It will take no more than 15 minutes, but working with a soldering iron will be beneficial and convenient. . .

Programmer for MK

This programmer is one of the simplest and most common. It contains a minimum of details and is easy to replicate. . .

Arc discharge

So, an arc discharge is one of the most beautiful manifestations of electric current in gases. The electric arc is not only beautiful, but also useful, it is used for welding metals, also a huge temperature arises around the arc and the air becomes very

Low battery indicator

This indicator will promptly inform you that your battery is low. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is the clarity of operation. In other words, the signal LED lights up immediately without gradually increasing brightness.

LED flashlight from 1.5 V and below

The blocking generator is a generator of short-term pulses repeated at fairly large intervals of time. One of the advantages of blocking generators is their comparative simplicity, the ability to connect the load through

LED cube 3x3x3 non-programmable

I think many people wanted to assemble such a cube, but not everyone had the opportunity to purchase a microcontroller (MK), and not everyone knows how to program. So here's an alternative. . .


You can make a very beautiful Christmas tree if you wish. And it’s unlikely that anyone else will have one like this. You can even give this device to someone. The principle of operation of the Christmas tree is quite simple.

10 Watt LED light

LEDs can be very efficient and economical in long-term use. 10 watt LED bulbs can replace a 100 watt incandescent bulb or a 30 watt compact fluorescent bulb. Despite the relatively high

The simplest temperature regulator for a soldering iron tip.

Almost every radio amateur is faced with the problem of an overheated soldering iron, when the tip heats up more than necessary. Soldering with such a soldering iron is not very convenient: the solder begins to change color, becomes covered with an oxide film, the flux instantly evaporates or

Guitar Pickup

There are many ways to make guitar pickups. I will tell you about the simplest one, which requires minimal knowledge in radio engineering.

Squeezing the last juice out of the battery

Alkaline batteries last quite a long time, but when their charge drops below one volt they become useless in most devices. Usually such batteries are thrown away. I suggest using battery energy more efficiently and making

Installation and upgrade of a motion sensor

This article is not a guide on how to install a sensor, but rather on how to upgrade it yourself for home use. Now motion sensors are sold completely ready for installation.In addition to the motion sensor itself, it has a built-in light sensor and

Mini flashlight

There are times when a small-sized light source is needed or a light source is not at hand at all. This mini flashlight can come to your aid. It can be made in a short period of time from available parts.


An electroscope is a simple indicator device for determining electrical charge. It is very easy to make at home with your own hands. To do this we need a piece of foil and a jar with a plastic lid. . .

Clock - night light

A night light clock is a wonderful thing for those who like to wake up at night. Usually people wake up in the middle of the night and frantically look for their mobile phone to check the time. Our craft kills two birds with one stone: it is both a clock illumination and a night light. Sveta