Guitar Pickup

Guitar pickups from tone-2a speakers

There are many ways to make guitar pickups. I will tell you about the simplest one, which requires minimal knowledge in radio engineering. First we need to find the things needed for this:

1) 3 tone-2 speakers (there may be a different letter index) with a resistance of at least 1000-1500 ohms. They can be found in “ancient” telephone handsets or bought from junk dealers (maybe they are also sold in radio stores, I don’t know for sure)

They are not suitable with low resistance (50-600 ohms) because... They give a weak signal and no amplifier can amplify it.

2) Connecting wires (several pieces for connecting speakers in series), Shielded wire of a length at your discretion. Everything is sold at an electrical store.

Any shielded wire will do, buy the cheapest one, or find a couple of meters of unnecessary television cable at home. You can take a two-core unshielded wire, but in this case it will “fake.” There is no need to buy connecting wires, you can always find some non-working tape recorder in the closet and take it from there

3) 2 plugs for and socket for plug

We need to dwell on this in more detail, it all depends on what you will connect the pickups to - to a DVD player, music center or to a computer through the microphone input.

You can take any first plug and socket. This is necessary so as not to get tangled in the wire and disconnect the cord from the guitar

The second plug depends on the amplifier:

For computer - headphone plug

For the video recorder - microphone plug

For music center - 2 tulips


In principle, you can buy a ready-made cord. Plugs and sockets are also sold. To save money, you can take the socket from the player, and the plug from old headphones (cut off the insulation with a knife and solder the wires)

4) And of course the acoustic guitar that we want to convert into electric.


-Take the speakers and unscrew the top cover, remove the membrane. We no longer need covers and membranes, although excellent mediators can be cut out of membranes with simple scissors. The coil and thin wires extending from it will become visible. All subsequent operations should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the winding on the reel.

- We clamp the speaker in a vice and cut off the threaded edges with a hacksaw and round it a little with a file for beauty (so that they don’t cling to the strings)

-We perform the same operations with the remaining speakers... congratulations, 3 pickups are ready. This is what should happen:

Now they need to be connected in series (remember school physics courses =))

I won’t show complex diagrams, but will simply draw a schematic diagram of how to connect the pickups and all the other nonsense:

Have you figured it out a little? Now I'll explain. We connect 3 pickups in series with wires, this is very easy to do because The fasteners are bolts.Solder the plug to the shielded wire, and the socket to the two wires extending from the outer pickups. Next, we solder the plug corresponding to the amplifier. Now all that remains is to attach the pickups to the guitar. This can be done using glue, plasticine, or tape directly to the deck itself. Magnetic plates should be located along the strings. The pickups themselves are located in a ladder

For those who find it difficult to solder a plug:

The results of our efforts: now we can record the sound from a guitar on a computer using a sound recording program, connect it to the center and change the equalizer settings, and play loudly using a video recorder. The sound will be like an acoustic, but louder. To make a killer sound like an electric guitar, you need a lotion. In the following articles I will tell you how to make a simple lotion with your own hands.

Conclusion: purchased pickups for an acoustic guitar cost 500-1000 rubles. , and ours will cost no more than 100 rubles or even free if you already had all the components.

Author of the article: Makarov Kirill

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Comments (9)
  1. feelloff
    #1 feelloff Guests December 6, 2010 20:42
    It's hard to find such ancient headphones. . . cool
  2. Ulti
    #2 Ulti Guests 16 November 2011 19:47
    what if the speakers
    Speaker 2514 8Ohm 1.0W
    Speaker 3514 Ohm
    This is even better?
  3. Ulti
    #3 Ulti Guests November 16, 2011 20:00
    Yes, and I connected an ordinary microphone (naked) with a resistance of 1.3 kOhm according to the same principle as written, but nothing happened ((
  4. purgen2013
    #4 purgen2013 Guests 25 November 2011 19:41
    No, when I “remodeled” the acoustics, I used another pickup...
  5. Ulti
    #5 Ulti Guests 28 December 2011 22:10
    tell me which one? and why it doesn’t work with my microphone? I connected the 8560Q I assembled at the TD to a powerful amplifier))
  6. Novel
    #6 Novel Guests 21 February 2012 14:16
    people, did I screw something up or something?
    In general, I found an old telephone, unscrewed everything from the receiver as in the picture, but even if you cut off the thread, the coil is still high and will not fit under the strings...*(((
  7. zanudatb
    #7 zanudatb Guests June 27, 2012 07:30
    Curious. Just in case, it’s probably worth adding that such a device will only function on acoustic guitars, always with metal strings. Classics with nylon will not work.
  8. vladgad10
    #8 vladgad10 Guests 15 February 2014 22:41
    Did! Everything works great, but it does have some noise. I'll buy a good shielded wire and see what happens. I took 1600 Ohm headphones (one tom2 and 2 nir2) Thank you very much! Very satisfied!
  9. ss581
    #9 ss581 Guests December 3, 2022 10:58
    Things are old... In my youth (1971-1973), we paid 35 kopecks for a couple of bottles of Zhigulevsky. they exchanged from signalmen soldiers old and at that time similar capsules, but only larger in size and with a resistance of 8000 ohms with two magnets (for 2 strings at once). Those were the pickups!!!