
This is the kind of toy my father, a radio amateur, soldered. What kind of clever device is this? This is a theremin.
A little history, of course, needs to be told. The first theremin was created in 1908 by the Russian scientist and musician Theremin, which is where it got its name. The principle of operation is simple: depending on the lighting, the device makes peculiar sounds. Thus, it can be considered the first musical electric instrument.

DIY theremin

DIY theremin

What my father made cannot be called a real theremin, most likely it is a toy with a photoresistor, but it is still interesting. This is due to the fact that the output sound is polyphonic, while Theremin’s theremin was single-voiced.
Making this miracle device is not very complicated. All you need to do is go to the nearest radio store and buy all the necessary parts, and their price, to be honest, is not that high. Or you can disassemble your old Chinese tape recorder, where you will find half the parts.

DIY theremin

DIY theremin

For ease of soldering and manufacturing, it is better to buy a prototype printed circuit board. Simply the process of drawing the tracks and then etching them will take an indefinite period of time.A ready-made breadboard will speed up the process and you can make this device yourself literally in the evening.
Because This is not his own invention, he worked according to this scheme, and, of course, modernized it a little so that the device worked better and looked modern. An audio output, on/off button and volume control have been added to the device.
This device operates on the basis of a 555 microcircuit, or as it is also called a “timer”.

DIY theremin

DIY theremin

The pitch of the tone is modulated using a photoresistor. It all depends on the lighting in the room. By moving your hand you either close or open the light from reaching the photoresistor. This device runs on a regular Krona battery.

DIY theremin

DIY theremin
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Comments (14)
  1. Veent
    #1 Veent Guests 23 February 2012 18:12
    I didn’t understand anything. What is this device for and what sound does it make, a squeak?
  2. Igor
    #2 Igor Guests 24 February 2012 20:59
    What is this? And how does it work and what is it for???
  3. feelloff
    #3 feelloff Guests 24 February 2012 21:17
    Read - it’s still clear, I made such a miracle as a child, albeit with MP38 transistors.
  4. tigozawr
    #4 tigozawr Guests 14 March 2012 21:14
    uh... Is theremin a photocell? Personally, I read that somehow everything works out with the help of antennas.
  5. Dragon1964
    #5 Dragon1964 Guests 9 May 2012 14:49
    It's a pity. It seems that all circuits that do not have their own name are usually called “theremin”. Looks like dense ignorance.
    Meanwhile, the author of the invention - Lev Sergeevich Termen - created a design that worked on a completely different principle and he initially called it an etherophone, and journalists came up with another name - theremin (including the name of the inventor in the name).
    There are 2 high frequency generators in the Theremin circuit. The frequency of one oscillator is stable - it is called a reference oscillator. The frequency of the second oscillator in the initial state is the same as that of the reference oscillator, but it can be changed by introducing additional capacitance into the oscillatory circuit circuit. This is done by approaching the hand with a special pin electrode included in the generator circuit. Therefore, the second generator is usually called controlled. Next, the frequencies of the two generators are mixed and, with the help of filters, a difference sound signal is obtained, the tone of which will depend on the amount of additional capacity introduced into the circuit of the controlled generator (i.e., on the distance between the pin and the performer’s hand).
    It is this principle that is included in the formula of the invention - theremin, and not any other.
    Circuits with light control, circuits using variable resistance of fingers applied to special electrodes and many others, please call them by their names.
  6. novel
    #6 novel Guests November 4, 2012 11:31
    Good afternoon.
    Can you tell me where I can buy theremins?
    Are they produced in our country?
    What is being sold is very expensive and many people cannot afford it?
    Maybe there are masters who are ready to make them?
    I have a household appliances store, I can help with the sale, and I would like to buy a theremin for myself...
  7. feliix
    #7 feliix Guests 17 November 2012 16:48
    Tell me what parts are needed, otherwise I don’t see half of the details on the diagram smile and by the way this is an optical theremin
  8. MrErsh
    #8 MrErsh Guests December 3, 2012 19:57
    The author (or someone who understood this drawing), write a list of parts please.
  9. Dmitry Vladimirovich
    #9 Dmitry Vladimirovich Guests 7 January 2013 18:59
    The difference from a real Theremin is not at all in the control principle - light, capacitance, inductance are not the essence. The original instruments have a special sound due to the harmonic nature of the synthesis. And this device is a simple multivibrator with contactless frequency adjustment. Now, if the author had implemented the original idea for a simple grind, then this would have been serious.
  10. Daniel
    #10 Daniel Guests 4 November 2013 12:04
    Ahah. Your own invention? There are a lot of tweeter circuits for 555 with a photoresistor.