alternative energy

Master classes:

How to make a solar cell from transistors

Everyone knows (and those who don’t know, find out now) that silicon is used to produce the main types of solar cells. This is a semiconductor that is widely used in the manufacture of radio-electronic components. For example, in production

Making a high-efficiency solar water heater with a power of 1600 W

In recent years, solar collectors for heating water have become increasingly common on garden plots. With their help you can actually get practically boiling water on summer days. They are also used to heat the coolant during heating. However the price

How to make a simple 220V generator with your own hands

For most people, a homemade generator is associated with a converted electric motor. In fact, it can be done differently, literally from scratch. Moreover, it is absolutely not difficult, fast and inexpensive.

How to make the simplest wind generator blades

When assembling a wind generator from scrap materials to generate free electricity, there is a difficulty in making blades that can respond even to weak gusts of wind. Without a good impeller, even a factory generator will not work

How to make a small electric generator from a Segway and a trimmer motor

Away from cities where the power supply is unstable or non-existent, a small power generator is often needed. We'll tell you how to assemble it yourself. Such a device, of course, will be inferior to generators in all respects,

Windmill made from an old hoverboard and water pipe

The motor wheel and other parts from an old hoverboard will be the optimal basis for making a wind generator. Plywood is used as the tail, and the blades are cut from PVC pipe. Such a windmill is capable of generating power up to 150 W at

How to make a simple 50 V generator

Sometimes, to convert energy from alternative sources, a homemade generator with certain parameters is required. It would seem almost impossible to do it yourself, but if you really look at things, then there is nothing particularly difficult here. Now

How to make a solar collector for heating water in a country house

Having problems with power supply, the issue of obtaining hot water for technical needs is greatly complicated. An effective solution in such a situation would be to use a solar water collector. It will allow you to heat water from sunlight to 40

How to assemble a solar collector for heating from aluminum cans

To heat a garage, workshop, chicken coop or even a house, you can use solar collectors, which make heating practically free. Such devices collect thermal energy from the Sun and direct it into the room, using

How to convert a fan motor into a generator

Most office network fans use asynchronous motors with a squirrel-cage rotor. Such a motor can only convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, but not vice versa. When rotating its shaft, it is forced into its

Free energy from the stream. Do-it-yourself mini hydroelectric power station

Making a miniature hydroelectric power station for lighting, charging phones and other needs is quite simple. Such a power plant can be built in a country house, on a hike - when setting up a tent camp, and anywhere where there is no electricity, but there is a stream or

A simple do-it-yourself gasoline generator made from available parts

Your attention will be offered to two designs of the simplest homemade gasoline generator, made on the basis of an engine from a trimmer and a car generator. The power of such an installation can vary from 1 to 2 kW. It all depends on

Production of fuel briquettes from sawdust and paper

An excellent use for wood waste is the production of fuel briquettes. They allow you to cope with the ever-increasing amount of shavings, sawdust from work in carpentry workshops and garbage on the farm. Things that are usually thrown away or burned

Adding a solar panel to your smartphone

In this article we will look at how to make a solar cell phone charger. This device is easy to manufacture, has low weight and dimensions, but performs a very useful function. It will become an indispensable assistant

Manual generator with ionistors for starting the engine

This manually rechargeable battery can be used to start your vehicle's engine when the main battery is low. In addition, this device can power various inverters with loads, LED lamps, charge smartphones, etc.

DIY mini wind generator

In places without electricity, there is a problem with recharging smartphones and other equipment. Using a power bank is only a temporary measure. It is much safer to acquire a free alternative source of energy. A homemade one will do just fine.

Polycarbonate solar collector

On the Internet I saw a lot of different technologies and methods for making solar water heaters and decided to share my own experience. I consider this project to be very successful, since literally every centimeter of the collector surface is in direct

Wind generator from HDD and washing machine pumps

A simple wind generator can be made from several faulty hard drives and a water pump from a washing machine. Alternative energy is closer than it seems; there is now more than enough junk to make such necessary gizmos. Such

Homemade hydroelectric power station from an old washing machine

I have always been fascinated by obtaining free energy from natural resources. And somehow I got the idea to make a simple mini power station that would generate electricity from a passing water stream. It all started with an idea

How to make a solar water heater

An excellent homemade product for a summer house, which on a good summer day will provide you with hot water, heated by absolutely free solar energy. Hot water can be useful for washing dishes, hands and for other needs. solar water heater

Generator from an asynchronous motor

The basis was an industrial asynchronous AC motor with a power of 1.5 kW and a shaft speed of 960 rpm. By itself, such a motor cannot initially work as a generator. It needs improvement, namely replacement or

Eternal flashlight without batteries

In our world, quite a lot of people are engaged in homemade experiments in home laboratories and workshops. For some, it is a way to assert themselves, for others, it is a desire to develop their abilities. So what if it's an experiment from

An electric generator based on a thermoacoustic engine is not a myth!

Alternative energy sources are the most fashionable trend in science today. Advanced technologies are competing to obtain cheap electricity from the energy of air, sun, and water. And absolutely all of them are fighting for maximum efficiency. After all, if

Dynamo flashlight from stepper motor

Now a lot of digital equipment is breaking down, computers, printers, scanners. Time is like this - the old is replaced by the new. But equipment that has failed can still serve, although not all of it, but certain parts of it for sure. For example, in printers and