How to get rid of foggy windows in winter

In winter, for various reasons (poor quality of windows, unprofessional installation, poor ventilation in the room, insufficient heating, etc.), fogging of the glass of the window opening may occur. There is no opportunity to replace windows; it is also impossible to adjust ventilation and increase the temperature in the room.

What will you need?

The situation seems hopeless if you don’t remember energy-saving film, which can be purchased in the store at a very affordable price. With its help, you can prevent windows from fogging, and any adult can do this work, since this does not require special knowledge or professional experience.

Included such a film Includes double-sided tape and detailed instructions for its use. After unpacking the film, it is discovered that it is 80 cm wide and folded in half. To work with such film you will need ordinary scissors, a sharp knife and a household hair dryer.

Eliminate fogging of windows

Next, we measure the required window sizes with the greatest possible accuracy and carefully transfer them to energy-saving film and rationally cut it out using scissors and a knife.

Before using double-sided tape, and even more so, film for its main purpose, we clean the window frame and glass, remove dirt and debris, wash, dry and degrease the working surfaces with appropriate means.

Now we have created all the possibilities to accurately and reliably stick double-sided tape onto the window frame, strictly focusing on the edges located closer to the glass.

Place adhesive tape on the surface energy-saving film and evenly warm it up with a home hairdryer from a safe distance, setting the appropriate temperature for the heat-generating device.

Since the film has pronounced heat-shrink properties, it stretches when heated, becomes completely invisible and does not impair visibility through the window glass at all.

The price of the film is mainly determined by its thickness and can vary up to three times. Instead of energy saving film you can use a more affordable PVC film up to 0.2 mm thick, which is absolutely transparent and superior to energy-saving film in terms of strength indicators.

The actual result after gluing the film is the formation of another chamber, which will reliably prevent windows from fogging, regardless of the temperature outside the room.

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