Velvet money bag

Many people hide money in envelopes, piggy banks or books in order to save up for something they like, being carried away by the Feng Shui style, I know for sure that money should be folded into something beautiful and expensive, banknotes should be comfortable and pleasant. No matter how funny it may sound, money loves luxury, I want to show how you can make a beautiful money bag out of velvet and ribbons.
We will need: Velvet, lace, gold-colored fabric, ribbons, beads, lavsan and nylon thread. Bead needles, ribbon needles, scissors, pin.
We cut out a strip from velvet fabric for the future bag, that is, determine the size of the bag yourself, after which you make sketches with lavsan thread, tucking the fabric for the lace.

Velvet money bag

Before you sew a strip into a future bag, you need to completely embroider and decorate it, and only then sew it and pull the lace through. We embroider decorations on the fabric, make flower petals with ribbons, in my bag there is the largest white flower, take a wide white ribbon and get started.

Then, using a needle and thread and ribbons, we wind the roses, the roses are made quickly and not difficult, the main thing is to hem each curl with a thread, do not tighten the curls too much, you choose the size of the roses yourself, I made them small.

Now we sew the previously prepared roses onto the future bag, sew it tightly, but carefully so that the fabric does not deform, the velvet fabric can be damaged by the needle, so we carefully try on each flower and sew it on so as not to make holes in the fabric.

After the roses are sewn, we make petals around the roses; to do this, take a ribbon needle and ribbon, and carefully, without damaging the fabric, embroider the petals.

Then we carefully straighten everything, tighten something here, hem it somewhere, straighten the fabric and get ready to sew the bag.

Let's start finishing the bag, using a sewing machine we sew our bag together adding gold fabric on the sides, thereby the bag will become wider and more beautiful.

We sew the gold fabric very carefully and remember that we will need to insert the lace into the previously prepared place.

Now, with the help of a pin, we insert a lace, it can be anything you like, long or short, I took a twisted thread.

The bag is ready, now we take the beads and carefully sew the beads to the bag, sew them with nylon thread. It turned out to be a very beautiful and rich bag, you don’t always find one like this in the store, you can use it not only for money, but also as a phone case, etc.

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